Bill O'Reilly: Three Negatives for President Obama Already This Week
By: StaffApril 27, 2011
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By Bill O'Reilly

First of all, a USA Today analysis of federal records shows that more Americans are now depending on government assistance than at any other time in the nation's history. In 2010, close to 20 percent of the nation's total personal income came from the feds. That includes Social Security, Medicare, food stamps, unemployment and other entitlements.

Incredibly, wages accounted for just 51 percent of the income Americans secured. That is the lowest wage level since the feds began keeping records in 1929.

So you can see that under President Obama, the welfare state in America is growing fast. That is very bad news for him.

On the poll front, an ABC News survey says that 60 percent of independents who say they've been hit hard by rising gas prices will not vote for President Obama next time around. And in a Gallup poll, 46 percent of Americans overall say they will definitely not vote for Mr. Obama no matter what. Again, not good for the president.

Finally, as you may know, Mr. and Mrs. Obama attended Easter services at the Shiloh Baptist Church in Washington. Here's the problem. The pastor is a guy named Wallace Smith, who is a race activist. Here's what he said in a speech last year:


WALLACE SMITH, PASTOR, SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH: When you look at what's going on, it may not be Jim Crow anymore. Now Jim Crow wears blue pinstripes, goes to law school and carries fancy briefs and cases. And now Jim Crow has become "James Crow, Esquire," and he doesn't have to wear white robes anymore because now he can wear the protective cover of talk radio or can get a regular news program on Fox.


Pastor Smith apparently believes that the American establishment, including some media outlets like FNC, is racist, designed to keep black Americans down. That is an outrageous charge unless you can prove it, and Pastor Smith cannot prove it. He's  bloviating, stirring up alleged bias for absolutely no reason.

So the question becomes: Why would the president sit in a church run by a guy like Wallace Smith?

I can't answer that question, but I'm offended by the pastor's statement about Fox News. I've been here 15 years. I don't know anybody in this organization who's racist, and if Pastor Smith wants to debate it, he's welcome here anytime. But I predict he will not show up on "The Factor" because he can't back up his racially charged statements.

Again, does the pastor deserve being legitimized by the president of the United States?

And that's "The Memo."

Pinheads & Patriots

Monday night I asked you whether I -- and I am your pal -- am a pinhead or a patriot for not caring much about the royal wedding.


BILL O'REILLY: The royal family now is fine. You know, they're fine. Who cares?


O'REILLY: But they got their money in nefarious ways, in brutal ways.

HUDDY: Let's look back to Americans' beginnings. Sometimes we didn't do the best things.

O'REILLY: I don't know if we're celebrating that here.

HUDDY: We're not celebrating Henry VIII and all his wives and all of his cheating and all of his creepiness. We're celebrating the royal family and Kate.

O'REILLY: We're celebrating the monarchy, and the monarchy throughout history has been dubious to say the least.


Now, the vote is very, very close as to whether I am indeed a pinhead or a patriot for that opinion. So we're going to keep it open one more night. Please go to and opine. Only one vote per person, please. We'll give you the results on Wednesday.

— You can catch Bill O'Reilly's "Talking Points Memo" and "Pinheads & Patriots" weeknights at 8 and 11 p.m. ET on the Fox News Channel and any time on Send your comments to:

Transcript Date: 
Tue, 04/26/2011
Transcript Show Name: 
O'Reilly Factor