Decent Citizen Behavior
By: StaffMarch 8, 2012
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The Washington Post fancies itself a very influential newspaper, an opinion-shaper among the powerful DC ruling class. So when it editorialized last week about Rush Limbaugh's commentary concerning Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke, some heads snapped back. It is very unusual for the poobahs at the Post to involve themselves with talk radio. It's kind of like Al Gore playing rugby—far too rowdy and dirty.

The primary point of the Post editorial is that demeaning a fellow American with personal attacks is not the way "a decent citizen" behaves. Fine. In general, that is true. However, there are times when evil must be confronted and vigorously attacked using very personal terms.

Of course, Sandra Fluke is not evil; in fact, she looks to be a very sincere young woman. Her argument for government-subsidized birth control should be debated on its merits. Whatever she does in private has nothing to do with the issue; it's nobody's business.

But Ms. Fluke's announced sense of entitlement is every taxpayer's concern. And it is here where the rhetorical battle should be fought. President Obama is trying to force health insurance companies to provide things like female birth control free of charge. Of course, the companies will pass the cost of that on to consumers in the form of higher premiums. Since Obama-care appeared in the public square, my health insurance costs have risen by about 30%. If the Supreme Court rules Obama-care unconstitutional this year, which could very well happen, I doubt I will get a refund.

Sandra Fluke and millions of other Americans apparently believe it is their birthright to receive gratis contraceptives any time they want them. But why do they believe that? Where does it say in the Constitution that we the people are responsible for the personal behavior of our fellow citizens? Paging James Madison! Where does it say that?

Besides, under Title X of the Public Health Service Act, the feds do provide free female birth control for Americans at taxpayer expense. You can pick that up in clinics all over the USA. And if you don't want to do that, a local Target store just three miles from where Sandra Fluke lives sells a monthly supply of the Pill for just $9.

The Washington Post is a liberal paper which generally supports government subsidies for social justice causes. With a $16 trillion national debt, the Post can be easily challenged on its editorial posture, and surely the editorial people know the pill issue is bogus—a contrived controversy designed to fog up the real issue, the imposition of the federal government on the teachings of the Catholic church.

There is also the continuing advancement of the nanny state involved in the Sandra Fluke case. I hope I am not getting too personal in mentioning that. Decent citizens have right to know.