Talking Points Memo: The 'Green New Deal' is Totalitarianism
By: Bill O'ReillyMay 1, 2019
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Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points Memo is BACK! This week Bill looks at the left's totalitarian attitude heading into the 2020 presidential election.

 Hi I'm Bill O'Reilly and this is the Talking Points Memo.

You know there's always been a divide between younger Americans and those of us who are more mature, for better word. There's an old adage Horace Greeley once said, Go West young man. And what Greeley was getting at was that there was far more opportunity to make a good life for yourself in the western part of the United States in the 19th century because you could forge your own way, you could build a business or a farm or whatever.

Self-reliance. Well now in America the younger people are going away from the self-reliance deal into the government should provide for us philosophy. And it's very interesting to watch in the headline here is the Green New Deal and a soundbite caught my attention I used it on Bill O' in my analysis there.

Beto O'Rourke fading fast as the Democratic contender because of Mayor Pete. He said to a group, said on MSNBC of course. I want to make sure those who work in the oil and gas industry, those who work in the fossil fuel industry are brought along as partners to make sure that we make this transition in the 10 years we have left to us.

Now was Mr. O'Rourke saying the world is going to end in 10 years? That global warming climate change is going to cause the death of mankind? I don't really know. And of course the MSNBC anchor... Yeah oh yeah yeah of course they didn't say, Well what do you mean? But no no no no no no.

But it is clear, clear that Beto O'Rourke and many many other of the Democratic contenders want the Green New Deal and The Green New Deal is essentially the government controls every aspect of our lives. Everything.

What we eat what we drive what kind of appliances we have in our house, what kind of doctor we can go to see. What kind of job we get, how much we're paid in that job. All of it is tied into the Green New Deal. So this is central apparatus in Washington D.C. and in the state capitals which would carry out Washington's orders, that would provide a new deal for Americans that would wipe out any kind of climate menace.

Now this is insane on a number of fronts but the most important for the younger Americans to understand and I don't believe they will is that you are basically saying we'd like Joseph Stalin to come in here and run the United States because you cannot impose this kind of thin, this green new deal, unless you have totalitarianism. You can't.

The government has to say this is what you're going to do and if you don't do it we're going to punish you. So if you drive a car that we don't like, you'll be fined or we'll take the car away or we will arrest you. If you eat food that we don't believe is proper. We're gonna make you pay for it, not the food but the action of actually eating it.

So it becomes a dependency and many many young Americans, maybe most, are willing to sacrifice their autonomy for dependency.

They want to be dependent on a government to tell them what to do because then climate change would go away. I'm telling you ladies and gentlemen I've seen some pretty frightening things in my 45 years in journalism. When I read polls that say millions and millions of Americans under the age of 35 want socialism, want the Green New Deal. Think that Ocasio Cortez, Beto O'Rourke and the others are brilliant people.

It frightens me. It really does.

Because this kind of stuff does lead to a totalitarian government, a strong man. They think trumps the threat? Trumps a capitalist. He's a free marketeer, he's a libertarian socially. This? This is close to fascism. 

I'm Bill O'Reilly for Newsmax, reminding you we will have more commentary on and you might want to check out my new book Killing the SS. Great Father's Day gift. Mom might like it too but it's a little tough and also Premium Membership on our website,, great fathers and mothers day gifts and we will see you soon.