Bill O'Reilly: Another terror attack on American soil
By: StaffApril 17, 2013
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By Bill O'Reilly

We now know about the human toll of the Boston terror attack yesterday, more than 170 people were hurt, three are dead including an eight-year-old boy. Some of the injuries are horrific.


DR. GEORGE VELMAHOS, CHIEF OF TRAUMA, MASS. GEN. HOSPITAL: Eight patients are in more severe conditions than the rest and they have undergone major operations. Predominantly unfortunately amputations because of the devastating effects of the bombs.

There are a variety of sharp objects that we found in their bodies, probably this bomb had multiple metallic fragments in them. And we removed pellets and nails. We have performed four amputations and there are two more limbs that are at risk. But I hope that we will save those legs.


O'REILLY: Now the dead boy was Martin Richard, eight years old as I said, and his mother and sister also suffered serious injuries. The Richard family well known in Dorchester, a working class neighborhood of Boston. Martin's father Bill is a community leader.


JANE SHERMAN, RICHARD FAMILY NEIGHBOR: I said "Oh, my God, Bill, are you ok?" And he didn't even answer me. And his friend came over to tell me what has happened. And I was just in shock and horrified. He just told me that Martin had died and other ones were in the hospital.

And I didn't ask any more questions. I didn't feel it appropriate at that time.

Well it's sad, it's very, very sad. There are no words to describe this whole situation.


O'REILLY: And that's true. It is impossible to put things like this into context. Terrorists are obviously targeting America. So far U.S. authorities have done an excellent job in my opinion in protecting us but it was inevitable that someone would get through.

Now about the bombs. Fox News is reporting they were homemade, put into a knapsack and placed in garbage cans. The bombs contained nails, ball bearings and BB's those are designed to maim people. Also bombs like this have been used in Afghanistan but again they seem to be homemade with ingredients you can buy at any hardware store.

Right now there is nothing to do but wait for more information. U.S. intelligence as I said the best in the world, FBI a first rate organization. "Talking Points" believes the perps will be found and brought to justice and executed. But if this is an international terror attack, the repercussions will be severe. And if it's home-grown, that will be another stain on American history.

And that "The Memo."

- You can catch Bill O'Reilly's "Talking Points Memo" weeknights at 8 and 11 p.m. ET on the Fox News Channel and any time on Send your comments to:

Transcript Date: 
Tue, 04/16/2013
Transcript Show Name: 
O'Reilly Factor
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