How the Far-Left has Hijacked the Democratic Party
By: Bill O'ReillyJune 19, 2019
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Hey Bill O'Reilly here for Newsmax and this is the Talking Points Memo.

It will be very interesting to see if President Trump campaigns on how the far left has hijacked the Democratic Party. So we all know the issues and there really isn't much commonality between President Trump and the Democrats. What is different though this time around than in 2016 is that radical leftists pretty much drive the agenda of the Democratic Party. 

Now, 10 years ago this never could have happened because the press, the American press would have scrutinized the radical left. Today they enable the radical left. So you have newspapers like The New York Times and The Washington Post, network news, cable news many people inside those organizations sympathize with the radicals. So they're allowed to say anything they want.

And the perfect example is Alexandria Ocasio Cortez saying, she's a congresswoman, that the United States has concentration camps on its southern border. That migrants being detained for illegally crossing our border and be putting into quote concentration camps. The congresswoman uses that word.

Now, if you know anything about history, if you've read Killing the SS, my latest book... This is an irresponsible statement in the extreme. There are no concentration camps. Now, she was called on it, Miss Cortez. She was oh no there's a difference between concentration camps and death camps. That's true. Auschwitz was a death camp. You were sent there. You're gonna be killed. Dachau, outside of Munich was a concentration camp for political prisoners and other so-called undesirables by the Nazi party. You didn't necessarily die in Dachau. You did in Auschwitz. So at least the congresswoman knows that.

But to say that U.S. detention centers are concentration camps is grossly irresponsible and ten years ago she never would have gotten away with that in the media. But now she does. And Congresswoman Cortez is about the most radical left politician, elected politician I've ever seen.

Second. Reparations for slavery. There is a hearing in the House this week, in a subcommittee. First time ever about possibly giving African-Americans cash payments or land. All right. To make up for slavery in the 19th century. Well this is never going to happen and it shouldn't happen. 

I wrote a column in detail on Bill O', I hope you read it and it's very personal because my family lost everything in Ireland. The British seized my family's land during the famine and it was shocking what happened. And if you go in to every country, including this one, the government has abused the people at times. Native Americans. All right. Aren't they entitled to reparations? And there was an article this week in The New York Times, an op ed said gays are entitled reparation. Well everybody's entitled reparations. Not going to happen. Interesting though.

Fifty eight percent of African-Americans, about 47 million African-Americans right now. Fifty eight percent of them want reparations. You know how many whites want? 8. 8 percent. 8 percent. So if you ever passed it, which again will never happen. Ok. You would create a division in America between the white and black race. That's good policy?

Now I can get into this in a very micro way but again it's better if you read it. If you read it on Bill O' because then you'll be able to read slowly and get all of my points. Going back to President Trump. He can campaign on do you want these people? Is this what you want?

You may not like me that much but that's what you want? Open borders. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, reparations for slavery. That's what you want? Seems to me to be a very powerful campaign argument.

 And that is the Talking Points Memo. Please check out Bill O' and we will see you soon.