Kavanaugh Gets Questioned, Cable News Embraces Woodward's Book, Nike's Business Play
September 5, 2018

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium Members, welcome to the No Spin News Wednesday September 5th 2018. Take your country back. 

Got a lot of news tell you about. We have Monica Crowley warming up in the bullpen, so should be a pretty good broadcast today.

First of all, Judge Kavanaugh, the most boring thing in the world. I mean people are collapsing and it's just so dull. Not the judge's fault, the Senate is so predictable. But I've picked up one thing that you might be interested in, it is kind of funny, Dianne Feinstein senior senator of California, I think she's about 84-85 years old running for another six-year term, no retirement for Diane. So anyway, she gets, she's a ranking minority member on the Judiciary Committee and she gets to open you know her questioning of Judge Kavanaugh. So obviously goes right to abortion, I mean because that's what it's all about for the Democratic Party. They're trying to convince American women that their rights are in danger, their rights to abort a fetus are in danger. That's the big play here, the overcharge. 

So Feinstein goes, well I am very concerned about you know what you would do... So then it goes over the Kavanaugh and Kavanaugh needs a haircut by the way, you're looking at him right now he needs, it is getting a little thick there but that's OK. So Kavanaugh then goes, oh Senator I understand, I understand your conviction and your passion, I'm, I'm your friend. So I'm going, this is pretty fun. So then Feinstein tries to ask him a question but it didn't have anything to do with anything. So then Kavanaugh answers the question by citing law and he goes on and on and on and it cuts away to Feinstein, and here is Feinstein. It's just, she's just mass comes over her because then there's Kavanaugh you know and then there was another ruling and this ruling said that and then you've got to go by the law and the rulings and there is Feinstein... This is, this is masterful who ever is advising Kavanaugh says look just hit him with law, you know the law hit him with case after case, after case, what are they're going to say? I don't like that case? They have to sit there and listen to it, eats up their time and when they get into politics, oh it isn't my job to talk about politics. Let's talk about the law, yes! And then cite another law thing. That's what it is, and this is going to go on until next week or Sunday or till Chuck Grassley collapses and I was it and there were other protesters and I'll get to that in the mail segment. 

Basically, these protesters, many of them are paid. And there's nobody country knows that better than me because people who protested me over the years were paid. I mean pretty good money they're paid. They're paid to go to Washington, paid to stand and lie. They get in the chamber, they yell and scream, they get dragged out and then here they are with the 20s. That's what's going on. So anyway, nothing of note that you should know about, same thing that we said yesterday Kavanaugh will be confirmed in early October. Democrats are crazy about it because yeah, they're politicking it. They want all women to vote for them and you know those Republicans want to deny your rights, but they can't stop it. And they know they can't stop it. And this shapes the court for many, many, many years. Now, you can despise Donald Trump but if you are a traditional American, an American who wants the Constitution to maintain its place as the vanguard of our law, you'll be happy with this because if Hillary Clinton were president you would have unbelievably activist judges.

OK Bob Woodward. We talked about this yesterday, I wrote the Message of the Day, I must say this is one of my best Messages of the Day because I take you inside how this, how these deals come together with the book and the sourcing and all of that. And I'll give you a little bit more now and then we'll get to Monica. I've written 12 number one bestsellers, I'm the only one on the planet's written more number ones than Bob Woodward, nonfiction. All right. And I've been doing this for a long time, so here's how it works, you go in with a idea to a publisher, in this case Simon and Schuster for Woodward, you say to the publisher I'm going to write a book or I'd like to write a book about Donald Trump and that chaos surrounding his administration. You don't go in and you go and say you know I'll write a book about Donald Trump, but I don't really know yet where that book's going to go. You don't get ten million dollars for that. I go in and I say I want to kill this person, Killing Lincoln and Killing Kennedy. We're going to tell you what happened how they got, you know all that. I don't really know yet. You know they don't pay you ten million dollars if you don't know. 

So you get your contract, you sign a contract Woodward gets 10, that's what I believe he's getting all right, and then he goes out and he has to write that book, has to write it, that there is chaos within the Trump administration. You can't come back and go to Simon-Schuster, oh you know there really isn't chaos, they all love him! Can't do it. So he cast his net and there is nobody knows more sources in Washington Bob Woodward and when you hear that Bob Woodward made this stuff up, he didn't make it up, he would never do that. All right. I know the man, he didn't fabricate anything, but he cast a net out the people, who do you know, who did this, who do you that. And he's going to get people who don't like Trump, because Trump is not that likable sometimes. I've known him for 30 years all right sometimes I didn't like him especially when he told me to go see a psychiatrist after I said that some of his policies were not working. 

So you're going to get, Abraham Lincoln got scorched by his team of rivals who worked with him, John Adams, I thought they were going to hang him, the people were working with him hated him. Not hard to get that. All right. So Woodward's got his little list and he's talking all these people and he's talking to people telling this story and then blah blah blah, and Woodward's writing it down, probably taping it. And these are people who you know some of them worked in the White House, some of them were around the White House, some of them were in the Trump campaign or whatever and dishing dirt, they're dishing dirt. But no names, not one name in the whole book, 420 pages not one name, it is all deep background That means no way Woodward's going to tell you who this came from, but Woodward has to verify because Woodward knows that his reps on line. So how do you verify it? Well you ask the person well can somebody back that up? Oh yeah, my cousin Lenny can do it. Lenny! Here's Lenny's number. I told Lenny the exact day this happened. Woodward calls up Lenny, oh that's right. That's right. She told me that happened, that verification there is it Lenny, Lenny verifies it. That's what happens. That's how this goes down. So then it comes out and as I predicted it and this wasn't a brilliant prediction, all of the press it is true, everything in that book is true that's against Trump. OK. 

So Trump comes out and goes, Woodward made it up. He didn't make it up. Somebody told him that. That's all right. But when Mattis the defense secretary goes out and says this is B.S. I didn't say this or anything like it. I believe Mattis, I believe him. Now you may remember Rex Tillerson former secretary of state before Pompeo, there was a story that Tillerson called Trump a moron, remember? And then when the press ran over to Tillerson he didn't deny it directly. Spokesperson say oh he would never say it, but not Tillerson because Tillerson said it. I could tell right, body language everything else, but so what. When you're getting yelled at, or when you're getting scolded or when you disagree. I mean every boss I've ever had in my life I've called a moron at one time or another. And so have you! And you've got your own kids morons, right? Most of you? But you don't, it's nothing serious. OK. So Tillerson did it and then Trump picked up on that and told Tillerson was out of here. I think he's in Bulgaria now or somewhere. But Mattis different story. Now Mattis came out way beyond I didn't say it, he attacked Woodward. No he said nah, this is fiction. OK. I believe Mattis. Now again I believe somebody told Woodward something but so what? It wasn't true. People tell me stuff all of the time that isn't true, all of the time, they tell me stuff and they think it's true but it isn't true. 

Here is Monica Crowley, you know her, world famous, very smart. She's a doctor, a Ph.D. worked for Richard Nixon. So the Woodward thing you know you, Nixon, Woodward, how did Nixon think about Woodward? 

"Yeah, well we had a lot of conversations about Watergate and the coverage, and this is not to excuse what Nixon did in his role in Watergate, there were provable crimes there. Nixon never tried to make any excuses about it but we did talk about the reportage of Woodward and Bernstein who have been dining out on Watergate ever since. Woodward in particular, writes about every president, here's the difference, Republican presidents he slams against the wall, Democratic presidents, he might write one or two negative things in the course of a 300-page book, about Obama and his handling of Syria for example. But basically, the Democrats are treated with kid gloves." 

Wasn't Woodward hard on Clinton? I remember you. I think he was hard on Bill Clinton. 

"He was hard on Bill Clinton only when everybody else was." 

So you think he's a bandwagon Democrat? 

"I think he's a Democrat, I think he has an ideological agenda. The thing about this book is the idea that somehow this is new, right. You and I have dealt with publishers a long time. They always say when you generate an idea and you present it to them through your agent they go well this is a nice idea but a. how are you going to fill 300 pages and b. what's new in this book that's going to cause someone to shell out 30 bucks for it." 

But you know Bob Woodward doesn't have to do that. 

"Wait a minute, there's some bigger point here, Bill. In the Woodward case the idea that there is chaos in the Trump White House or administration it is not exactly groundbreaking. Yeah, he's got some gossipy tidbits here and there that maybe I haven't heard. But the vast majority of what's been leaked so far in this manuscript, we have all heard before this is baked into the cake. And when you're trying to present something that Michael Wolf has talked about, everybody on MSNBC and CNN are doing every second of every day, you know the idea that Woodward is presenting something new and different, if he really wanted to break some ground he would have written a fair, I'm not saying glowing, a fair treatment of the Trump White House." 

But he wouldn't have gotten $10 million for that. 

"Oh, that's a different issue." 

All right so he's not going to get the big bucks for that. He's not going to get the big media coverage because the media is going to promote his book for three weeks straight and the media believes what he writes because the media wants to believe it. Roll the tape on that. 

"In Watergate Bob Woodward had Deep Throat as his source. He has in this book dozens of Deep Throat. So there is not an element of this that the President of the United States can call fake news or fake book. This is the real story of Donald Trump naked." 

OK so that's bull. Because Mattis has already said it's fake. 


And Bernstein of the two you would have to say that Bernstein is way, way more ideological. 

"He's way, way out there." 

All right. So are you going to read this book? 

"No, I didn't read Michael Wolff and I didn't read a lot of the other salacious stuff that's come out. And I think that's an important point here, Bill, we're talking about the Woodward book. Yes, it will do well. Yes, people will buy it. Yes, people are interested in the gossip, I'm interested in the gossip. But the question is what is the bigger impact? I have thought now for a long time that we've reached the point of diminishing returns with Donald Trump. This whole pile on of which the Woodward book is the latest thing to get into it especially when Trump is delivering a booming economy, he's rebuilding the military, it is going to have less affect than you think." 

But there's one thing that everyone overlooks, even you. But not me. 

"What is it?" 

Listen to this. Listen to this! This book actually helps Trump beside his people because there's nothing about Russian collusion. That's right. There's no headline that is a one word scoured the universe to try to find negative things about Trump. Apparently, he did not come up with one person who linked Trump to any Russian stuff, not one. 

"And that is huge. And you know given his sources, which are longstanding in Washington, that he was likely talking to folks on the Mueller team..." 

Sure he was. 

The fact that he couldn't produce a single thing backs up what I've been saying, you've been saying, there is nothing there." 

I'm not going to go that far. I'm waiting for the inspector general's report of the Department of Justice let's see that and then Mueller will get to issue it. But it is worth noting once again that Bob Woodward who is very methodical in his work, he is not irresponsible. All right. He tried everybody he could talk to and nobody apparently delivered anything and you would think if Trump has wandering around the hall, oh I talked to Vlad, I told him to help me. That might have gotten out. 

"That would have scored Woodward his ten million dollars if he were able to report that but even he is unable to." 

Finally, Brett Kavanaugh. You agree with me he is going to be confirmed fairly easily? 

"Absolutely, the numbers are there for him." 

OK. Now it's a political play with the Democrats trying to show American women how they're on their side so they'll vote for Democrats in November. That's what this is all about. 

That's right, this is all theater. It's all stagecraft. But the Left still hasn't learned from Chicago 1968 and the Democratic convention, when you're piling on like this with chaos and grandstanding outrageousness and disruptive tactics, it actually helps the Republicans in this case, it helps Trump. His poll numbers are stable All right. I don't know that it's enough to keep the Republican majority in the House, maybe but you've got a president like Nixon, we're taking this interview full circle back to Richard Nixon who ran on a law and order platform in 68 and won. The Left was in chaos then the left is in chaos now. Donald Trump also a law and order president and unlike 2016 when he just ran on that theme, now he actually has a record of standing up for the cops, rebuilding the military, standing up for ICE and now people are going to take a look at that and look at the temper tantrums on the left and say you know what, not only does Kavanaugh is he open minded and fair minded as a judge and has great judicial temperament, but Donald Trump is actually standing up for rule of law." 

Well I don't know how analytic the voters are going to be but I do know that people screaming in the background, anarchists who are paid by far left progressive groups to disrupt the Senate hearing, that can't be winning too many hearts and minds in America, at least I hope not. Monica Crowley everyone, she did work for Richard Nixon as a researcher, after he left government.

"The last years of his life, Bill let's make that clear. I'm not that old." 

OK. And now we're going to run a commercial so Miss Monica can leave the set with dignity. We don't want to toss her right out of here. All right. Back in 30 seconds.

"Killing England is written in the same style as all the other Killing books it just moves along like a rocket. So while you're reading it you're having fun. But you're also learning an amazing amount about how we got our freedom. People take freedom for granted in America, but it was a titanic struggle to break away from England and a brutal, brutal situation that pitted Americans against Americans not just against the British. Killing England on sale now." 

And that will be the last time you see that I believe because I just cut the TV spot for Killing the SS and so we'll use those when we need them coming out October 9th. 

All right Nike went over it yesterday. Overnight, a little bit of advancement of the story. Supporters of Nike Lebron James, Serena Williams, Kevin Durant, Kelly Clarkson and then Brandon in Nevada, and CNN of course whatever. I said yesterday I still believe that Nike made a business error, they're going for the younger crew who they believe will be sympathetic to calling Kaepernick wearing socks depicting of police officers as pigs. I do not believe anybody will be sympathetic to that, media suppresses that into the Kaepernick story. All right they suppress it. Nike lost some ground yesterday, fell three-point two percent in the stock market. But I forgot about the overseas component of Nike's sales, might help them overseas, taking an anti-American posture, it might. But I do believe it's a major mistake for any large American corporation to throw in with a progressive far left group. I just don't see that being in the long run, if I were on the board of directors of Nike I'd be, if I owned stock I'd sell it, if I were on a board of directors I would be very upset. 

San Francisco as you know it's anarchy there. I didn't know this, that the city hands out an estimated 400,000 syringes to drug addicts each month, each month. Four hundred thousand syringes. Boy. Gives them to them so it doesn't spread AIDS because you get AIDS by sticking needles in your bloodstream and then giving it to somebody else. Anyway, not all of them but a lot of those syringes are on the ground because the drug addicts don't care about anybody but themselves that's a pretty universal trait of people become addicted to hard drugs. I mean you're hurting yourself, you're hurting all your loved ones. So they just throw the thing and you could step on it or it's all over the place costs the city millions of dollars to clean up the needles. OK. 

Now, San Francisco has banned straws, plastic straws because of environmental concerns. So the right, the conservative movement is mocking the city of San Francisco saying you've got 400 thousand syringes you're giving out a month and you're worried about straws. Now on the surface that seems like a pretty good argument but of course I, your humble correspondent look a little further, so straws are part of the plastic wave that's winding up in the ocean, the San Francisco Bay goes out to the ocean and this is an amazing story. But apparently there are 79,000 tons of discarded plastic that have stuck together, there's a picture of it and it's floating around the Pacific Ocean. I mean it's just and there are various estimates it covers an area of more than 600,000 square miles. This is in the Pacific Ocean. That's what you're looking at there. So what happens is the plastic floats and then it catches up with this big blob of plastic and attaches itself to it. This was published in a scientific reports magazine just this week. The plastic thing is three times the size of Texas, so this is bad. You can imagine how much wildlife gets killed by plastic, so I don't know, I'm not if I have to give up a straw, it's OK with me. In fact I am giving up the straws, I'll drink out of the whatever they give me. Because it is a problem. So I just wanted you to know that I'm worried about this and I'd like to see that thing for myself. But I can't doubt the pictures. 

OK let's get to the mail. I've got some good letters today and I will now read them to you. 

This is on a message board. David.

"Bill, can you explain to us why these disrespectful protesters are allowed to sit in on the Senate hearings when the Capitol Police and the senators know full well what the outcome be." 

But they don't. See what happens is for any Senate hearing they admit civilians, you've got to line up, they don't do background checks, just line up. So these protests as we said many of them paid. They get their 12 hours ahead of time on the line because they're getting paid and then they know what they're going to do but the Capitol Police don't know what they're going to do. So that's how they get in because you can't deny the public the right to see the government in action, I guess you could, but it wouldn't be good. 

Wendell Smith. Booneville, Indiana. 

"Bill during your opening remarks on Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. It was a lone heckler screaming and disrupting to the point it was almost impossible understand what was being said. Why was this permitted to go on for ten minutes?" 

I asked the same thing and the Capitol Police basically say look the woman was disruptive, she wanted us to hurt her, she was baiting us to go over and grab her so she could say you sprained my arm, you broke my arm, I have a bruise. That's what she wanted. So the Capitol Police used the cliché kid gloves to get her out and it took some time. So that's what happened. These protesters want to be roughed up. 

On the message boards. Sharon.

"What is Mr. Woodward's intention and motive for writing his book? To fuel anti Trump sentiment? Must citizen information more notoriety? Money? I can't quite seem to find an intent that doesn't devalue him as a journalist writer and human being." 

Look, Sharon, I mean as I said I've known Woodward for decades. I like him fine. He's always been respectful to me. We've always had good conversations. He signed a contract for a lot of money. He wants the book to be a number one bestseller. He knows that trashing Trump is a good way to get that. So you could say it's commercial, I think that's what it is. And I do believe that Bob Woodward probably thinks that Trump's not qualified for the job, that's probably his opinion. 

Vivec on a message board. 

"I disagree with you about Nike, the problem is the core of Nike's audience or whatever are young people, young people almost invariably liberal hipster doofuses. With that said I don't think Nike would suffer much for this insanity." 

We'll see, you could be right. But I'm betting they're going to suffer in the long run. 


"Nike is a prime example what happens when getting wrapped up in culture and essentially envelops you in a bubble, it can make you blind to the great majority of people do purchase your products." 

Maybe, maybe. But I think the Nike management knew they were going to get a lot of free publicity which they did, but a lot of bad will also, they made a calculation. 

Mary Kay. 

"Bill loved the No Spin News. Really glad I'm a Premium Member, I know I can get the real story from you so I feel a little stupid asking this, but I'm confused why would the far left media cut Louis Farrakhan out of a picture from Aretha Franklin's funeral they're far left, he's far left. What am I missing?" 

Louis Farrakhan is radioactive to everybody because of his anti-Semitic and anti-white point of view. Even the far left does not justify that. And so when you had Sharpton, Jackson and Bill Clinton together with Farrakhan, MSNBC and ABC News cut out Farrakhan, the decision they made. 

Clifford Morton. Lancaster, Pennsylvania. 

"Bill your comment about Pastor Jasper Williams was correct. I am a black pastor in an inner city and I see this too. His comments are consistent with black preaching tradition, still the place where we speak to our people. It's no longer politically expedient to speak this kind of truth in public. Thank God he had the courage to do so." 

Well Pastor Morton, the objection from the family of Aretha Franklin really hasn't been defined. Jasper Williams obviously knows what the problem is with inner city youth and crime and that is lack of supervision, he said it at the funeral, was that the appropriate place to say it? I'm not sure. He got his message out but the Franklin family didn't like it. Anyway, I want to say I respect you, Pastor for trying to help the situation and telling the truth. 


"Bill I've not yet read Killing Patton should I read it before reading Killing the SS? Would it make the new book more enjoyable?" 

I don't know about more enjoyable, all of the Killing books stand alone. Twelve million of them sold. But Killing Patton leads right into Killing the SS. And the reason I wrote Killing the SS because we had the material left over from killing Patton. So we've got to get this out because after the war these heinous SS killers scattered in the wind and a lot of people helped them and we got to find out who those people are and how this went down and we did. Book comes out October 9th. 

And then on that front we have a Killing Patton in paperback coming out September 25th. All right. Three weeks from yesterday, if you buy Killing Patton and Killing Jesus which is also in paperback together we'll give them to you for 20 bucks. Both books, save a lot of money. If you order Killing the SS on BillOReilly.com you get a free copy of Old School: Life in the Sane Lane. That's a great deal! So we hope you do. And a lot of books coming out. Go to our store we have end of summer sales, stocked up for holiday giving. 

Word of the day when writing to BillOReilly.com, do not be ostentatious. I love that word, ostentatious. You can use that in everyday conversation by the way, if you know what it means. If you don't know what it means, probably shouldn't use it. 

So busy news week got a lot of stuff going on, I have a brand new column on Chuck Todd the Meet the Press guy, blaming the hate media movement on Fox News. OK Chuck. So I have rebutting, you, my column is posted for free for everybody on BillOReilly.com. I hope you read it let me know what you think. We'll see you tomorrow.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 4:00 PM
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Kavanaugh Gets Questioned, Cable News Embraces Woodward's Book, Nike's Business Play
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