O'Reilly on Hurricane Harvey, Trump's Arpaio Pardon, & Dangerous Antifa Violence
August 28, 2017

Last week of summer- and there is lot on the NSN docket! 

Hurricane Harvey is blasting Texas

Bill began the broadcast talking about Hurricane Harvey which has and continues to flood large areas of Texas. 

Bill sympathizes with the victims of the hurricane, but he added, “It’s an act of nature, we’ve always had to deal with them. I think the United States is pretty well organized, very brave people. Texas is a very resilient state. Donald Trump is going there tomorrow.” 

Bill went on to discuss how on Tuesday, Hurricane Harvey will turn into a political event with the arrival of President Trump, “As soon as the president goes to Texas it will become political and we’ll hone in on that tomorrow.” So, look forward to Bill’s comments on that Tuesday evening!

Bill mentioned that he has received a lot of letters from viewers that are praying for the people in Texas, which he says everyone should do, but you can also donate to the Red Cross to help those in need. 

Pardoning Sheriff Joe Arpaio

This is a particularly interesting story to Bill because “(Sheriff Joe) Arpaio is basically a guy who has been around in law enforcement forever and it’s been politicized, we all know that and it was a political move. President Trump pardoned Joe Arpaio for political reasons because the Sheriff was a big, big defender of Donald Trump and got on the Trump train very early.” 

Bill continues to go on saying “whether you like the guy or not, he’s served his country. That goes a long way in deciding presidential pardons.” 

Bill gives his take on whether he thinks that Sheriff Joe should be pardoned. 

“Do I have a problem with the pardon? Not really. Maybe the timing was a little early, but the man is 85, he has served his country well, you may disagree with him here, good people on both sides do. I don’t really have a major problem with it.”

Bill does goes on to say had he been president he would have done it differently, but he understands where Donald Trump is coming from. 

Berkeley, California

On Sunday, in Berkeley, CA, there was a movement put together by the alt-right which was protesting Marxism. The protestors knew full well that it would cause trouble. However, they have the right to protest peacefully. 

The trouble occurred, when anarchists and the antifa heard about the protest and came out and started using violence against the alt-right demonstrators. 

While there were approximately 400 police on location they were unable to keep the two groups separated. Police arrested 13 people and reportedly that 6 people were sent to hospitals with non-life threatening injuries. 

Interview with Ned Ryun

Bill recaps an interesting article written by Ned Ryun who is a former presidential writer for George W. Bush. The article says antifa is far more dangerous to the country than the KKK, neo-Nazis and the white supremacist movement. 

Bill went on to interview Ned Ryun to further discuss his article. Ryun says that he believes George Soros is funding the antifa movement. Ryun believes that there are conservatively about 200,000 antifa believers in the nation. 

Bill replied saying, “there’s enough of them to cause every city in the country concern when a conservative display takes place.”

Ryun came back to say, “The Antifa and its allies and the mainstream media and the Democrat party…they’re trying to dehumanize, delegitimize anyone who has political views that they disagree with and they’re taking this line of reasoning that anyone that agrees with the left political agenda is doing so out of hatred and bigotry…therefore violence is an acceptable answer.” 

Bill described what the Antifa movement is trying to accomplish, “it’s basically threatening the President, anyone who voted for the President, anyone who is philosophically against communism, socialism, income redistribution, open borders, any of that.” 

The question remains, why isn’t this being exposed in the mainstream media? 

Chicago Deaths

Last weekend, 7 people were killed and 25 were wounded in Chicago. That brings the tally of shootings up to 2,500 people so far this year, which is actually 353 less than last year at this time. 

Bill explains that Rahm Emanuel has been uninterested in protecting people in his own city. This type of crime has been going on for 8 years, where is the protection? Why hasn’t Rahm Emanuel done more to stop the violence? 

Kudos to Jim Brown!

The former NFL running back, Jim Brown, spoke to the Cleveland Browns on Friday night to emphasize that they should act as a team after talking about the kind of protest that Colin Kaepernick first made last summer. 

Jim Brown’s message about social justice struck a chord because none of the Browns players protested the national anthem. 

Bill says “Football players as Americans have a right to protest whatever they want to protest, they don’t have a right to do it on their employer’s dime.” 


  • Killing England, out September 19, talks about Thomas Jefferson and George Washington both were slave owners, you can stand up to save the statues from being taken down, but you have to know who Jefferson and Washington were in totality. 
  • Why doesn’t Bill think that Obama is a direct cause of the division and hatred in this country? Bill replies that after “meeting, interviewing and studying that he is a man of the far left…he believes that America should be run by a government that institutes social justice at any cost.” Bill goes on to say, “I do not see him as a hater and I do not see him as a man who took office saying, I’m going to divide the country.” 
  • I just renewed my premium membership because I really enjoy the podcast and I look forward to reading Killing England. 
  • Why weren’t all of these “evil statues removed when Obama was in office,” Bill responds “because the far left has an opportunity to do this now”
Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 4:00 PM
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O'Reilly on Hurricane Harvey, Trump's Arpaio Pardon, & Dangerous Antifa Violence
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