Bill on how Trump can Persuade Skeptical Americans
By: Bill O'ReillyAugust 18, 2016
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Donald Trump's shakeup gamble
Donald Trump's shakeup gamble
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Clinton releases ad focused on Trump's tax returns
Clinton releases ad focused on Trump's tax returns

Hey Premium Members. Welcome to the No Spin News, August 18th, Thursday, 2016.

It’s interesting that the Trump campaign is recognizing that there are some problems. There’s no question about it. If they don’t begin persuading the American people, not about issues, it’s really not about issues, it’s about temperament. 

So Donald Trump now has to persuade Americans that ok, look, “I had to be bombastic, and that’s what I am by nature, to get your attention and to persuade the Republican base that I was the best candidate. I did that. But now I have to show you that I can do the job and not go off the rails if I’m elected president.” 

That’s what it’s all about now. He has to persuade skeptical Americans—because remember, most Americans are really not that sophisticated in policy and what’s going on, they pick up things here and there, and the press is just demonizing the hell out of him. I told you that was going to happen a year and a half ago, and it has, and it’ll get worse.

But the only way to counter that for Trump is to just level with the folks, to say “Look, I’m a stable individual. I know what I’m doing. I’ve got good people around me. We’re going to make good policy decisions that are going to protect you and help you in the economic marketplace.” That’s it. That’s as simple as it is, but he’s got to do it and he’s got to do it very quickly.

Then the other thing he has to do is be realistic. He’s not going to win Virginia, for example. That state is not going to vote for Donald Trump. So don’t spend a lot of time and money in Virginia. He’s down by twenty-five points in his home state in New York, you don’t spend a lot of time and money in New York, you’re not going to win New York. 

Pennsylvania, you’ve got a shot, so you’ve got to go there a lot. Ohio, North Carolina, Florida, these are big, big states.

Now he is opening up a TV ad campaign for the first time in the swing states. 

Colorado, forget it. Forget it, The Libertarian candidate is now polling at sixteen percent. Because that’s the drug state, Colorado. He’s not going to win there. 

He needs to win Arizona, he needs to win Iowa, and he needs to win Nevada. Nevada is doable.

So he and his people have got to lay out the state by states and he’s got to pick off one…Wisconsin, Michigan…one of those, and of course he has to win Ohio. 

So it comes down to a numbers game and electoral votes for Trump. He can’t be running all over the country. He’s got to focus, focus, focus and his general message has to be that “I have the deportment and I am going to be a responsible president.” 

Now on the other side, Hillary Clinton, at this point if I’m Hillary Clinton I just coast. I just coast and I see what states may be ebbing away and that’s where I throw my resources. Because she is ahead in almost every state that matters now. But if she gets too much and too strident and attacks, attacks, attacks Trump, that’s not going to help her all that much. And then I would sharpen my message on terrorism and the economy, because those are going to be big things in the debate. 

Both candidates know that the debates will be the defining moments. They’re coming up in about a month the first one. And we will of course have the best coverage in the world on this campaign.

Thanks for being Premium Members, talk to you again soon. 

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