Dark Money Forces
By: Bill O'ReillySeptember 12, 2022
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In less than two months, Americans will either vote to save their country or to allow the progressive chaos to continue. It's as simple as that.

Mine is not a party analysis.  Democrats are obviously failing across the country, there is no question about that.

But Republicans don't have a leader. Donald Trump is a populist, not a traditional Grand Old Party guy.  He obviously marches to a different drum - one he exclusively plays.

So independent voters who don't like Trump do not have much incentive.

The sad truth is that most voters will not show up on November 8.  Despite all the economic pain, all the violent crime, all the anarchy surrounding immigration, millions of Americans will sit the midterms out.

That gives the dark money forces of evil, the far left subversives, a fighting chance.  It will not be about election fraud in November.

It will be about awareness of how damaged America really is.  And only "we the people" can do something about it.
See you beginning at six eastern tonight for the No Spin News.


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