O'Reilly on the Oscars, the NRA Fighting Back, and Trump's Effect on the Economic Climate
March 5, 2018

Hey, BillOReilly.com Premium Members, welcome to The No Spin News Monday, March 5th, 2018. Take your country back. 

I just got back from Florida. I was down in Palm Beach County over the weekend, beautiful down there little windy but that's all right 75 degrees. So some friends and I actually had dinner last night at the Trump Golf Club. The President wasn't there, he was gallivanting around this weekend. I had never been there before, beautiful place out in West Palm Beach not on the island and had a nice weekend, it was nice to get out of the cold weather but now we're back in New York, tomorrow we'll be back in our studio. Wednesday, it's supposed to snow so we'll be back here at my house. And we're happy you're with us today, I've got a lot to tell you. 

So, the first thing is the dopey Academy Awards, I hope you saw my Message of the Day. Basically, I didn't watch it, I'm never going to watch it again. I don't care anymore about these smug people, I never really cared but I was a movie fan way, way back in my early career. I actually did movie reviews in Denver, Colorado and Dallas on the air, it was fun. But I've always been a fan, always gone out to the movies, I don't much anymore. Best picture of the year The Color of Water, I won't see it. I'm sure it's brilliant, but I'm very, very angry at the climate the entertainment industry has created. Now, the Oscar show last night is going to be the lowest rated in history. Most Americans feel the way that I do, don't want to be lectured to by a bunch of people who really don't know very much of anything. They're self-absorbed, they're opportunists, not all of them as I wrote in the message. 

I executive produced four TV films, all of which were very successful and I worked with a brilliant film guy named Ridley Scott, Scott Free Productions, I had a great experience. I didn't have to deal with Pinheads, you know there were a few floating around but not many. The movies came out really, really well in my opinion. And so I don't have personal beefs against the industry but just, just consider this: Movies are freedom of expression, that's what they honor in the Academy Awards, artistic achievement. Well, if you're an actor or a director or anybody out in Hollywood, you're dependent upon agencies, William Morris Agency, Creative Artists, all of these people. 

OK. And if you don't toe a certain line, you're not going to your work you'll be blackballed. For example, if you're an NRA member and you put a little sticker on your Ferrari, and somebody sees that in the studio, you're toast. If you stick up for somebody who's under attack or allegations of misconduct. Then you are attacking women, no you can't work anymore. They'll be women going I don't want to work with him, they're attacking women. 

You know with this Ryan Seacrest, I don't know what he did or didn't do. I mean he says he didn't do anything wrong and E! where he works investigated found out he didn't do anything wrong and this guy's a pariah because he's accused. I give him credit for showing up to interview movie stars last night, and a lot of them didn't talk to him. They don't know what he did, they couldn't possibly know but they're not going to put themselves out. Oh no. You see and this kind of phony garbage I think is so evil. And they get up there and in a pontificate. And they all think the same way. You know, Trump's an idiot, he's a racist fascist, you know women are under siege and nobody can even defend themselves anymore. No matter what the accusation is you're guilty. Ah, you know and I know a lot of people in L.A. I know a lot of people in the industry, I was in TV 43 years. They're all as disgusted as I am but they can't say a word. There is no freedom of speech in the entertainment industry, none. You either go along or you're out. And not only you're out, you're in danger because they'll hurt you. 

So I had no interest at all in watching any of that. I like Jimmy Kimmel. I know a lot of you don't. All right, but I've been on his program I don't know five times, something like that. I've always liked him. I think he's got a very good sense of humor. I admire him for trying to stick up for his little boy who's, who's ill. Even maybe he didn't do it the right way, doesn't matter, doesn't matter. I saw how much he loved the little boy and I respect him. But Kimmel you know he gets out there and he's got to do what they tell him to do. Not that he wouldn't, he's a liberal, but that's fine. I don't mind that, when I talk with Kimmel he's respectful, we go back and forth, it's no problem. I like him. But you know that he's playing into his crew. And the interesting thing is they told him not to attack Trump. They told Kimmel not to attack Trump and he didn't, there were a few Trump lines and that many, because the producers of people behind the throne at ABC and Disney, they know that you are getting fed up with this. 

Now, a very interesting thing that you may not be aware of. And I found this fascinating. The NRA is fighting back. Now again, the NRA, I have always said has a right to exist, a right to put forth an aggressive posture on the Second Amendment. I got no problem with the NRA, I don't agree with them in some areas. All right. And you know what the areas are, we've outlined are our gun platform here. But that doesn't mean they don't have a right to operate and you don't have a right to join up and I thought the companies that tried to punish NRA members were way out of bounds, way out of bounds. What are you punishing them for? What are you punishing Americans who sincerely believe they want protections of the Second Amendment? You punishing them, you're going to withdraw your discounts. The NRA had nothing to do with the shooting in Florida and any other shooting. 

So, the NRA understands that it is under attack. So it produces a commercial and the commercial runs on Twitter, on Sunday. And it has to do with the NRA's view of the Academy Awards. Roll it. 

"We've had enough of the lies, the sanctimony, the arrogance, the hatred, the pettiness, the fake news. We are done with your agenda to undermine voters will and individual liberty in America. So to every lying member of the media, to every Hollywood phony, to the role model athletes who use their free speech to alter and undermine what our flag represents, to the politicians who would rather watch America burn than lose one ounce of their own personal power, to the late night hosts who think their opinions are the only opinions that matter, to the Joy Anne Reeds, the Morning Joe's, to those who stain honest reporting with partisanship, to those who bring bias and propaganda to CNN, The Washington Post and The New York Times. Your time is running out, the clock starts now." 

All right. So pardon the pun but the NRA is fighting back. All right, they're firing back and they're throwing it down and saying look we're going to come after you. You coming after us? We're coming after you. They don't have the power to override all the media that was mentioned there. The NRA does not have that kind of power but they have a lot of money and I read somewhere where they're getting members like crazy now because people are fed up, that's a backlash against the time is up. And Me Too. 

Finally, what I want to tell you is, when you see a commercial like that. All right. And the other side as well, there's always something behind it. So, the NRA is basically sending a message that we're not going to sit down and take this. We're going to come after you as best we can. The movement in Hollywood and it has spread all over the country now, to empower women. All right, that's what it's primarily about and that's what was on display last night. Is run by very far left people, if you know who the leaders of the movement are, they stay behind the scenes but they're very far left. It's the George Soros and not him in particular but that crew, and their agenda is way, way more than misconduct. They believe that America is a white supremacist nation run by a white patriarchy, patriarchy men. All right. They're going to tear that down. So this is way, way beyond. It's like that million woman march, remember that around Inauguration Day? When the pro-life women wanted to get in on it, they were said no, you can't even though you want to empower women, you're a feminist or whatever you may be. There are feminists who are pro-life. You can't march with us, you can't be part of it. Why? Because the far left is controlling us. It's a very, very frightening situation because you can't fight back, you being anybody and NRA, individuals or that you're anti-women, you're anti- woman if you do that, no matter what. So, that's what's going on and it's nasty. The Oscars are not entertaining anymore. This is a propaganda program to get a point of view across that the entertainment industry feels is worthy.

All right, the Zogby poll. The Zogby poll for years, they have not been accurate. 869 likely voters, conducted last week, has Trump's approval rating and 48 percent, disapprove 50 percent. And they broke it down by region. Trump is strongest in the east, 52 percent job approval. Great Lake Area, 46 percent job approval. South, 52 percent, West 40 percent. So Trump is least popular in the West. And we knew that. 

All right, when I go out West, I mean you can see it. I t's not Utah and Idaho and Wyoming, not those states. But you know, when I was in Colorado a couple of weeks ago I mean you could see it, you could see it. And then they broke it down on ethnicity, and remember a very small sample here. So white voters approve of Donald Trump's job performance 56 percent, 43 disapprove. Hispanics 39 percent approve, 55 percent disapprove. That's a good number for Mr. Trump. African-Americans 16 percent approve, another pretty good number for him. 77 percent disapprove. 

Now, my take on this and it has been consistent throughout, is that it's all economics, all has to do with economics. So, that people are seeing a little bit more money in their project because of the tax reform. Job, employment is at full right now, you want a job you can get it. People feeling a little more secure with their situation. I want to bring in Dr. Casey Mulligan. He teaches economics at the University of Chicago. He had an interesting column in the to Wall Street Journal. I never understood, why in eight years President Obama's redistribution vision didn't help the poor and working class in America. The stats show it really was negligible, did not help them very much. Why? 

"Well, the approach in that administration not in the stimulus, Obamacare and other policies, education policies would be they, they try to target their assistance, they say well we want to make sure that you're not working or we want to make sure your incomes, low, whatever however they define that to be. And so they end up rewarding, not working in low incomes and we got lower incomes and fewer people working. Part of that came from a recession, that of course they made a big deal out of that he started in a recession. But the reason recessions last so long and even now that fraction of the population that work is still pretty low. And it's because we put in a lot of programs to make it less painful not to work and less painful' to have a low income and that you're going to get more of those things. 

All right, so people are collaborating whether, it's whether it's worth going out and working a year, for 45,000 dollars, when they can get almost that in government subsidies, that's what you're saying? 

"Yeah they're actually one of the problems in the administration they put in some programs that actually allowed people to make more not working and working. Now that is economic perversity. But even if even if you stay, short of that still the less painful you make it to be out of work the longer people will be out of work." 

Yeah that's human nature, not everybody but it's human nature. Now, every time I talk to a Obama supporter they say well he, he saved us from a depression. Barack Obama saved us from a depression, if he hadn't done the things he did, like the stimulus in the beginning, Obamacare whatever it may be. We would have just fallen right over the cliff and you can't disprove that. You can say well I don't agree. 

When you hear that argument you say what? 

"Well you can get close to disprove what I would say but he made it last longer. He didn't fix it, he made it last longer. You know our national incomes are still behind where they would have been normally in a recovery, you go back to where you were and then progress beyond that. And we haven't done that. And one thing, I would look at is look at the banks. Clearly, the banks were in big trouble. We all saw them, but the banks bounced back in a year, the rest of us didn't. And that's because the federal government, in large part changed its stance towards the rest of us."

When Obamacare came in and subsidized free health care for, I think it was about 22 million Americans, who didn't have health care, got it at the expense of the working people. Excuse me doctor, I have allergies here. At the expense of working people who were paying higher taxes. All right. You know there's like a 4 percent surcharge on my income to fund Obamacare. How did that affect the economy? 

"Well, there are also, you pointed out some taxes there are also a lot of what I call hidden taxes which are, the way it works is hey we got some stuff here, but the only way you can come get it is if you get out of your job or you put your family, keep them below 400 percent of the poverty line or 300 percent or whatever number is operative. And those are just as damaging as the above more taxes you know that are administered by the IRS." 

When you say this at the University of Chicago to your students or in an article that you wrote in The Wall Street Journal, do you get scorned by your peers the liberal economists?". 

I mean not really is the number one reaction I get is in the academic world with the oh you know I wasn't aware of all those taxes that you're pointing out. You know I heard a one here and heard one over here but I never got to sit down and see what they all add up to. So most of it is, this surprising. Thank you, for showing that would be a no kind of reaction." 

That's generous, you know at Harvard might be a different story. President Trump, unfettered capitalist obviously his tax reform, benefits corporations he's in the Reagan mode of trickle down. So far, it seems to have worked. If you believe the poll I just cited, people are kind of optimistic about it. What's your view? 

"There's no question that was, really President Obama should have made that happen. That was an easy one. You know our, our business taxes were quite a bit ahead of the rest of the world, higher than the rest of the world. They were cutting and we weren't. It seemed like a matter of time, and he missed an opportunity to make the economy grow on his watch by not getting that deal done with Congress and President Trump got the deal done. President Trump named on it."

But President Obama would have gone against his own party that doesn't believe in and corporate largess at all, even if it helps the folks. So he never, put ideology over economics, I think that would a fair statement, that President Obama did. 

Yeah, that would be a reasonable explanation although he, lot of the economists that worked for him at the time said we should consider this, this could really get business going. That's good for everybody. 

But he didn't listen to them.

"They either didn't listen to them or they weren't convincing enough I guess." 

All right Doctor, we appreciate your point of view very much. Thank you for helping us out today. OK. 

Let's go to ICE and California, this is a really good story and you're not going to hear this anywhere else. All right, so ICE over the weekend there's a big raid in northern California. They arrest 232 people, 115 of them, 50 percent had prior felony convictions for serious from violent offenses inside the USA such as child sex crimes, weapons charges, assault multiple misdemeanors. Half of them. The others, most of them had been repeat violators. So, had come back and been deported, come back deported, come back deported. The Kate's Law thing that never got passed. 

So, you'll remember that the mayor of Oakland, Libby Schaaf. Libby Schaaf tipped off people in her town that ICE was going to raid and ICE didn't get, they were after about 850 people, they got about 150. So, if you go by this stat because this was outside of Oakland, further north and in the center of the state. OK. They got 50 percent hit on dangerous felons for illegal alien raids, ICE did. So, if you go by that Mayor Schaaf let 300 violent people get away. Now, I said last week she should be charged with obstruction of justice. And we have some letters about that I'll read you in a little while, but there's no question we can't have this. And there is no question that in this country most illegal aliens aren't law abiding. Yes, they broke the law coming here, we see that. But when they get here they don't cause a lot of trouble. That's most. But a substantial majority are violent, substantial majority and the left, Mayor Schaaf will not distinguish. All right. They want everybody to stay it doesn't matter what you do. 

Here's another good story out in San Diego. There's a Mexican illegal immigrant Andres Anduaga. OK. He stole the identity of an American and used it for 37 years. All right. The man, Texas resident Abraham Rojos. All right. Somehow, he got, Rojos' birth certificate, fraudulent birth certificate, social security number and racked up, ready? $361,000 in benefits from the state and federal governments. Now, he's arrested he pled guilty. He'd been deported in 1994 and again in 2000, of course he came back because we don't have a secure border. He's 66 years old. He's in custody now. You've got to give him prison time. He's got to go. All right, you have to. Theft of public property is what he's charged with. He's agreed to pay back the government. He's not going to be able to pay $361,000 back. His actual residence is in Tijuana, just south of San Diego on the other side of the border. He's been arrested for firearms violations, forgery, cocaine possession and multiple DUIs. So, if this doesn't tell you how out of control this illegal alien situation is nothing will. But I can give that to Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer anybody they would shrug it off. They don't care, they don't care. Simple as that. People have a hard time getting your arms around it. They don't care. The votes of the immigrant community mean more to the Democratic Party than any abuse, period. 

OK. Maxine Waters, I got in trouble by saying that her wig looked like James Brown's hair. Remember that? Stupid remark by me. Kind of cute, if you look at, you know somebody did put the pictures side by side. But you know a guy like me in my position making a dopey, poor jokes like that. And I apologized, I said it was dumb. But I have no use of Maxine Waters, Maxine Waters fanatic anyway. She has taken up John Conyers, who had quit the House because of misconduct or whatever.

She's taking up his bill which is HR.40, it would establish a commission to examine the institution of slavery. All right. So in the United States four million black people were enslaved between 1619 and 1865, four million. And now Maxine Waters and Conyers and they want reparations for African-Americans based upon the slavery trade. That's what they want. That's what this is all about. Just signally you it's not close, it's not going to get passed. It's not here yet but it's on the table. That's what the far left wants. 

All right let's read some letters. This comes from Kenneth on the message board.

"I surely hope Thomas Homan..." 

And he's the ICE director. 

"Is able to get federal charges filed against Oakland mayor Schaaf for obstruction of justice. While, I fear the leftist Ninth Circuit would find in her favor when the case makes its way to them. It will take time perhaps feds may finally send a message by taking action. "

Well Homan can't do it it's got to be Attorney General Sessions. All right he's the guy that could do it. Place your bets now, whether he will do it or not, I would do it. 

Tom Odom. Jensen Beach, Florida. 

"Bill, I really don't understand your comment that Libby Schaaf will never be prosecuted by the feds for tipping off the illegal aliens in Oakland. The Democrats seem fine of going after President obstruction of justice. Seems to me the much clearer case with the mayor of Oakland." 

Come on, Thomas, you know what do you want? Consistency. I said that I don't believe it will happen because I don't think there's a will on the part of the federal government in the Justice Department to make it happen, they don't want the grief.

Bart Bartlett. Canton, Georgia. 

"Did I hear you right, O'Reilly, do you want to restrict the purchase of a AR-15s?" 

No, no. I said that if you want to buy a weapon like that or similar weapons you should be held to a higher standard on the background checks and you should have training on a ban. All right. 

Bart goes on... 

"There are numerous manufacturers of semiautomatic rifles that have the same capabilities as AR-15s if the government bans them, what's to stop them from banning all semiautomatic rifles?" 

I told you very clearly Bart, maybe you didn't see it and just heard it. President Trump is never going to sign it. So you don't have to worry about as long as he's in office.

Gary Miller. Marietta, Georgia. 

"Bill, thank you for your in-depth analysis of the shooting in Florida. The news media vilified the school officer for not rushing in to confront the gunman. You and your staff got to the bottom of it and gave me the whole story."

That's our jobs, Gary. Now, we got the other side of the story. I wouldn't say the whole story. And I want the state of Florida to investigate and tell us exactly why that man hired by the school didn't go in and some sheriff's deputies in Broward County. We will give you the other side of the story, which the media never does. But we want to know the total story state of Florida has got to investigate. 

Susan. On the message boards, 

"I agree with General Kelly that polygraphs are needed for anybody in the White House. He'd be crazy not to do that. Thanks for telling us how the leaks happened, Bill." 

Sure, leaks are easy. There's a whole slew of them coming out of Mueller's office right now, a whole slew of leaks coming out of the special prosecutor's office. 

Patrick Lyons. Waterville, Ohio. 

"We have to stop the proliferation of drugs in this country by whatever means necessary. Government sponsored forced rehab centers are absolutely necessary." 

That's the way to do it. But again, the ACLU would be all over you. But if you are caught in the commission of a crime and you're drug tested, you've got drugs in your bloodstream, got to go to rehab. Government funded but you've got to go. That takes the market away. 

Shawn Ryan. Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin.

"If you trust an 18-year-old to vote but don't trust them to carry a weapon should they not be able to vote?" 

No. It has nothing to do with it, it's about harm reduction. 18-year-old vote, maybe their vote is immature but there are 65 year olds who's vote isn't mature and it doesn't hurt. Well, it does hurt in the sense that somebody is elected by one vote you don't like but it's not the same thing. All right, because the far more dangerous not only in a crime capacity but for accidents, are firearms then votes. I mean you got to look at what the situation is. 

Bonnie Gibson. Hammonton, New Jersey. 

"Mr. O, you say Lincoln is the best president, Washington second what about FDR?" 

FDR is in my top 5. If you read Killing Patton. You find out a lot about him. And Killing Rising Sun, mostly about Truman and what he had to deal with. But we got a lot in Killing Patton about FDR and you know the Great Depression, World War II, handle himself well. I don't like him personally that much, FDR but he was a good administrator. 

Dana Shell. Fallon, Nevada. 

"School my granddaughter attends makes the kids go to CNN's website to do social studies. What can I do about it? You got to write a letter to the school board. And then if there's a local paper, Dana, share the letter with the paper. If your kids are being indoctrinated and forced to go to CNN's website for social studies, got to raise some hell. That's what you do about it. 

Rocco Arlayo. Salisbury Mills, New York. 

"I've been a Premium Member since you began with the podcast, I'm grateful that you are there, Bill in this crazy time at least one place we can go and consistently get the straight story without bias. I think it will be interesting for your audience to learn what kind of effort it actually takes for you to put on a quality podcast." 

We have a good staff, I took a bunch of people over from the Factor and they know what they're doing. So we do the research and I outline it I, this is all me, I don't have any writers or anything but I've been in the business a long time, I think I know what's important to you and I'm going to give it to you straight no matter what. And there's no commercials. It's why we like this. 

Eileen Gallagher. Brooklyn, New York. 

"Just re up my Premium Membership, can't wait to receive my free book Killing the Rising Sun. I love the website the podcast and you Bill. It's a pleasure to hear the simple truth in a way in which you report the news with an unbiased and honest assessment.". 

Thank you, Eileen, and I appreciate it. Guys, spread the word about BillOReilly.com. We need that marketing, if all the Premium Members would get two to sign up, we would be in fabulously good shape, we're in good shape now but we want to spread the word. 

All right. Killing Jesus. You haven't read it? It's in paperback. You're going to love it. All right Old School: Life in the Sane Lane, same situation. I'll give you both books for 15 bucks. Such a deal. Such a deal. And then you can get four free books, if you buy three BillOReilly.com gift certificates. OK. And then you get your Premium Membership, extended a year, free. That's five freebies for three gift memberships on BillOReilly.com. 

Word of the day. Do not be choleric when writing to us, choleric. 

@BillOReilly is the tweet, Ok. We're closing in on three million tweet followers, that' a lot @BillOReilly. 

Want to get me? Bill@billoreilly.com, bill@billoreilly.com or the message boards. Thank you for being Premium Members. We'll see you tomorrow from the studio.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 4:00 PM
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O'Reilly on the Oscars, the NRA Fighting Back, and Trump's Effect on the Economic Climate
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