Killing the Vampire
By: Bill O'ReillyJanuary 23, 2022
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Killing the Vampire
While roaming the world for the syndicated reality program "Inside Edition", I found myself in the Eastern European country of Romania.  The government there was trying to create tourism off the infamous fictional vampire Dracula.  The Bram Stoker creation is actually based on a real guy; a vicious Medieval warlord named Vlad Tepes who annoyed his neighbors by impaling them. No Vlad Putin jokes, please.

As I drove around the Carpathian Mountains, still primitive but beautiful country, I interviewed a number of folks who actually believe in vampires.  They told me the only way to destroy one is to drive a stake through the creature's heart.

For some strange reason, that Romanian trip popped into my mind while watching President Biden's unsettling press conference last week.  I am certain old Joe is not among the undead because he'd be much more alert if he was.

Now, here's why I bring up the vampire thing.  The progressive movement is so tied into the Biden presidency that if he falls, the radicals do, too.  If the President continues to falter, progressive policies will receive a symbolic stake through the heart.

And that's the best thing that may come out of Mr. Biden's tenure.

Here's why.  Progressives, generally speaking, believe America is a bad place. So they want to change pretty much everything.  Here's a list.
  • Replace capitalism with socialism where Washington runs the economy and levies draconian (had to use that word) taxation on corporations and affluent citizens.
  • Crush existing immigration laws and open the borders to all.
  • "Reimagine" the criminal justice system so that most people who commit crimes are not punished.
  • Change election laws so even non-citizens can cast a ballot and voter IDs are abolished.
  • Institute a "One World" foreign policy where the USA could not take unilateral action.
  • Ban handguns for US citizens.
  • Ban all protections for the unborn.
  • Institute government-enforced "equity" for minority groups whereby they would get preferential treatment including reparations for slavery.
  • Institute Critical Race Theory teaching in public schools and abolish grades.
There's more but those are the headlines. So, here's my question: shouldn't the progressive movement receive a stake through the heart to end this madness once and for all?

I believe the correct answer is YES!

Again, if Biden and Kamala Harris go down, they are likely to take the radical leftists with them.  Ocasio-Cortez, George Clooney, and Bette Midler are worried. CNN and MSNBC, already on the run, would be finished.

Stakes are being sharpened.  And the bad guys know it.