Trump and AOC Have Something in Common
By: Bill O'ReillyJuly 17, 2019
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Here’s a question for you: what does Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez have in common with President Trump? The answer is they are both avengers.

The radical Congresswoman has raised more than a million dollars in campaign money because she is punishing Mr. Trump in the media.  Her far left supporters are applauding her with dollars.  They like her style.

Donald Trump won the presidency because he hammered establishment politicians.  His supporters wanted the swamp drained and believed Trump was the only candidate who would do it.

By the way, the Trump campaign raised more than 100 million dollars in the second quarter of this year, proving his supporters are still on board.

So both the President and the Congresswoman have a major trait in common.  Do you think they’d admit it?

Tonight on the No Spin News, I’ll show you exactly how radical Ocasio-Cortez and her crew really is.

See you at 7 eastern.