O'Reilly Previews What to Expect Out of the Democratic Debates
By: Bill O'ReillyJune 26, 2019
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Hey, Bill O'Reilly here and this is the Talking Points Memo for Newsmax.

Now this week, we have two nights of Democratic presidential contender debates. Wednesday and Thursday. Thursday is the bigger one, with Joe Biden in it because they're going to have to gang up on Biden. You got 20 people. 10 on 10. A lot of bloviating. Five moderators from NBC News. Now it's important that people watch this. I don't think it's going to get big ratings. I think people are going to wait. Americans are going to wait till the field files down a little bit. 

There's no real attraction like Donald Trump was in the Republican debates in 2015. But it is an interesting exercise and you get a good opportunity to see if the Democratic Party is going to go moderate, Joe Biden or far left, pretty much everybody else. John Hickenlooper, the former governor of Colorado is an exception but nobody knows who he is.

So here's what I expect. I expect Elizabeth Warren to be the most shrill against Donald Trump. Warren has to separate herself from Bernie Sanders. Poll today says Sanders is still beating her by about seven percentage points. Sanders is second to Biden. Biden's lead has slipped a little bit. Nobody on the far left wants Joe Biden to be the Democratic nominee.

Now the debate will be controlled by the five NBC people. Lester Holt, the moderator is the main one. He's the anchor man of the NBC Nightly News. And then you have the others who... Chuck Todd, Meet the Press, Rachel Maddow, I mean give me a break. All of that is NBC politics. 

So you've got a lot of good questions that could be asked and I wrote a column on Bill O'Reilly.com, specific questions that I would ask and am I going to bore you... It's not boring but I'm not, you know read the column on Bill O'Reilly.com if you want to know what I would ask. But I don't expect the NBC people to ask anything that's really penetrating.

Todd and Holt have to give him a little bit of a hard time, the candidates but they won't follow up with any meaning. Now here are the deficits for the Democratic Party. Number one. The party does not want to control illegal immigration to the United States. That is obvious. So it's a lot of open border stuff. Everybody comes here.

You can just go down the list.

Beto O'Rourke, Buttigieg, Warren, Sanders. They don't want to stop anybody. And then the 12 or 13 million illegal aliens already here, they want amnesty. So the Democratic Party is the party of amnesty and open borders. That should be clearly established by the debate moderators. It won't be.

All right and then a lot of these far left, they want to abolish ICE. They don't want any enforcement. Nancy Pelosi doesn't think it's a crime to come in here. All of that crazy stuff. Trump's going to go to town on that in the general election.

Second thing is reparations for slavery. Only 8 percent of Americans, according to a Marist poll favor reparations for slavery. 8 percent. So all, except for Bernie Sanders and Biden, you don't know where Biden is. He didn't like it in the past but maybe now he does. He changes his position on everything. Bernie Sanders says no reparations but all the rest do.

You gotta get...nail him down on that. All right then you have no insurance companies. This is the Bernie Sanders. Say no, if he's elected, there won't be any private health insurance available to the United States, except for cosmetic surgery. If you want a nose job. It's unconstitutional and so is reparations for slavery by the way. That's another column on Bill O'Reilly.com. It is unconstitutional, can't do it.

These people, they don't really care. It's throwing it, throwing it, throwing it and then everything free. Free education, free healthcare, free housing, guaranteed wage, guaranteed job. So the debates, nail them all down. Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom. Don't let them waffle. Don't let them weasel. You gotta get in on the follow ups. You think that's going to happen? You think NBC News is gonna do that? I don't. I hope I'm wrong. We'll see.

And that is the Talking Points Memo. As mentioned, Bill O'Reilly.com has a whole bunch of really, really good stuff. We go through every night and do commentary and we hope you check that out and I will see you on Newsmax again soon.


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