The Migrant March is Advancing, Mitch McConnell Harassed at Restaurant & Interview with Anthony Scaramucci.
October 22, 2018

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Hey, Premium Members welcome to the No Spin News for Monday October 22, 2018, take your country back. We have a very busy week for you. Good guess but Anthony Scaramucci coming up former White House communications director. Oh I forgot to tell you it. Take your country back.

OK so the the main story and I've been reporting on this for about a week is the migrant march through Mexico up to up to the southern border. Estimates are from five to 7000 now in line and more are joining and the the endgame is to get as many people possible to the southern border to ask for asylum. So they are released within the United States because there is a three year back up to hear asylum claims. OK. So just a few things. If you want to know our reporting last week it's posted on the on the site but we basically told you that this is not an organic situation that it was organized by a group called Pueblo Sin Fronteras, people without borders. We don't know who funds that group because it's in Honduras and they don't have to list their donors. We strongly suspect George Soros organizations are behind it. Now you may not know this but in Hungary they passed a law they nicknamed it stop Soros law and it says that anyone found to be facilitating illegal immigration including by assisting nongovernmental organizations that help migrants seek asylum. Faces up to a year in jail. Soros was doing the same thing in Hungary trying to open the borders so that people fleeing the Middle East and North Africa could come into Hungary. Now the Hungarian government which is the right wing government stopped that cold. All right. And then passed a law to prosecute Soros. Now if Soros goes back to Hungary, he was originally a Hungarian national. He's now an American citizen. They could arrest him. 

OK so that is what's to employ I believe. Now I don't have proof because we can't see who's funding Pueblo Sin Fronteras because Honduras is not going to release that but I know that somebody is funding this march because it's an environmental disaster by the way. I mean picture seven thousand people walking 2000 miles they have to use facilities they have to eat sleep and you know all of this is fairly well organized. It's not like a bunch of people said hey let's go walk twenty five hundred miles from Tegucigalpa, Honduras, to Laredo, Texas. Not like that happen. Now the timing as we discuss is for the midterm elections that they are hoping that Hispanic Americans will see this and vote for Democrats who want open borders. They do. Now I asked my staff to research whether any Democrat anybody was asked how would you solve this problem. Of 7000 people trying to get into the United States for asylum. Nobody asked it, no press person asked it as far as we can tell. Now Joe Biden gave a speech. No solution. Just Trump is the devil. Trump is his trump is that Trump's solution is he says it's going to move the U.S. military regulars not the National Guard to the border to stop people from seeking asylum. What you have to do is in a port of entry if you are foreign nationals seeking asylum you yourself have to go up to a U.S. border person or an ICE person and request it. Face to face if you do that they have to process your application for asylum. But what President Trump is saying is that he's going to put the military between the migrants coming and the U.S. Border Patrol officials they're not going to be able ask anybody for asylum. That's the only way to stop it because we have arcane immigration laws here and that's why President Trump blames the Democratic Party. He says our immigration laws are crazy and antiquated but the Democrats won't change. But there's more to that because Republicans will not either. All right President Trump said almost two years to get legislation passed. He controls GOP controls the House and Senate. But he hasn't been able to because Republicans themselves some won't support a border wall or changing the immigration laws. It's not just the Democrats here now the president says he will cut off some aid to Honduras and Guatemala and El Salvador because those governments have allowed people to come to the USA. I think the number is closer 500 million dollars a year. Yes. Five hundred million dollars a year for those three countries in 2017. So it's a lot of money. So President Trump said we're stopping that and since Congress is not in session you can stop it. Max Boot works or CNN Former Conservative, not anymore. He's never Trumper. Here's what he said about the migrant March.

SOT- MAX BOOT: It is demagoguery Brian. It is also I believe racism and nativism really pandering to the fears of Trump supporters and Fox News viewers who tend to be older white males who are alarmed about the supposed invasion of dark skinned newcomers coming to America. I mean that threat is entirely bogus because in fact border crossings have declined dramatically in the last 18 years down 80 percent 

BILL O'REILLY: Mr. Boot is correct about the border crossings they have declined dramatically since the year 2000 when there was 1 million 643 people apprehended at the border. In 2017, the number was 300,916.

That's because of increased border patrol presence electronic surveillance and a change a change asylum seekers are not alien apprehensions anymore. They're asylum seekers so the bottom line is that we have in this country a border problem and an illegal immigration law problem that Max Boot can't solve. He's the demagogue here. Oh yeah yeah this is all about racism and I know that's not true. That's not true. If it was about racism then President Trump would stop legal immigration from third world countries which of course he is not. So what Boot is doing is what he's accusing President Trump is doing. But if you ask Boot, what is your solution. Say they let the 7000 in his Boot employ implies should happen.

Well you're going to have 37 million come after them. Everybody oppressed in the world is going to try to get him if they think they can get here with no problem. And get asylum and live in the United States come on, you can't do it.

But again the question isn't as democratic party has no solutions and this is a stunt. This is a stunt OK to gin up Hispanic Americans to vote for the Democratic Party.

And you know the Democrats they wrote the Message of the Day we'd love to have theU.S. military down air and then have some accident befall a migrant and blame the military under President Trump. They'd love that, love press would love that. So you got to be careful.

In the face of all this President Trump's approval rating is going up according to a very anti Trump poll. The NBC Wall Street Journal poll vary anti-Trump and they say that now 47 percent of Americans approve of Donald Trump, 49 disapprove.

That's higher than Barack Obama when he approached his midterm he was at 45 percent approval. Does that mean anything? Nah, doesn't really mean anything. Latino voters favor Donald Trump 27 percent decent number for him. Black Vote is 14 percent I guess that includes Kanye West. All right, let's bring in a former communications director for President Trump, Anthony Scaramucci, is running around promoting his book which will be out tomorrow called "Trump The blue collar president. 

And I didn't watch it because I can't bear to watch "The View". So I had my I had my crack staff watch it and report and I read some stuff and they were giving you some jazz about why. What were they jazzing you about?

Anthony Scaramucci: Well they don't like Trump obviously the jazz lingo blue collar president because he has a gold toilet seat in his house so therefore how could he grow up that way and be a quote unquote blue collar president. Well that wasn't the point of the book. The point was that he captured the imagination of people that I grew up with in the town over from Manhasset. My father worked in the sandpits for 42 straight years. He had a heavy crane job and a payloader job. And so I talk about how he captured the imagination of the people I grew up with. My cousin Bobby's a clammer an Oyster Bay, my cousin Augie runs competition all auto glass down on Plandome Road.

BILL O'REILLY: Yeah, I think i know, Augie! So you know from even Megan McCain who's a token conservative on the crew she doesn't like Trump, nobody likes Trump, Before, I've been on "The View" many many times you may know I won't do it anymore. When Barbara Walters was there she imposed a civility on Behar who is just the worst and Golberg has followed in that in that path. But Barbara Walters was the creator of the show and could impose her will on those ladies what she did was their hostility to you when you walked in and saw them or was there any of that.

Anthony Scaramucci: It was a like being a Yankee in Fenway Park or you know that the audience is going boo you and throw fastballs at your forehead and that's fine. I think one of the issues with Meghan and I like her a great deal I used to obviously be on several of the FOX shows with her, Bill. You know she's sore at the president because of the relationship with their father.

BILL O'REILLY: Right. And I sympathize with that. I told Donald Trump when he said this stuff about John McCain that it was a mistake. But you know if she's going to host a television program and I think Meghan McCain is largely fair she just has a blind spot right now for Trump. But look I read your book over the weekend a very interesting read but I was more interested in you than what you thought of Donald Trump even though I think your analysis is correct. When Trump came on the scene there were millions and millions of Americans 60 million to be exact that were fed up with politicians and they wanted somebody to come in and blow it up which he has but now going forward. Donald Trump has a number of things that he's going to accomplish if he wants to be reelected. First of all you got caught up and I'll never understand in a million years. And it still happens to this day. Why the Trump administration talks to The New Yorker or New York magazine or CNN or The Associated Press. You got nailed by a conversation with a New Yorker reporter Ryan Lizza. OK. Why bother. Why bother with those people.

Anthony Scaramucci: You know I try to be brutally honest in the book as you know because you read it. I made a mistake and so Ryan Lizza's father, Frank, worked with my dad in the sand pits. It's out by your house and they've have known each other for 15 years I ended up with a relationship with him and I got on the phone to talk to him. And you know if you listen to the recording it is a colloquial recording I am using some salty language. I grew up in a neighborhood so sometimes we use salty language. No different from what John Kelly was saying John last Friday. So what he asked me if I wanted to do a promotional profile myself in the New Yorker I said I didn't. And I said, 'who do you think I am'. Steve Bannon blankety blank. That was a mistake. Obviously you ran with it. Yeah. Yeah.

BILL O'REILLY: OK. So so you. You lost my job because of bad because you made a mistake which you admit in the book. Everybody makes them but they're still making them. I mean Bill Shine is a communications director took your job. OK. I've known him for 20, 20 years because he was at Fox and I keep asking him when I talk to him. Why are you talking to these people when they are never in a million years going to give you a break ever. No matter what you say they're going to spin it negative. They're going to try to make you look bad not you, Anthony Scaramucci, per se but anyone associated with President Trump including the Commander in Chief himself so why bother? 

Anthony Scaramucci: So let me give you my two cents on that and you may remember this from the book I was trying to recruit Bill in there. I wasn't really suited to be the comms director Bill. I was supposed to be the president's OPL director which is sort of like being a chief networking officer. That's the Office of Public Liaison. But Priebus then blocked me from that job. And then of course I let my pride in my ego get in the way and then I started pursuing any job. And that was my mistake. So I write right about that as well. But once I got the job the president offered me the comms job. I suggested to him just him. Let's bring in Bill Shine. I was hosting Wall Street Week on the Fox Business Channel. I'd gotten to know Bill and Roger pretty well and I thought it was a very talented guy. I know you think he is I said let's bring him in. And I was in the process of recruiting him. We were having dinner Sean was at the dinner. Sean Hannity, Brian Kilmeade, etc. And then the dinner leaked out. And you know I called Ryan who the one that had the leak to enter into a conversation with them. That was my bad. But the reason they talk reason they talk to these people is whether we like it or not. You have to go into that world because eight percent of the vote is going to decide the election. You know the coasts are going to go blue. Red is in the middle. There's about eight percent of that vote that's going to swing one way or the other. And unfortunately a lot of those people go if you look at the data they watch those shows and so you know even though you're getting harshly treated and are beating up on the president or beating up on someone like myself or Sarah Huckabee going into that territory and demonstrating to an independent you can handle that territory believe it or not I think you're winning incremental votes.

BILL O'REILLY: There is a difference though on television when you can do a live interview and hold your own like you did today on the view and print. Print will always get you. You're an economics guy, made your fortune calculating what investments would be worthy for your clients. OK. Trump has made his presidency about economics with a few other issues like illegal immigration we talked about it. You seem to be saying in your book that the reason that you are it's remains such an ardent supporter of Mr. Trump is because you believe he handles the economy well. Is that about right.

Anthony Scaramucci: Yeah and obviously better than the alternative. I mean if I'm going to be totally candid none of them are handling the economy super well America needs a 25 year plan to solve infrastructure, education, solve the entitlement situation, resizing rescale the deficit. Unfortunately our society now because they're down like two minute news cycles we are no public servants in this society that are offering a 25 year plan. Right. Go ahead a Chinese. So anyway so why. My point is is that he is the best of the two evils out there with both parties I think are a disaster for America long term is they just are off where we need to be if we want everybody to do a lot better.

BILL O'REILLY: All right if you look at the big picture of 22 trillion dollar debt entitlements like Social Security and Medicare that need some kind of discipline or that debt is going to rise to 32 trillion. You're right. But if you look at the short term which all politicians do they don't want to say anything to voters that are going to get the voters mad at them. So that's why nothing gets done. Is there what is. If you had to say. All right you economy is going. I support Trump over the left wing quasi socialist. What is the other thing if you had a point to one, that you believe President Trump's doing for this country that elevates him over his Democratic opponent whoever that will be.

Anthony Scaramucci: Well I mean this stuff at the border is definitely something that I'm cheating on because like you just said in your opening remarks I'm for legal immigration and I just find it hard pressed to understand why these guys are for quote illegal immigration. So there is a Nobel Prize winning economist now deceased named Milton Friedman basically said if we have a welfare state which the United States does, you have to protect your borders, because free markets indicate that people will pour across the border to participate in the welfare state.

BILL O'REILLY: So no doubt about it right now 53 percent of all immigrant families receive some kind of assistance from the government. And 15 percent of our entire population is now foreign born. So it's not like America is isolating itself and not letting anybody in. We let plenty of people in. But as you rightly pointed out if we're going to let everybody stream across the border which was what the Democratic Party does want to do no matter what they say because they have no solutions then you're going to be in for an economic collapse because the government can't afford it. Let me let me move on to another area or one more area I want to I want to talk to you about when you got into like you said you're a long island guy ethnic home father was a working class guy mirrored my upbringing I was over in Levittown you're in Port Washington same kind of thing on Long Island.

BILL O'REILLY: When you get into the swamp. All right. So Anthony Scaramucci coming from New York New York guy a neighborhood guy blue collar guy upbringing. You get into the swamp in Washington. All right. What is it about that swamp that's so damaging. Drain the swamp. What the swamp that what is it about that swamp that needs to be obliterated.

Anthony Scaramucci: Well number one it's not a swamp. It is a gold plated hot tub you know. And so what they do is they look at you and they say bought or can't be bought. If you can be bought they'll hand two bottles of Crystal a couple cubanos, come into the hot tub with us unless curry favor with each other. If he can't be bought. We're going to build opposition research stores of about you. We're going to leap like crazy behind your back anonymously sourced. And we're going to try to blow you out of the swamp. And so it is a very nefarious place a lot of presidents do well and just a few weeks ago where he said you know the real estate people in New York are a bunch of babies compared to these leaves are lying dishonest cretins only care about themselves and it's the main reason why the American people hate them so much.

BILL O'REILLY: Is the Washington Post and The New York Times part of the hot tub crew.

Anthony Scaramucci: Well I think they are in the falling respect. They crossed the border. Now of personal hatred into President Trump. So they're in the border of demonization now where you can't get a fair shake from them on anything not one editorial. Asked journalistically what is the one thing that President Trump has done. Well you can't get anybody to respond to it it's almost like the fear of being fired if they say this and do it right.

BILL O'REILLY: Well it's if something interesting happens let last week. And you can use this in your in your press tour. President Trump signed a very expensive cleanup the Oceans Act law for the United States to actually clean up the world's oceans. Now this plays right into environmentalism global warming every, every left wing cause I didn't see one report on it you know. Now I'm a big ocean guy. All right I've got a place in eastern Long Island, I'm in the ocean all time. OK. Nobody mentioned it. So you're right. I mean not that they have crossed the line. Well let it go ahead.

Anthony Scaramucci: But you say they fortified the schools with additional safety. There was only one person from up in Connecticut where that horrible tragedy happened that said something nice about the president I don't know if you saw that but he, he's tried in a number of different areas but you're not going to hear good news from certain organizations.

BILL O'REILLY: But he made that tweet about the ocean and the protection of schools rather than Stormy Daniels. Let's get Stormy off the plate get back into the oceans and protect the kids. Anthony, good luck with the book. It's "Trump blue collar president". Now I don't want you to knock me out of number one on "Killing the SS" but you might, you might.

Anthony Scaramucci: I don't know if that possible, but you wrote a great book, Bill, I'm on chapter 6 I'm really enjoying the intrigue there. Yes. Yes. People should go out and get it.

BILL O'REILLY: And I enjoyed trump the blue collar guy. All right Anthony thanks for coming on. We know you're very busy. We appreciate it. Saudi Arabia. OK. So tomorrow Turkish officials are supposed to release some audio thing they have and the Turkish president Erdogan is going to say what happened to Jamal Khashaoggi and President Trump is going to do something I've reported it reported reported that I'm not going to go over and over and over it. We'll watch and see what he does. There's no question Saudi Arabia had this guy assassinated. He was working for the Washington Post. Washington Post went wild that's why it's a big story. We'll see what the president does.

BILL O'REILLY: Mitch McConnell and his wife in Louisville, Kentucky, trying to have dinner at Havana Rumba restaurant. OK. And then he's approached by some loon. Roll it.

BILL O'REILLY: So that's a disgrace. If I were the senator I would have had him arrested that man. All right. Now McConnell kept his cool but for me that is a crime. And even if you're not convicted of the crime I would call the police and at man arrested. The only way it's going to stop right.

Amy Schumer. I don't get Amy Schumer. I tried. I watched a couple of her specials. You know much younger than I am and maybe I'm missing the generational humor but now she's kind of morphing into a radical leftist. AMY SCHUMER She from Long Island. And here's what she said about the NFL protest put it on the screen please. "I wonder why more white players aren't kneeling. Once you witness the truly deep inequality and endless racism people of color face in our country. Not to mention the police brutality and murder. Why not kneel next to your brothers. Otherwise how are you not complicit." Amy Schumer put that on Instagram. Now the reason I'm telling you this is not that Amy Schumer means anything. She doesn't. She's a comedian and that's fine. 37 years old because Amy Schumer feels that she is virtuous and this is what people who agree with her feel we are virtuous. We are the people who are righteous because the American police are racist and killers. And so is our society. But not Amy Schumer and the people who agree with her. No we are the benevolent people. You can debate Amy Schumer all day long on statistics that show that in America police shootings are very low that police officers themselves put themselves at risk all the time to protect minorities. You can. There isn't anything on earth you could say that would change Amy Schumer's opinion because Amy Schumer believes she is virtuous by holding that opinion. That's what it's all about. You come across people like that walk away.

All right drug testing now done by many many corporations and even small businesses in New York City. Quest dynamics reports a 150 percent increase in prospective job seekers using methamphetamine and drug abuse rates overall for workers tested in New York State are up. Not dramatically because we don't have legalized pot here yet but in states that do have legalized marijuana they are way up. Now that presents an interesting quandary. If you have legalized pot and you go in and you drug tested by corporations thinking to hire you and they won't because you're stoned. Do they have a liability. And the answer is no. Because if you drink which is legal and you walk in and you have a high alcohol content level aren't going to hire you either they don't want people inebriated and if you know if you go for a job you know you're going to get drug test and you still inebriated I don't think you're going to get hired. Finally Washington Post. No respect for it. As you know reports that Georgetown Prep where Brett Kavanaugh was in high school and all of that controversy surrounding what he allegedly did there.

George: I think President Trump should end the Saudi thing by taking a page from Obama's playbook when something came up such as this. President Obama said we will not rest until people are responsible for this are brought to justice and nothing ever happens. 

BILL O'REILLY: Can't do it and this time an assassination is different. Not the Nazis socialists not the Nazis. We have a lot of checks and balances for that and it just couldn't happen it's just too much built into the constitution that would prevent a violent overthrow of this government. 

Claudia Stone: I'm independent conservative lives in California I'm frustrated because my vote count for the midterms I don't take my country back.

BILL O'REILLY: I'm in the same spot. New York's a one party state but you go to the polls and you engage on a local level. Hermosa Beach a nice place. Get on a town council. Spread the word. You know minds can be changed. All right what more do we have here. Michael, Marco Island, Florida: People waiting for asylum or house where and by whom do they have to work when they get to the USA.

 BILL O'REILLY: Once they're released into this country which most people who apply for asylum are they give an address where their friends or relatives or whatever or a church group or something extensively they go there but they don't have to. Nobody tracks them have to work I mean the government doesn't micromanage them at all. They come back in three years and see if they get asylum or not. OK. Word of the Day do not be craven not be craven remember "Killing Patton" out in paperback. And if you're going to read "Killing the SS" or listen to it on the audio remember I record the audio. Going to be "Killing the SS". Read "Killing Patton" as well because they flow into each other. You don't have to read Patton before the SS. It doesn't matter. You can read whatever one you want first and once again we think everybody making "Killing the SS" the biggest selling book in America. It's pretty stunning. You know I don't have the platform in television anymore but you guys are loyal and we get the word out. Tomorrow, we have another Crackerjacks show we're going to Brett Thompson on. He's going to talk about what President Trump and legally do on the border. The steps he can take to stop all these people from trying to come in here. All right thanks for being Premium Members. We'll see you tomorrow.

And be sure to check out: Free 3 Month Membership with a Personalized Copy of "Killing the SS"

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Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 4:00 PM
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The Migrant March is Advancing, Mitch McConnell Harassed at Restaurant & Interview with Anthony Scaramucci.
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