Kirsten Powers Loathes Her Country
June 16, 2020
Some of you may remember my debates with Kirsten Powers on the Fox News Channel. An ardent liberal, she was spirited and sometimes her arguments were compelling.
I’m sure Ms. Powers would describe the above description as “sexist” because ever since she was hired by CNN, she has become an extremist. If you watched her analysis of Brett Kavanaugh, you saw a total denial of due process. If you read her column on statue-destruction in USA Today, you’ll see a woman who loathes her country.
“Most Americans were reared on whitewashed fairy tales about United States’ history with race. I wish we didn’t have so much ugliness in our history to contend with, but we do,” says Ms. Powers with more than a dash of snootiness, a CNN trademark.
It’s the “we” that gets me. The Americans I know, and they number in the thousands, want equal opportunity for all citizens. They want respectful relationships with all races. They acknowledge historical evils like slavery but also understand that should not define America today.
What clear-thinking folks don’t want, generally speaking, is a politically correct nation that judges vast numbers of people based on past events. Kirsten Powers and her ilk live for that.  ‘Let’s run down the USA and anyone who defends the country must be racist.‘ Just like anyone giving Brett Kavanaugh the benefit of the doubt is a misogynist.
Tonight on the No Spin News, we’ll take a hard look at the extremists in the media. No shortage of material. See you at six eastern.
Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 6:37 AM
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