OPEN TO ALL - No Spin News Special: Best of Campus Craziness
May 17, 2018

Welcome to Thursday’s No Spin News “Campus Craziness” Special. This commentary from Bill features the far-left madness that is occurring on colleges campuses across the country. Instead of focusing on academics, these students are being taught to hate President Trump and learn about ways to condemn conservatives. Whether it’s professors or students who are inciting these hateful activities, it’s proof that this country is spinning out of control. That’s why you need to become a Premium Member and Take Your Country Back!


Hey Premium Members, welcome to the No Spin News without me, I’m on vacation. We have another special for you tonight. The last one last night worked real well, our best interviews, we have that posted for you if you missed it. Tonight, is going to be campus craziness. Throughout the last couple of years, insanity has gripped the nation’s colleges and universities, and we have been at the forefront of pointing out that insanity. So, tonight we put together a program that highlights how bad this situation is. Now, we want you to continue to go to throughout the weekend, I’ll be updating all of the stories, tweeting. On Monday, I’ll be back and I’ll tell you about my vacation, which is an adventure. But we live in harrowing times here, and we really appreciate you guys being Premium Members. Um… what else do I have to tell you check out all of our good things, Mother’s Day is behind us but Father’s Day is coming up, we have a ‘Take your country back’ hats and bumper stickers for dad, ‘No Spin Dad’ mugs, books of course, signed, whatever you need. So, I will see you guys on Monday, thanks for being Premium Members.


May 8th: 

Berkeley, California totally out of control place, as everybody knows. They did a, they put the UC Berkeley, University of California at Berkeley, they studied, why there's so much unrest and they blame conservative students for inviting speakers like Ben Shapiro, Milo and Ann Coulter, because by inviting these people that incites violence, but it's not the people doing the violence, they're not at fault, according to UC Berkeley Commission on Free Speech, it's the invitation to people inviting them, there at fault. So, what UC Berkeley is saying is don't invite anyone who's not a far left kook because the far left kooks will go violent. But that's OK, we don't condemn them, we condemn people who invite the Conservatives. 


May 7th: 

The National Association of Scholars, I am not in that crew. They published a study of almost 9,000 tenured track professors at 51 top ranked American colleges. They found that 80 percent of the colleges of the 51 colleges had so few Republican faculty members, they were statistically insignificant. So, Democrats outnumber Republicans on campus 10 to 1, 10 to 1, at the top 51 colleges. In the communications field, I have a degree in broadcast journalism from Boston University. There are 108 professors who are Democrats, no Republicans, none, so they, out of these 51 tenure track, colleges there are 108 that were a tenure track, no Republicans. Anthropology, 56 to 0, religion theology 70 to 1, English 48 to 1, Democrats over Republicans. History 17 to 1, the only discipline where Republicans are even close, are math, physics, economics, chemistry and engineering. So, you can see what's happening and it just, and that's the deans, they hire and they want left wingers, they do. My college in Poughkeepsie, New York, Marist College where I got a B.A. in history, far to the left. Bring in a president and the guy just stacks it, not the place it used to be. All right. 


May 3rd:

I love this story. California State University at Long Beach, California, which is just south of L.A. They have a mascot, the mascot is named Prospector Pete, all right. Because as you'll remember in the 19th century there was a big gold rush in California, Prospector Pete is the California State mascot, they have his statue. Students are claiming the statue has to be torn down and Prospector Pete needs to go! Out of here. Here's why, according to the radical students, Prospector Pete represents a time of genocide against indigenous people during the gold rush in California. The campus of California State University was built on land once occupied by indigenous people. So, Prospector Pete has got to go and he well, I predict, the school will cave. No more Prospector Pete. OK. Take your country back.

April 30th:

Going to wrap it up with the University of Texas, the Longhorns at Austin. OK. You know everybody thinks Texas is a very liberal, no I'm sorry, very conservative state, very traditional state. OK. And it is outside of the cities, but Austin's extremely liberal, Houston, Harris County, Dallas these are liberal enclaves and they're growing. So, at the University of Texas they have a new program that comes out of the counseling and mental health center. All right. And the program is called MasculinUT and the goal of the program is to help male students quote "take control over their gender identity and develop a healthy sense of masculinity", I'm going to read that again. This is a quote from the University of Texas, "male students are to take control over their gender identity and develop a healthy sense of masculinity." OK. Now, part of that is to fight the I guess, University of Texas believes that the country promotes tough and masculine behavior and it's forced upon men. Men should be able to open and able to express themselves without feeling the pressures of masculinity. All right one more thing, they put up a bunch of posters at the University of Texas Austin and the posters promote, there they are, the guys wearing nail polish, dresses and makeup and then one poster suggested you put flowers in your beard. OK. We don't have that flowers in your beard thing but see this is what a true man does. This is what masculinUT and this is sponsored by the University, this is not some little group that's out for a few chuckles. All right sign of the times correct. Go Longhorns. Wouldn't see that a Texas A and M, that wouldn't happen there.


April 25th:

Fresno State, you've heard about this, I didn't cover it yesterday because I wanted to see how it evolves. Professor Rhonda Girard. OK. She teaches there at Fresno State, she grew up in Kuwait and Egypt, came to America got educated and now is a college teacher, there she is. So, Barbara Bush dies and Ms. Girard says in a tweet that Barbara Bush is quote, "an amazing racist, who raised a war criminal." And this is on the day she died, and then she caps it off, Rhonda Girard does, with quote "I'm happy the Witch is Dead" unquote. OK. So, what do you do? This is hate speech, right? Hate speech, not an opinion, it's hate speech. OK I hate Barbara Bush, I'm glad she's dead, glad her family is suffering and I am teaching at Fresno State University making 100,000 dollars a year of taxpayer money and I have tenure so you can't fire me. 

So what happens? Well, there's a website called, where you can go and get petitions. All right so a petition pops up, they want Fresno State to fire. All right, this woman, they want them to fire Ms. Girard. She uh, they want her head on this petition. 56,000, so far Americans so far have signed the petition, get her out. President of Fresno State says no, he's not going to do that. He is going to scold her and she's on a leave of absence. So, President Joseph Castro for the University, Fresno State, says I'm appalled, I hate it, it is wrong but we can't fire her. It's a freedom of speech issue but I say it's hate speech. Now, would I fire her, if I were the president of Fresno State? No, I'd marginalize her, I would suggest that students at my college not take her courses because I don't believe she's capable of instructing students, serious students. I wouldn't fire her. And the reason is because that's what the far left does, take their jobs, take their jobs, take their jobs. And I don't want to be anywhere near that crew. 

April 12th:

At the University of Southern California, in Los Angeles. A group has put up a mural. All right. And the mural says quote, "Dismantle Whiteness and Misogyny on this campus". It's right outside the entrance of the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, which is a famous school at USC. All right, so they want to dismantle whiteness and misogyny on this campus. Now, the mural is put up by a group called 'When Women Disrupt'. OK now, here's, you know, a kooky radical group, what's, what's new? Right. That's not news but here is what is news. Nobody covered it, Los Angeles is the second largest television market in the nation. OK. They got like 10 stations doing local news, they didn't cover it, I'm going what?! USC is a huge premiere university, you got this big mural whiteness and misogyny, and you don't even cover it? You don't mention it? OK.  

Penn State, a little further east than USC. So, when alumni go back to their schools they have a homecoming, that's what homecoming weekend is all about and in some schools they have a homecoming king and queen. OK that's a little dated, it's more that way in high school but at Penn State they had it, they had Homecoming festivities. But they're doing away with the gendered title of king and queen. So, no more King and Queen of the homecoming at Penn State, no, no! What they're now going to have is two students, getting an honor called Guide State Forward Award. No clue, don't know what it means, don't care. The vice president of Student Affairs Damon Sims, says quote "homecoming as an organization supports it strives to embody the aspirations of the All-In initiative. To us it's less about what a student looks like on paper and more about embracing the whole person and the unique experiences and backgrounds of each Penn Stater." So, now the student court will select the two students for the award based on the whole person concept. Ok. That's a ruse, what they're really doing is saying you know, we don't like this man-woman business. We don't like this at all, so we're going to say that this whole thing is a quote, "We Are" event and this is the quote, this is the key at Penn State, "In an effort to embrace diversity and gender inclusivity within our community, ten candidates who capture the essence of the values we hold as a university will be chosen regardless of their gender, gender identity and/or gender expression", I don't know what that means. OK. So, I guess they have ten finalists and two are chosen for the award. But the bottom line on this is that Penn State doesn't want delineations made about men and women, gone. Father-Mother gone, OK. No. 


April 5th:

Here in New York at City University, City College I guess they call it now, the new school. They have set aside space, well not yet, the students are demanding administrators set aside space for people of color to quote exist without the pressures of white supremacy. Segregation is back! So, the students at the new school say you know what, these white people, we need a space given to us by the school for nonwhites to do that. Of course, the new school, well instead of saying hey we're not going to have segregation on any level here, uh uh uh... We'll see what they do.


March 27th:

All right here on Long Island students at Hofstra University have demanded that a statue of Thomas Jefferson be removed from the campus. There's old Tom. This is being driven by a Black Lives Matter activists on campus, who says that micro and macro aggressions are coming out of this statue it's like wooahhh. So, on Good Friday, this coming Friday there's a demonstration to get Jefferson off campus. Now, I told you this is going to happen, way back in the Charlottesville thing with Robert E. Lee. I said, next they're going to come for Jefferson then they'll come for George Washington and James Madison. You know, they're coming. The far left hates the country, despises America and want to tear down every tradition that we have.  

Now, the problem with this is that who is going to stand up to JaLoni Amor. That's the leader of this thing. Who's going to stand up to this one person? The Dean of Hofstra? The president of the university? They stand up? No way. Other students? Not going to happen. If they're, everybody's afraid, they've won. The far left has won the battle of fear, has won it. Now, if you care about the real Thomas Jefferson you've got to read Killing England because we have him there and both good and bad. So, you can, after reading that make your determination whether micro and macro aggressions are coming off his stature. Again, this is not going to stop.


March 14th:

All Right, university, this is one of my favorite stories here, University of Minnesota, liberal school. They're bringing a person into lecture called 'Elephant in the room: a grown up conversation about whiteness', they're not paying this woman. Lisa Anderson-Levy, there's Ms. Anderson-Levy, she's a radical left professor, teaches at a Beloit College, maybe I'm not saying it right, B E L O I T, the oldest college in Wisconsin. Are very radical person and she believes that, I'll read, here's a description of her lecture. 'There has been little public discussion about the logic of white supremacy and how it contextualizes the ways in which we understand who is a terrorist, what counts as terrorism, who is a patriot, what counts as patriotism, who's an immigrant and what counts as unfavorable immigration.' OK so whiteness is her theme and whiteness is not good, in her eyes. It's white supremacy. So, those of us who are white are, part of our mission is to keep down African-Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, keep them down because we're white and we want to keep them down. That is about as absurd and dishonest, a philosophy of white supremacy as there is, on this planet. Now, are there white bigots? Yeah, there are, okay the KKK, Nazis yeah, they're there. Are there black bigots yeah, they're there, hey, Louis Farrakhan, how are you doing today? OK.  

Now, this woman Anderson-Levy. She's a co-leader on a six hundred thousand dollar project funded by Andrew Mellon Foundation to foster diversity, inclusively and equity. This all ties in, this ties into the Women's March, to the EMPOWER Group, the kids running out today about the guns, all ties together. This is a big, big cabal coming after America and American traditions. Not going to hear it anywhere else, but and I urge you to get the word out. We need people to know what we are doing that the others don't do. All of you have lots of friends and family, talk us up, get to see gift certificate subscriptions and we reward you for that, four free books, free membership for you for another year. We got to get the word out. We're going to start to market soon, but we need your help.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 4:00 PM
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OPEN TO ALL - No Spin News Special: Best of Campus Craziness
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