The Threats to America Grow
By: Bill O'ReillyJuly 29, 2014
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In a provocation the White House has not seen since the Vietnam War, the Russian dictator Putin is trying to humiliate Barack Obama.

Apparently, the Russians have now violated the 1987 missile treaty by testing a new type of cruise missile.

Also, Putin continues to attack Ukraine, as military units inside Russia are firing rockets into that besieged country. 

Want more?

Russian allies continue to block the investigation of the Malaysian airliner, shot down two weeks ago by Russian-made missiles.  Two-hundred-ninety-eight human beings died.  Putin is directly responsible.

But instead of pulling back, Putin continues to spit in our eye.  He now says he'll restore relations with Castro's Cuba.  Provocation, off the chart.

So today, President Obama imposed new sanctions on Russia.

OBAMA: “Today, in building on the measures we announced two weeks ago, the United States is imposing new sanctions on key sectors in the Russian economy -- energy, arms and finance.  We’re blocking the exports of specific goods and technologies to the Russian energy sector, we’re expanding our sanctions to more Russian banks and defense companies, and we’re formally suspending credit that encourages exports to Russia, and financing for economic development projects in Russia.”

Mr. Obama also saying Europe will also impose more sanctions, but don't hold your breath.  France continues to say it will send two warships to Russia in return for a lot of cash.  The Europeans have acted cowardly in the face of Putin's aggression.

Now I have no beef with what the President did today other than to suggest that he should have done it months ago and he should encourage American banks to stop taking credit card receipts from Russia.  That would scorch the villain Putin, who so far has laughed at the sanctions.

President Obama had to take action today because all around him things are going south in a hurry.

In Israel, the fighting between Hamas and the Israelis continues.

Hundreds are dead and the U.S.A. is powerless to stop the carnage.

There's no question Hamas is a terror group in business to wipe out Israel.

The Palestinians are being held captive by Hamas and once again America cannot do anything about it.

In Iran, the negotiations over nuclear weapons continue because the Obama administration has given that country nearly three billion dollars to stay at the table.

It's hard to believe any meaningful deal will be reached, although it's not impossible.

In Iraq, intel reports say the ISIS army -- a vicious off-shoot of al Qaeda -- is poised to attack Baghdad.

These jihadists are murdering Christians and terrorizing much of the nation.

President Obama has taken no action against ISIS even though they have been in business for years.

In Afghanistan, an inspector general's report says the Obama administration cannot account for three quarters of a million weapons given to Afghan forces.

America simply does not know where those weapons are.

And reports say the Taliban is making military gains throughout the country, using some U.S. weaponry.

In Libya, the U.S.A. has closed its embassy in Tripoli and evacuated because security is so terrible there as the jihadists continue to terrorize that country.

In Colorado, Defense Intelligence Agency Director Lieutenant-General Michael Flynn says the terrorist ideology behind al Qaeda is growing fast.

D.I.A. DIRECTOR LT. GEN. MICHAEL FLYNN: “We use the term ‘core al-Qaeda’. And I have been going against these guys for a long time.  The core is the core belief that these individuals have.”

EVAN PEREZ, MODERATOR: “And it’s not on the run?”

FLYNN: “It’s not on the run.  And that ideology is actually … it’s you know, sadly, it feels like it’s exponentially growing.” 

If that isn't frightening, nothing is.

And finally on the southern border, the chaos continues as U.S. authorities cannot stop the flow of illegal aliens into this country.

President Obama says he will take action after his summer vacation -- unilaterally, without congressional approval.

Right now we don't know what that action might be.

So you can see that on just about every front there is danger to we the people.  Terrorism is growing ... there's a mini-war in the Middle East.

Iran will most likely get a nuke weapon, and Putin is causing an enormous amount of trouble … unchecked.

President Obama still has his supporters who spin the situation his way, but the facts prove Mr. Obama's foreign policy has failed dismally.

There is no question the jihadists want to attack America again and are growing in strength, so do the math.

It is long past time for all Americans -- liberals and conservatives, Republicans, independents, and Democrats -- to demand that the federal government admit failure and devise effective strategies to protect us and other innocent people around the world.

When a villain like Putin, whose economy is on the brink of recession, can humiliate the United States of America something is terribly wrong.

Talking Points is sounding the alarm, and all of us should take this very seriously.

And that's the memo.


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