O'Reilly on the Growing Homeless Problem in Three American Cities
By: Bill O'ReillyJune 5, 2019
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Hi I'm Bill O'Reilly for Newsmax and this is the Talking Points Memo.

Did you know that in three major West Coast cities, there is a homeless problem that has now reached disastrous levels. Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle. I'm going to take them one by one and I'm going to tell you why it's happening and then at the end of this commentary I'm going to give you a solution.

Which of course is not going to be followed because all three cities have one thing in common, uber liberal management. So the citizens of Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle have elected far left people to run the city's. And those people believe that personal responsibility is gone in America.

That you can't hold people accountable for their actions.That's the general belief unless the person's name is Donald Trump.

Then you can make up stuff. But anyway I'm getting ahead of myself. All right. So Los Angeles. If you've been to the city of the angels you know that Downtown L.A. is east about 20 / 25 miles from the ocean. Most affluent Angelenos live on the west side. In Beverly Hills, Brentwood, Century City, Santa Monica, those communities. Some of those people never even see downtown L.A. unless they go to a Dodger game or a Laker game.


OK estimates are there are 55,000 homeless people roaming the streets of Los Angeles right now. Many of them downtown, where they live on the street because they're homeless in bags, lean tos, tents, cars wherever but they have clustered together.

This has presented a major health problem to Los Angeles. Two police officers have contracted typhus. Soon bubonic plague is likely to break out in downtown Los Angeles because rats are running wild. So many rats that they've invaded City Hall, where the mayor does absolutely nothing about any of this.

OK. Now the homeless people in Los Angeles and San Francisco and Seattle but we'll get to them. Are primarily substance abusers. They're addicted people. Who cannot or will not work. Therefore they have no money to buy a house or rent an apartment. Because their money, what little they have goes for substance. Heroin. Alcohol. Crack. Methamphetamine. Fentanyl. You name it.

These people cluster together because it's easier for them to consume narcotics in that way. But around the perimeter of the homeless encampments are drug dealers all over the place. Because every day the addicted have to have their drugs and alcohol.

All right. That's the picture and now there are thousands and thousands and thousands of people clustering together. The public health problem is enormous. Because they go to the bathroom on the streets. They don't wash. They're not clean. They're sharing needles, that spreads AIDS and other diseases. All right. I mean it is a catastrophe.

San Francisco is an estimated 15,000 homeless. Why? Because San Francisco's city government gives them cash. Where does the cash go? Right to the drug dealer. Right to the alcohol store. The liquor store. OK now it's San Francisco it's a more aggressive because that city is all in a very small area.

So the homeless are right on top of the millionaires and the homeless are pandering, aggressively. I was just out there. San Francisco is falling apart. Same thing with Seattle. You go to the marketplace, I was at Pike Street Market. Homeless everywhere. Aggressive homeless. All right. Same thing. Substance Abusers.

Together more than ten thousand in a city like Seattle, that's an army. OK. Nothing is being done about it. Solution is pretty easy. Cut off the drugs. Stop the pushers. Drugs go away, homeless go away. That's it. They won't do it.

That is the Talking Points Memo. I'm Bill O'Reilly, for more commentary please go to Bill O'Reilly.com where we will get into this issue, a little bit deeper. See you soon.