Is President Trump Missing the Bigger Picture?
By: Bill O'ReillyOctober 30, 2018
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One of the strategies of guerrilla warfare is for resistance forces to cause constant mayhem thereby making it impossible for the establishment forces to govern.  During the Vietnam War, the Viet Cong communists were expert at disrupting the South Vietnamese infrastructure.  That eroded the people’s confidence in the Saigon regime and drastically weakened it.

The same thing is happening today in America.  While President Trump is branding some media outlets as “the enemy of the people” he may be missing the larger picture.

Read almost any newspaper or watch network or most cable news, and you will absorb negative stories about the Trump administration ad Infinitum. The latest being the President is partially responsible for the terror bombs and the Synagogue massacre because of his persona and rhetoric.

Last week it was the President was eroding American values because he will not accept thousands of migrant asylum seekers from Central America.

The week before that the media theme was the awfulness of Justice Kavanaugh.  Prior to Kavanaugh, it was Russian collusion, Stormy Daniels, Global Warning, Putin, and on and on.

Does the media report positive things about Mr. Trump?  Rarely.

The cold truth is that the vast majority of the American press is fighting a guerrilla war against the President, hoping to wear him out and turn public opinion against him.  In turn, Donald Trump counter attacks and creates ill will toward the press by disparaging his constant critics.

Then the media complains about the “harsh rhetoric.”

This is one of the biggest cons ever perpetuated in this country.  The fix was in the moment President Trump defeated Hillary Clinton.  The media chieftains and their corporate masters immediately launched a guerrilla campaign to bring down the Trump administration.  And that’s what we are seeing play out.  It is far beyond ideological disenchantment.  It is a brutal war of words designed to destroy.

Tonight on the No Spin News, we’ll begin our election coverage in earnest.  It all begins at 7 eastern time.

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