President Trump's Trade Deals and Tariffs
By: Bill O'ReillyJune 11, 2018
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It is beyond mystifying that some Americans resent President Trump for trying to get better trade deals.  According to Canadian economic statistics, that country sells $15 billion dollars a year more in the USA than we  sell there.

Mexico sells $55 billion dollars a year more, China an unbelievable $375 billion a year more.  The European Union is up by $95 billion a year (latest stats available).

Nevertheless, President Trump and America gets hammered by elements on both the left and the right when the statement “enough is enough on trade” is proclaimed.

The cold truth is that neither President Bush the Younger nor President Obama the Avoider wanted anything to do with trade imbalances, they simply weren’t interested.  So, the developed world ran wild at our expense.

Now that is about to change.

President Trump, as usual, has brought a gun to this knife fight.  His threats of tariffs and unnecessary personal darts are rattling our trade partners who are used to doing what they want unchallenged. The proposed tariffs are driving the narrative but how else will anything change?  Shouldn’t the press be explaining exactly how the USA is being taken advantage of economically and the toll that takes?

Of course, that will never happen because most in the media hate the President so much that everything he does is bad.  There is no search for the truth by the media.

No joke, The New York Times would much prefer that Justin Trudeau run America than Donald Trump.

Tonight on the No Spin News, I will analyze the trade war and the North Korean nuke meeting in Singapore.  We have some good inside stuff beginning at 7p eastern time.

Also, Father’s Day is this coming Sunday. Drop a Premium Membership on dad or granddad.  They will like it.  Comes with a free book.  

See you later.

TagsTariffsTradeTrade DealsTrumpWhite House