General Kelly: Military Discipline in the West Wing
By: Bill O'ReillyJuly 31, 2017
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The reorganization of the White House now becomes a lifeline for President Trump.  If new Chief-of-Staff, former combat officer General John Kelly, cannot calm things down in the West Wing, then Mr. Trump's legacy is in extreme danger.

It is hard to believe that the General will tolerate intramural rivalries that damage the President.  But Mr. Trump must listen to John Kelly and that might be difficult for the President.  From the outside, it looks like Donald Trump is acting too emotionally in his overall presentation to the country and to the world.  General Kelly might be able to combat that by imposing some military discipline in the chain of command.

Because the national media generally despises the President, some important situations have garnered little notice.  Illegal crossings on the southern border are way down, job opportunities are rising, and lucrative trade deals are being made.

But if the political and legislative chaos continues, policy victories will be under-reported.  For General Kelly, the challenge is marketing a positive message and preventing destructive side-shows.

The General has his assignment.  It will not be easy.

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