Economic Catastrophe
By: Bill O'ReillyMarch 13, 2024
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President Biden's proposed 2025 budget is truly shocking and grossly irresponsible. He is asking for $7.3 trillion in spending when the previous high for any other president was $4.75 trillion.

That number was in 2020 from Donald Trump.

While most Americans do not understand the danger here and the corrupt media will not report it, if spending reaches that level - economic catastrophe is almost assured.

Last year, Americans sent $4.44 trillion in tax dollars to Washington. That's about $3 trillion less than Biden wants to spend in '25, if my math is correct and it is.

So taxes on everything would have to rise. Already, the extravagant Joe wants to tax corporations at 28 percent, up from 21. If that happens, businesses will pass the hike onto consumers, pretty much guaranteeing a fierce economic slowdown.

The United States currently carries a 34 trillion dollar debt. President Biden is responsible for $6 trillion of that in just three years. He is the biggest spending president in history.

If Americans vote for Biden in November, they are inviting calamity. Mr. Biden is so divorced from reality, it's stunning. His progressive base wants socialism, so that's what Joe will try to give them.

There is extreme peril brewing.

See you this evening for the No Spin News.