Donald Trump Must Promote Fairness
By: Bill O'ReillyJune 17, 2020
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In order for President Trump to overcome the pandemic hit on the economy and the intense racial situation, he will have to drastically cut down on his media mistakes and concentrate on promoting fairness.
It is not fair to Americans to have their hard-earned tax dollars used to compensate African-Americans for slavery.
It is not fair to African Americans to endure suspicion by law enforcement. Behavior, not skin color, should be the ONLY thing that motivates police confrontations.
It is not fair for far-left radicals to brand Americans “racist” because they oppose the extreme agenda of militants.
It is not fair to poor black citizens to experience lethal threats from criminals in neighborhoods like the south side of Chicago.  
Defunding the police is not fair to the police or to the defenseless people they are sworn to protect.
Finally, it is not fair to all Americans to have cowardly officials fail to enforce the law. Anarchy hurts everyone, whether they know it or not.
If President Trump articulates those points and uses federal power to enforce fairness and the law, he will have a decent chance to defeat a weak Joe Biden.
But the President has to deep six the petty tweets.
Tonight on the No Spin News, we’ll examine the collapse of law enforcement in New York City.  See you beginning at six eastern.