Why the Most Powerful Man in the World Does Not Want to Lead
August 11, 2014

It is almost beyond belief that the U.S.A. and its Western allies have allowed a terror army to gain so much power.  It is now ruling thousands of square miles, and slaughtering thousands of innocent civilians -- including women and children.

The terror army is called ISIS or ISIL.  It's an offshoot of al Qaeda, and it began gaining strength one-year ago in Syria when it captured the town of Raqqa.

The ISIS army has publicly stated it wants to establish an Islamic Caliphate and eventually attack America.

They are not subtle people.

From the beginning, President Obama underestimated the threat posed by these terrorists, telling The New Yorker magazine last January that they were the jayvee.

Now the president has changed his opinion.

BARACK OBAMA: "Did we underestimate ISIL?  I think that there is no doubt that their advance, their movement over the last several months has been more rapid than the intelligence estimates and I think the expectations of policymakers both in and outside of Iraq." 

But Talking Points did not underestimate the terrorists.  Nearly two months ago, I said this:

BILL O'REILLY: "Why hasn't the United States been confronting the al Qaeda army? The ISIS people, they control parts of Syria and northern Iraq. And we have known that for a long time. ... The U.S.A. should begin bombing the al Qaeda army as soon as possible; we don't need any more meetings. Let's send a message that terrorists remain targets. Al Qaeda is our enemy. You know, I feel like I'm lecturing fourth graders here."

The fact that President Obama and his advisors did not think that a well-funded terror army was not going to cause enormous damage is simply inexplicable.

I mean, what did Mr. Obama think these people were going to do?

Again, they are not subtle.  They are killers.  They murder women and children.  They rape.  They target Christians, Jews and other non-Muslim religions.  They are the absolute worst of humanity.

And for one solid year, the most powerful man in the world -- President Obama -- did absolutely nothing to contain this threat.

The situation is almost identical to what happened in the mid-1930s when Hitler and his Nazi thugs were gaining power.

Americans like Joseph Kennedy, Sr. and Charles Lindbergh were sympathetic to the Third Reich, and almost half the nation wanted to stay out of any conflict in Europe.

Meanwhile, Hitler gained more power and eventually started World War II, resulting in more than 55-million human beings killed in the European theater.

Talking Points has said this before: There is no difference in the mentality of the Nazis and ISIS.

They are identical in their hate and tactics. 

But the American media will not tell you that.

In fact, they are busy replacing the word terrorist with the words militants and rebels.

SCOTT PELLEY, CBS NEWS ANCHOR: "Back in battle: The President orders U.S. warplanes to attack Sunni Muslim extremists in northern Iraq to stop a campaign of terror."

JIM MIKLASZEWSKI, NBC NEWS CORRESPONDENT: "The airstrikes are also aimed at supporting Kurdish Peshmerga fighters -- U.S. allies overrun by ISIS rebelsthis week."

MARTHA RADDATZ, ABC NEWS CORRESPONDENT: "Good evening, David. The U.S. military now has a green light to launch airstrikes as needed in Iraq -- today, pounding multiple targets, trying to stop the militants from advancing and from threatening American lives and the lives of thousands of Iraqi families trapped on that mountain."

The New York Times started that militant business, refusing to call the ISIS army what they really are terrorists -- not militants ... not rebels.

The left-wing media well understands that Americans viscerally respond to terrorists and want to punish them.

And since many on the left want to diminish the terrorist threat, that's why these words are being used.

Now, how could any American want to stand down when thousands of innocent people are being killed by terrorists, not militants?

I can't answer that question.

I can only listen and shake my head.

ED SCHULTZ, MSNBC HOST: "I'm all for humanitarian aid at some level to start with and maybe even a heck of a lot more, but I am not for international intervention here. You go over there and starting a shooting match -- what's our intel on the ground, who are we gonna be hitting? How do we know we're siding up with the right people?"

PHYLLIS BENNIS, INSTITUTE FOR POLICY STUDIES: "I think it's going to make it worse.  It makes it worse, one, because putting in more ordinance, bombing more people always makes it worse.  Bombs recruit terrorists -- that we've seen for 15 years now."

SEN. BEN CARDIN (D-MD): "I don't think we can take out ISIS from a military point of view from the use of our air strikes. That's not going to solve the problem."

Senator Cardin of course is mistaken.  The limited U.S. bombing has already pushed ISIS back, and given the Kurds much more incentive to fight the terrorists.

Senator Cardin does not know what he is talking about, and the fact that he is actually in the Senate is frightening.

But even more frightening is that the most powerful man in the world -- Barack Obama -- does not want to confront evil.

He simply wants to remain detached, hoping for some kind of mythical coalition to deal with deadly threats.

The Wall Street Journal nailed it in their editorial last Friday, quote:

"Perhaps history will mark this as the week that President Obama recognized that evil unimpeded will devour everything before it." 

But I don't think the White House will recognize anything because I don't think President Obama looks at the world in terms of good and evil.

For him, there is always a political solution, a consensus, a discussion.

And it's not only the ISIS situation that is looming.

We now know that Russia has violated the arms agreement and has been testing medium-range cruise missiles, a treaty violation.

Putin knows the U.S.A. and Europe will do nothing about that.

Iran certainly is not going to give up its nuclear research.  It well understands the weakness of the west.

Finally, when people like Hillary Clinton and other stalwart Democrats begin to criticize President Obama's foreign policy, you know things are out of control.

And they are, but hopefully all the chaos will wake up Americans who are again asleep -- just as we were before 9/11.

American power should not be used unless it is absolutely necessary to save lives and defeat evil.

We can't right all wrongs on this planet, but if we allow Islamic terrorists to grow in power to slaughter human beings at will, we are putting ourselves in grave danger.

President Obama has to wise up -- and fast.

And that's the memo.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 9:43 PM
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Why the Most Powerful Man in the World Does Not Want to Lead
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