Staff Column:  The Nobelist and the Terrorists
June 30, 2016

Remember when President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize?  The honor was announced in October 2009, after he had been in office for less than a full year.

The Nobel Committee praised the president for creating a 'new climate,' and for reaching out to the Muslim world.  Well, let us ask the committee a clichéd and overused question: 'How's that working out for you?'

One month after the Nobel announcement, Muslim fanatic Major Nidal Hasan slaughtered 13 people at Fort Hood in what was laughingly called an act of 'workplace violence.' 

Apparently Hasan did not get the memo about Muslim outreach.

To his credit, when Mr. Obama accepted that Nobel Prize, he acknowledged that 'evil does exist in the world.'  He cited Adolf Hitler and Al Qaeda as examples of evil men who had to be confronted by brute force.

However, in the years since, the president has been a very reluctant terror warrior.  To be sure, he has killed scores of terrorist leaders with drone strikes and has bombed ISIS facilities in Iraq and Syria.

But he prefers to talk about 'containing' ISIS, not smashing it. 

Taking another trip down a memory lane that is littered with dead bodies, last November President Obama boasted that the Islamic State had been 'contained.'  A few hours later the jihadist savages carried out their bloody attacks in Paris.

More recently, two weeks ago the president reassured all of us that 'we are making significant progress' in the fight against ISIL, his preferred term for the Islamic State.  Then came Istanbul and dozens more killed.

Want another dollop of outrage?  When President Obama met with the leaders of Canada and Mexico in the so-called 'Three Amigos' summit this week, the trio focused on LGBT rights and global warming.  Seriously.  This was less than a day after ISIS blew up another airport!

While in Ottawa, the president also found time to denounce UK voters for opting out of the European Union, and he assailed the 'demagoguery' of certain politicians.  He didn't name Donald Trump.  He didn't have to.

Our commander-in-chief is a study in inaction and evasion, always preferring to blame anything other than Islamic terrorism.  That is the evil that dare not speak its name, at least in the White House. 

What in the world is going on?  How unserious is this administration? 

While President Obama insists on calling the terrorists 'ISIL,' Secretary of State John Kerry refers to them as 'Daesh,' a term the butchers reportedly abhor.  So while ISIS concentrates on Semtex, our leaders worry about semantics.

Meanwhile, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, sounding more like John Lennon than John Wayne, implies that terror can be fought with 'love and compassion.' 

Such is the sad state of our war on terror. 

But what about the post-Obama strategy? 

During his appearance on The Factor Wednesday, Donald Trump laid out his plans for demolishing ISIS.  He says NATO, under strong American leadership, 'ought to go in there and wipe them out.'  He also predicted that Turkey will retaliate by unleashing a powerful assault on the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa, Syria.

Hillary Clinton also talks far tougher than President Obama.  After the Istanbul carnage, she vowed to 'defeat the forces of terrorism and radical jihadism around the world.'  She didn't use the dreaded 'I' word, but she came close.

President Obama was absolutely correct when he said, while accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, that evil will always exist.  But it must be confronted, not contained.  The non-evil people in this world, meaning the vast majority of us, need to hit back at the savages with ferocity.

There can be no more playing defense, no more name games, no more rejection of force.  As counter-terrorism analyst Jim Hanson said on The Factor this week, 'somebody has to go in and cut down the ISIS flag.' 

But who will do that?  And when?  There is a nagging fear that not much will be accomplished on the terror front until a new commander-in-chief occupies the Oval Office. 

He or she will not have a Nobel Peace Prize on the mantle.  Which may be a very, very good thing.

Posted by Staff at 12:41 PM
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Staff Column:  The Nobelist and the Terrorists
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