President Obama Under Tremendous Pressure Over Iran
By: Bill O'ReillyMarch 3, 2015
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Today in front of Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a very strong speech, telling the world that the country of Iran is engaged in a reign of terror.

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, PRIME MINISTER OF ISRAEL: "The greatest danger facing our world is the marriage of militant Islam with nuclear weapons.  To defeat ISIS and let Iran get nuclear weapons would be to win the battle, but lose the war.  We can't let that happen."

And Netanyahu says he won't let that happen.

If he is re-elected on March 17th, he says Israel will take on Iran alone if it has to.

All of this is especially vexing because the nuke negotiations are so complicated.  The Israelis believe what John Kerry is suggesting is dangerous because it allows Iran to continue to hold nuclear capacity.

Others dissent from that point of view.

But give Benjamin Netanyahu credit.  He says what he believes in a vivid way while the Obama administration does not, staying far away from publicly debating the merits of what the USA is offering Iran.

In fact, 58 Democrats boycotted the speech today and then hammered it after it was delivered:

REP. JOHN YARMUTH (D-KY): "This speech was right out of the Dick Cheney playbook.  This was fear mongering at its ultimate.  It's phrases like - essentially saying nuclear war is inevitable if this deal, if this deal were to be accepted."

Almost all the Democrats who did not show up are far-left folks.  We'll take a look at that shortly.

Talking Points believes that Iran is a dangerous country that will likely violate any treaty the Obama administration signs.  It's almost a given.

But world order can be bolstered by talking with the Mullahs rationally.  

Simply walking away from the table would be bad policy.

President Obama should address the nation and the world and lay out what he believes is a fair deal.

Let's see it so we can evaluate what's in play.

Then Congress should vote yes or no.

And if the Iranians don't agree to a fair deal that Congress endorses, then draconian sanctions should be immediately re-applied and villains like Putin who do not go along should be exposed.

Right now the world needs clarity.

Netanyahu spelled out the danger very well.  Now we need the most powerful man in the world, Barack Obama, to step up and persuade us his offer to Iran would stop the nuclear madness.

We are waiting Mr. President.

And that's the memo.


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