Analyzing President Trump's Approval Rating
By: Bill O'ReillyDecember 19, 2017
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President Trump’s job approval rating stands at 35 percent according to a new CNN poll. That 35 number is his core support line, meaning that he is not persuading many other Americans that his administration is benefiting them. 

Some will holler fake news because CNN is so fervently anti-Trump but I think there’s something else in play.  It takes time for many human beings to digest events and arrive at conclusions, especially when so many people are distracted or busy.
President Trump is putting the economy above all else and if things continue to improve in that area, higher wages and more attainable jobs, his poll numbers will rise into the mid 40’s. But that’s about all he can hope for because the constant media bashing takes a huge toll, especially on Americans who do not pay attention to issues.
Yesterday on Facebook Live, I analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of the Trump administration.  If you missed it, we have posted it on the site.
Tonight on the No Spin News, the lead story is my analysis of the CNN poll and what it really means.  Despite negative polling, Mr. Trump can win re-election if he does certain things.  We hope you’ll check out the NSN.
Finally, if you want some great Christmas gifts at very moderate prices, please go to our store and take advantage of some super deals.
Thanks for visiting us today, hope you’re enjoying the season.
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