Bill & Beck Discuss the Retirement of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, Media Hysteria, and More
By: StaffJune 29, 2018
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Bill & Beck Discuss the Retirement of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, Media Hysteria, and More

It’s Friday and you know what that means, the weekly illuminating and informational interview between Bill and Beck.

The first topic that Beck dives into is Justice Anthony Kennedy retiring from the Supreme Court. Bill says he knows Kennedy pretty well. He’s a very deliberate guy and he loves America which is the key to any supreme court justice. You need to love the country and understand what it stands for, which most younger Americans do not understand. Bill goes on to say that the reaction to Kennedy’s retirement was the best sitcom that he’s seen in years, watching the left-wing react to the news. This week, Sonya Sotomayor, the most liberal justice on the Supreme Court, admitted that she dissented about the ability of a president to stop people from entering the U.S. She admitted it not based on the law, but instead based her opinion on the fact that she doesn’t like Trump’s rhetoric. The law be damned, Justice Sotomayor was offended so she voted against what is obviously a power that the president has. Once Justice Kennedy retires, you put another traditional justice on the bench and the far-left is toast when it comes to the big issues. They won’t be able to rule on their own ideology, which is what they want.

Beck asks Bill if he’s worried about what will happen regarding the elections this fall. Bill says he doesn’t know if it can get any worse because we’re on the edge of violence which is what Bill’s column, Virtue Fascism, is about. We’re on the edge of violence and the media is directly responsible for that. The media and the far-left is trying to insight irrational behavior. Beck says that the left maybe thinks that President Trump’s behavior insights violence. Bill agrees and says that isn’t a totally specious argument. At times the president has gone too far with his rhetoric, any fair-minded person knows that, but you do not justify bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior.

After the break, Beck comes back with other hot button issues from this week. He asks Bill if we should have the right to serve or not serve anyone at a privately-owned restaurant or other business? Bill says that legally if you are the owner of a business and you wanted to deny someone service, you can do that unless the person is a designated minority, because they’re protected by law. Bill says that is not a law that he would change because if you have somebody who is causing a ruckus and it’s not a criminal offense, it’s just somebody who’s hurting your business you should be able to deny them service and get them out of there.

Beck mentions a poll to start off the next topic, saying that 35% believe that it’s very likely that we will be in a civil war within four years and an additional 11% say they are absolutely sure. So now almost half of the country says we’ll be in a civil war in the next four years. Beck asks Bill, what does that say to you? Bill says, they’re right, we’re here. The civil war isn’t coming, the social civil war is underway.

As the last topic, Beck asks Bill for his thoughts on the elections this week. Bill said he didn’t really follow the elections. However, the Democratic Socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, in New York beat a 10-term Congressman because that is a very poor district. Ocasio-Cortez is a very good campaigner, she went out, knocked on doors and spoke to the folks so she deserved to win. Rep. Joe Crowley, that she beat has no connection to that district at all. He’s a white male and this is a very heavily minority district, so Bill says that he’s not surprised, but does it have any wider implications? No.

TagsJustice Anthony KennedyMedia MadnessPoliticsSarah Huckabee SandersSupreme CourtTrumpU.S.
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