Hating President Obama
By: Bill O'ReillyFebruary 25, 2015
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At the height of the Iraq War, the vilification of President Bush the younger was off the chart.

The left in America accused him and Vice President Cheney of lying to get us into the war, of sacrificing American military people so Halliburton could make money, and a variety of other vile allegations.

Having seen President Clinton go through impeachment, I thought President Bush got it even worse with the smearing.

Enter President Obama, who is also loathed by some Americans:

CHRIS MATTHEWS, MSNBC ANCHOR: “You want to know about that fight among Republicans running for president is all about? What’s it all about? It’s about who can hate President Obama the most?”


CHRIS MATTHEWS, MSNBC ANCHOR“Let me finish with the contest of hate that is going on among Republican candidates for president.  Who can hate Obama the most?”


CHRIS MATTHEWS, MSNBC ANCHOR“Let me finish tonight with this contest of hate we’re watching among the Republican candidates for president.  How much do you, how much can you, hate President Obama?”

Did somebody say hate?

Now there is no question that Barack Obama's policies are controversial.

He is a big tax and spend guy, has increased the power of the federal government, has ordered a quasi-amnesty for some illegal aliens, has withdrawn completely from Iraq leading to chaos, and imposed a healthcare system that many people despise.

So as far as policy goes, there is much angst directed at the president.

On the personal front Mr. Obama gets it, too.

Here's a letter from Tom who lives in Florida:

"It's time to impeach Obama and the Islamistration. This guy is clearly sabotaging our country"


And this from Liz who lives in New Mexico:

"Obama is a Muslim, and many Muslims do not care about Christians.  This president fights this crisis all over the world with politics and love for his Muslims."

Talking Points laments the haters on both sides.

Smearing anyone should be unacceptable.

In the upcoming presidential campaign, the Republican candidates surely will point out where they differ with President Obama and by proxy Hillary Clinton.

One of Mrs. Clinton's challenges is deciding whether to repudiate some of Mr. Obama's policies.

Is she going to do that?  Interesting dilemma.

If she doesn't, the Republicans certainly have an opportunity to put Hillary Clinton on the defensive.

But any Republican candidate who says personal things about either the president or Mrs. Clinton will be making a tremendous mistake.

The haters on both the left and the right make a lot of noise and get some attention.

But most Americans don't like that kind of stuff.  Once in a while a takedown is necessary.

But to make a living out of gutter sniping is a ticket to defeat.

Right now America is in a bad place.  We are weak overseas and the economy is still mainly rewarding the wealthy.

President Obama has had six years to improve that situation and in my opinion he has failed to do so.

That's an objective analysis based upon facts, not a personal attack.

And here's a final fact.  I've had discussions with both George w. Bush and Barack Obama.  They see the world differently but they both have absorbed tremendous punishment in order to serve their country.

I respect that and hope that the upcoming presidential campaign will not be a smear-fest.  There's too much at stake for that to happen.

And that's the memo.