Foolish Mistakes
By: Bill O'ReillyJuly 21, 2022
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Recently we began a series of reports called "Smart Life" on, and the initial results are excellent. Basically, we are looking for money-saving strategies and safe investments to make your life easier.

But there is a social angle to living a "smart life" as well, and that's becoming increasingly important in America. Making foolish mistakes today can lead to misery. More than ever before, foolish decisions will hurt you.

Driving intoxicated can derail your entire life. Trusting someone with your money without legal documentation is simply insane. Acting impulsively in public will come back to punish you. It's almost guaranteed.

Therefore, personal discipline is needed in daily life. Do you really need that tattoo or that drug? Is it smart to confide personal information to another person? How about your job - are you giving your best effort or gaming the system?

Never before has our society been more complicated and uncertain. Life is becoming exceedingly difficult. Many of us, especially younger Americans, are ill-equipped to face adversity.

Living a smart life is hard as everything worthwhile is. But if you don't try to do that - expect to experience major pain.

See you tonight beginning at 6 eastern for the No Spin News.

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