Are you an extremist?
By: Bill O'ReillyAugust 24, 2005
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Are you... an extremist? We've devised a short list of indicators:
  • If you think Michael Moore reports accurately... you're an extremist.
  • If you think the documentary "Outfoxed" tells the truth about this network... you're in the extreme zone.
  • If you agree with Reverends Falwell and Robertson that gays and abortionists caused God to allow 9/11... you are an extremist.
  • If you still think Terri Schiavo was aware of her surroundings... this extreme is for you.
  • If you believe an open border is good for the USA... you have entered extreme territory.
  • If you feel foreign terrorists have constitutional rights, and convicted child sex offenders should not serve long prison terms... say hello to the extremist label.
  • If you agree that Allah is okay with slaughtering civilians... you are extreme. If you admire the philosophy of the Third Reich... you are there.
  • If you agree with everything President Bush has done... you are an extremist. If you think everything he's done has been bad... put a big E on your forehead.
  • And finally, if you applaud when Barbra Streisand talks geo-politics or when a right-wing talk show host urges a nuclear strike on Iran... welcome to the wonderful world of extremism.