President Trump's Approval Rating at an All-Time High, Americans Not Trusting the Media, and the Latest in the FBI/Mueller Investigation
July 23, 2018

Hey Premium Members welcome to the No Spin News for a Monday July 23rd 2018. Take your country back and I'm happy to be back from vacation. Kind of happy, sort of happy but we had a great time in Ireland. I'll tell you a little bit about the politics that we ran into over there at the end of this broadcast.

Carter Page is the adviser to the Trump campaign who the feds were surveilling. Now we're getting some information heavily redacted from the FBI about why they were following Page around. It's a big partisan deal. I cannot really report accurately about Carter Page because I don't know enough and I can't possibly know enough because the FBI stuff that they've released on why they got a warrant, why they were able to get a warrant from the FISA court doesn't really explain much, I mean it is all blacked out. So I'm waiting on the story, I think it's obvious that the judge in the FISA judge that issued a warrant on Page wasn't told the entire story that the FBI was basing its surveillance request on phony documents that were given to it by the Clinton campaign. That was left out. Again, that's going to cripple Robert Mueller's investigation as Peter Strzok, I call him reasonable doubt Strzok. How could any jury, anywhere convict any body when you got a guy like Peter Strzok as the lead investigator for the FBI, you can't. So I'm waiting on the Carter Page stuff.

The big story for me today was the Wall Street Journal NBC poll that says Donald Trump's job approval rating is at an all time high. I love this. Now, both the Journal and NBC News not kind to the president in polling, they ask, in general do you approve or disapprove job Donald Trump is doing as president? Forty five percent now approve, 52 disapprove. And that comes off the Putin hysteria of last week which tells me and I predicted this that Americans have had enough of the press. Yeah that wasn't Donald Trump's finest moment but was it worth that, all of that? He's a traitor, he is this, he is that. You're just sitting there going come on. So, the folks it. On issue by issue President Trump on the economy, 50 percent approve, North Korea 44 percent approve, border security 41 percent. But 51 percent disapprove on border security. That's a messaging problem I think for the Trump administration, border security is important, the Trump administration has gotten bogged down in a wall which we need. But we've got to give the big picture on that. Interesting enough the new kind of socialist president of Mexico wants to work with Donald Trump about border security and the migrants, it is a good thing. Good thing, so we'll see how that pans out.

Trade, 38 percent approve, 45 percent disapprove of the messaging situation but bottom line Trump's poll numbers went up after Putin. Amazing. Now to bolster my argument that is all over for the media in America and it is, you know I have a lot of friends working in the press. And nobody likes what's going on and I don't deal with the ultra zealots of the New York Times and The Washington Post, CNN. I don't deal with them I have to be honest. I don't really talk to anybody over there, they don't talk to me unless they want to smear me. But a lot of other people, back and forth and nobody's happy about this.

So Jeanine Pirro works for Fox News, very very very pro Trump. And she got a new book out and she goes on the View and she called me before she went on The View and I said listen don't let them bait you, them being The View panelists on ABC, don't let them bait you Jeanine into defending Donald Trump even though you love him and you defend him on your progra, don't get involved with them because they're not going to be rational whatever you say you're going to be attacked. Talk about your book but don't let them bait you. Here's what happened.

"How long is the deep state been there and who's running it?".

"Well... I want to answer your question because you...".


"In your opening statement, which is how horrible it is that Donald Trump is talking about...".


"I'm sorry baby, that's what you said. You said..."


"You know whats horrible, when people who shouldn't be here end up murdering the chuldren of American citizens.".

"You know what's horrible, when the President of the United States whips up people to beat the hell out people.".


"Say goodbye, bye. I'm done".

OK. Then they had an Excedrin headache medicine and commercial after that. So I think it was all staged to sell Excedrin. So Jeanine obviously not listening to me. You know, to me that's funny. It got nasty at the end, they were cursing at each other and it Whoopi Golberg demanded that Pirro get the eff out of the building we went over that last week. But the overall thing to me is is humorous because there's not going to be a rational discussion on The View or on CNN or MSNBC or any of it. There just isn't going to be a rational discussion, not going to happen. They hate Trump, they want Trump out and that's it. No matter what you say, how many facts you have what the American people believe doesn't matter.

So I wrote my message of the day, hey Donald Trump needs a vacation. Two weeks. Now, all of the other presidents in August, August is coming up take vacation for a couple of weeks. Now Donald Trump all he does is play golf, he doesn't have any other hobbies, he tweets I guess tweeting is a hobby but tweeting doesn't take a lot of time. So he's going to play golf. OK. And I say you should go to Martha's Vineyard Mr. President where the Obama's vacation and the Clinton's vacation. Because you could disrupt that whole place. Imagine if he went there, you know it is a nice golf course there in Martha's Vineyard, there is some ice cream stands as nice beaches in Gay had. And you know I like Martha's Vineyard but those people are hard core lefties. And he shows up, I'd love to see that. But anyway the reason I said in my message of the day that Donald Trump should take a two week vacation is because we need it, we the people. Just a breather. You know, so it's not every day every day. Now the news organizations as we told you last week are doing this to try to make money.

The New York Daily News is one of the worst pieces of garbage on the planet is going out of business they laid off 50 percent of their staff today. It's just, that used to be a good newspaper, when I was a kid boy that was good. But now, woah. So, all of this hate Trump stuff is going to come back and bite all the haters, it will trust me.

Tweet about Iran. OK. So let me set this up for you, on Saturday Iran President Hassan Rouhani, Hassan Rouhani. He addresses a meeting of Iranian diplomats and it is Iran and Iranian that is the proper pronunciation, and he says quote "America should know that peace with Iran is the mother of all peace and war with Iran as the mother of all wars. Mr. Trump don't play with the lion's tail. His hostile policies against Iran would only lead to regret." All right. So and then Trump he tweets back to Mr, Rouhani, all caps "never ever threaten the United States again or you will suffer consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before. We are no longer a country that will stand if we are demented words of violence and death. Be cautious.".

OK. This is exactly the same thing he did in North Korea, the rocket man, I got the button and now this. So what does this do? Number one it diverts attention away from Putin and Russia and by the way Russia's tied with Iran. One of the things that the Trump administration wants to do is isolate both North Korea and Iran and get China out of the North Korean benefit and Russia out of the Iranian benefit. That's what he wants and that's why he's cozying up to Putin some of the reasons, he wants Putin away from Iran. Will it happen? Probably not. Putin's much smarter than Rocket Man. So Putin you know he might say he will but he won't. But anyway by tweeting this, he diverts attention away from the Helsinki thing. It's funny because the left right away oh Trump's trying to start a war with Iran. I don't think he's trying to start a war. I think he's threatening them. They misbehave you're going to pay a price. I don't think he is trying to start a war but the same people who wanted Trump to kick Putin you know where, humiliate Putin, whack him around. Are now saying Oh don't be tough on Iran. You can be tough on Putin. Slap him around, because he interfered with our election, which he did. But no no no. Don't be too tough with Iran, it is the same people. That make any sense to you? Russia i a lot more formidable in the conflict zone than Iran. A lot more. Same people. OK. So what this is all about is gamesmanship.

Trump wants to be tough guy, likes to be a tough guy and he's being a tough guy with Iran. Will that work with Iran? It might. Iran knows that Trump can put a big hurt on them fast. No doubt. Just like Kim Jong Un knows that he can put a big hurt on him in North Korea. Is Putin going to back away from Iran? Probably not. You know if he does it's a huge win. So that was a tweet today and then other tweets where Trump is attacking the Washington Post and Jeff Bezos who owns the post, he's the Amazon guy. Is that worth it anymore? I don't know if it's worth it. I mean everybody's got it, all right. Washington Post hates Trump, they hate him and want him out. That's it. Not going to treat him fairly, not going to cover him fairly. They're going to hate him every day, every hour of every day. Every second of every hour. I think we all got it. Jeff Bezos, I don't know him, the rich guy. But if Bezos who owns the Post didn't want all that hatred it wouldn't happen, right? Right.

On the alien front, so, according to the polls Americans don't care about global warming. That problem is insignificant but the illegal alien problem and controversies rising about 22 percent of Americans now feel it's the top issue in this country. So we find out that in California which is ground zero for illegal immigration, this is the friendliest state, this is the state that if you're an illegal alien criminal you go there. We saw that with Kate Steinle. That's where you go. You'll be protected in California. Even if you're a felon, a violent felon. So apparently Alejandro Alvarez knew that, he knew that he would be protected in California. This man was deported 11 times, that's on Congress. All right. So he takes a chainsaw allegedly and attacks his wife in front of his kids three young boys chainsaw. So the wife wasn't killed, she's in the hospital, and underwent surgery. So Alejandro is now charged with several felonies in L.A. County. Will they let him out? I mean in San Francisco he's got a good chance to get out. Right? 11 deportations, he is 32 years old. Does it matter? Didn't matter with Kate Steinle, that guy was deported seven times, who killed Kate. Didn't matter. Now Congress this is a disgrace, you're deported once and you have a convicted crime on your sheet here, and you come back in and your caught ten more times and your not in prison for like 40 years. That's on Congress. They could pass a law, that says you commit a crime, you're deported you come back ten years, you get 10. Mandatory. No parole, federal pen. Won't do it. Why? Why won't they do it? Kate's law. Harry Reid killed it, passed the House. All right. So he's in jail.

Orlando Vilchez Lazzo. All right San Francisco is accused of raping several women, Orlando. A ride share driver. OK. Linked to four attacks past five years. Faces multiple charges including false imprisonment, kidnapping assault with intent to commit rape and other stuff. San Francisco. Faces life in prison being held on four point two million bail. They actually gave this guy bail. Now, four point two million means but 425 thousand cash. Now he's never going to make it but they gave him bail. They could have held him without bail but they didn't, they gave him bail. It's believable. He is from Peru, 37 years old. We don't know if he's been deported in the past. It's unclear because San Francisco wouldn't even ask him. So my point is this, there comes a time in any country where the people have to say, we want a certain law, Kate's Law and if we don't get it and you don't commit to it, you Congresspeople and Senators, we will vote you out. That is happening in some states in the union but in others it isn't. Obviously not in San Francisco, that state continues to elect people who are as far left on the immigration issue as you can get. So what do you do? There's nothing you can do. There's nothing you can do. They're going to build some of the wall that will get done and illegal immigration is you know no matter what the press does, most Americans don't want illegal immigration. They don't, they don't want it.

OK. According to Gallup immigration has risen at the top of the list when Americans are asked to name the most important problem facing the nation. As I said, Gallup Poll.

Ok I'm back. I'm back in pretty decent shape. I have to say that getting out of Dublin yesterday was an ordeal. So they have what they call preclearance American customs which is great. If you go to Ireland they'll clear you to come back to the United States. There are American customs people in Dublin and Shannon at the airports, terrific convenience. The problem is that security is so insane there. It is insane. It's here, you've got to have the bottles less than four ounces and you've got to put them in a bag and put them on top of your suitcase, you know, I did that. I had them all very neatly in a row. But I forgot to put one solid thing kind of a hair product, because it isn't it isn't liquid, not liquid. They went nuts. I was there for half an hour. I said you know me, everybody knew me. All right. What are you doing? They took it. It was just insane. Now am I whining? I am. I'm sorry, I'm whining. But I'm sitting here going how long is this going to be. You know this was a mistake anyone could have made, you can have this stupid hair product. I don't want it back. Take it, put it in a museum. The security museum put it right there. Over and not only one checkpoint, TSA checkpoint, two. One for the Irish and one for the Americans. So you had to take your belt, your shoes, your earrings off twice. I mean people were like once they got through them they're like this. I know there hasn't been an airliner attack since 9/11, I got it. And don't send me letters saying that I'm grateful to our security people, I'm not. But it's just, you got there's got to be a little reason and here's the irony, going over to Shannon from JFK in New York I had the same products aligned the same way, nobody stopped me.

OK. So I'm over in Ireland and having a great time. And they like me over there. You know O'Reilly successful in America. So we go to County Cavan and I explained all this to you, if you didn't get it last week we still have it posted so you can listen to it and it was very emotional because in 1845 my family was evicted from the land in County Cavan, they were tenant farmers and they couldn't feed their 16 year old sons, they had twins. They to take them to Galway put them on a coffin ship and they arrived to Brooklyn. So we went to the exact farm they got booted off. Beautiful beautiful country. All right. I posted the pictures, you can see and all that. And then I said you know here's your white privilege and now I'm going to address this in a moment. Here's your white privilege, O'Reilly's come 1845 and on my mother's side they came right after the Mayflower. So they already here for a couple of hundred years. But on the O'Reilly side famine drove them out of Ireland. Can you imagine two 16 year old boys getting put on a coffin ship, they called them coffin ships because 40-50 percent of people would die from disease on the way over. And they throw the bodies overboard. Never saw their mom again. We went to the cemetery where all the O'Reilly's were buried and ironically 200 years before that, in the early sixteen hundreds, the O'Reilly's ruled County Cavan.

Castle O'Reilly is on a hill outside of Cavan city. We went there of course, the Castle is gone but there are a few rocks and stuff like that but there's a memorial, this is where Castle O'Reilly led by the Baron Hugh O'Reilly ruled the county and then Oliver Cromwell came in boom, all the Irish princes were taken out all the property confiscated. They gave the poor people a couple of acres and they had to pay the British landlords they couldn't pay, out of there. And that's what happened in the famine, nobody could pay, because the potato crop failed and they didn't have anything to eat. So that was the goal of the trip, but then I, you know I went to Sligo and I went to Westport and I went to Galway and I went to Dublin and Wicklow and you know beautiful. If you haven't been ot Ireland, it's an easy trip, except for the security. Getting in is easy get out, you know.

But you know what I noticed there, I was there two years ago and in two years, they have a new president. His name is Leo Varadkar. Leo is the youngest president ever, thirty eight, he's gay and he's a progressive guy. So what Leo and his crew have done is they've imposed taxation upon the Irish people only 4 million people in the Republic. There are four times as many people in the New York City metro area then there are on the entire country of Ireland. So there are big taxes that Leo and his crew have put in so that they can give money to those who don't have it. Classic progressive income redistribution. Top Tax Rate in Ireland 52 percent, so more than half of your income. 23 percent VAT, Value Added Tax on everything you buy except food and some elements of clothing. 23 percent! You want a car gotta buy a car and then pay 23 percent on top of that, more than 50 percent of gasoline price is taxed. So you've got heavy income tax, huge VAT, 23 percent, gas tax more than 50 percent and property tax, if you own a home. They can't make any money, the Irish people can't make any money. So you can live okay, you're not going to starve. But can you save money? No.

Now, the government says you don't need to save any money, you don't need new money if you give it to us for free college. Not quite. You got to pass a test and if you're not the brightest bulb when you're 16, you're not going, the British do that too. OK but if you do all right you do get your college paid free. Healthcare, it is free but you've got to wait three months see a doctor. Unless you go to the emergency room, three months average wait time. OK. Pension, yeah, they'll give you a pension. If you're more than 66 you get free rail and bus travel, so you get some stuff but basically what they're doing is they're building houses for people who don't work or won't work. And they're giving the money away, it's socialism. And they love the EU, OK, Ireland, they love it, they like that EU, go.

But I'm predicting, two years, Leo out of there. Folks are getting a little teed off. And now how the Irish and the Irish are always like this, this is what they do, when you get to a point where you're really teeing the Irish off they go OK. We're going to do underground economy. We're not going to tell the government what we make. You want to get your pipes fixed? Pay cash. All right you want your cow, your cow has a knee problem, pay cash. Everybody's paying cash, in fact I found it very hard to exchange my dollars, the banks wouldn't do it. I walked in the Bank of Ireland, I need a hundred give me some euros they go no, unless you have an account here we don't do it. Government doesn't want you to. They know the underground economy, so the government's losing billions of dollars in revenue because the Irish are going hey, we're going off the books. That's what we're doing. Two years it is going to change you wait and see. All right. I had a great time though. Ireland is a special place, and I hope you get to visit if you have not.

Let's go to the mail. 

Martin Brand. Amarillo, Texas. 

"I usually agree with you but I must disagree with your opening monologue. Two points if anyone can handle Putin it's Trump. Let's not forget that he cut his teeth dealing with the thugs in New York City. Second you are putting faith into the FBI and CIA to organizations that are the swamp can't be trusted. The deep state has been running the show for more than 30 years and you are assuming they're telling us the truth. If they were trustworthy Trump would never have been elected." 

All I'm going to say is this: the Russians did interfere in our election. I know that to be a fact. And there are many Trump supporters who know it to facts as well. You're not going to get anybody on Capitol Hill or anybody on those intel committees have seen all the data tell you the Russians didn't interfere. They did. And if the Russian intel interfered Putin knew it. Putin knew it and that's true. So that's all I can say to you.

Paula White. Urbandale, Iowa. 

"Why would President Trump have held a news conference in the first place why didn't he meet with Putin and then leave? He's testing his supporters and not helping his case with independents."

Look, Paula if you're going to meet with Putin or any other world leader you're going to have a press conference because you want the, want the accolades. You know the press conference in North Korea that did Trump a lot of good. He thought the Putin press conference was going to do him a lot of good. Didn't work out for him although his poll numbers are up. So there you go. 


"I have a question for you when you get back next week." 

Here I am Jack I'm back. 

"Now that NATO's 28 members including most of the Balkan states that were, that were at war with each other only a few years ago I've been in Montenegro and Croatia and believe me they hate each other what happens if one of their members goes to war with another each accusing the other of invasion?" 

Nothing happens. The NATO alliance only kicks in when you were invaded by a hostile power, nothing to do with NATO. OK so that's why it exists. So if Montenegro and Croatia go to NATO and say look we're not going to intervene we might put peacekeepers in there but you guys are going to work it out, we'll help you and that's the way that would go down. 

Elizabeth Cunningham. Antonio, Texas. 

Very hot down here in Texas. My Texas pals over here, but it is every summer but it is bad this summer. 

"In talking about your family's immigration to America, you said you couldn't have started law harder than the O'Reilly's did in America." 

That's true.

"Well I've no doubt it was hellish, there were millions who face even tougher circumstances upon arrival, enslaved Africans. Unlike the O'Reilly boys, slaves had no options and no agency. They couldn't pull themselves up by the bootstraps no matter how hard they work or how much they sacrificed. I appreciate your reports while you're on vacation. I'm definitely getting my money's worth being a Premium Member. Frankly, I don't know what we would do without your unbiased news.". 

Elizabeth, I have acknowledged that slavery was the most difficult circumstance in the world. That has been said over and over and over by me. But to use slavery as a reason not to participate in the American system is self-destructive and that's my message. It happened. It was horrible. It put blacks at a disadvantage, still does today, slavery. But you don't reject the country that fought a war to abolish slavery where millions died, millions died. Because a lot of the people who are wounded that are not accounted KIA, died three or four years later. So you don't do that. That's self-destructive. If you're an African-American you understand your disadvantage and you work to overcome it. But this white privilege nonsense, I had white privilege when my people barely got here alive and they came legally by the way, weren't illegal. And they stayed in Brooklyn from 1845 to 1950. All right. And they were laborers and cops and firemen and teachers and they were middle class in the first one, break out of the working class, first one. And I maintain my working-class sensibility but when somebody says to me O'Reilly you've got white privilege. C'mon. I saw something on the internet because when I said that to Glenn Beck of course all crazy far left haters came out and one of them said you're not followed around when you go into a department store, but you know what, Jack most blacks are not followed around. That's not the rule. That's the exception. It should never happen. But don't tell me that every African-American goes into a store is stalked. All right. And that's what you're trying to say. It drives me nuts.


"Bill, I loved hearing the story of your ancestors and how the twin brothers sacrificed to come to America for a better life. We owe so much to our ancestors who migrated here." 

Absolutely. You know and then I went to the cemetery to see where the mom was buried and somebody asked about that, Ralph on the message board. 

"Bill, you kind of lives hanging with your family story the twins came to Brooklyn, was one of them your great grandfather, how did it progress from there?" 

It was like great great great great. It was like four down. James O'Reilly was my grandfather. Great great great grandfather. 


"I was wondering did you find out when the O'Reilly boy's mother passed away. Where did you live, with relatives? How did she support herself?" 

All of the County Cavan people who were evicted, banded together and they survived by handouts from the government and from their neighbors. All right. I don't know when she died exactly. Did go to the cemetery. Tons of O'Reilly's there. But the boys never saw their Mom again. How heartbreaking is that. 


"Did the corgi go to Ireland?"

Holly is Welsh. Can't take a dog on a trip to Europe. I guess you could. But you think about security stuff. Oh my God. Holly was happy being out on Long Island my sister, she likes my sister better than me.

Myrna Davis. Fishers, Indiana. 

"Just moved to California, from California to Indiana. I proudly display the Patriots Welcome doormat which I bought from your store on my front doorstep. Love the quality, love the message, love the look. So happy I bought it. Thank you." 

Myrna, we are happy to have the Patriots welcome. We have great stuff in our store. We hope y'all check it out. 

We also hope you consider Concierge Membership. We have testimonials posted now on the website from Premium Members who upgraded to Concierge. You might read what they have to say, better than me bloviating about it but we're here to directly communicate with all Concierge Members as we do with Premium Members but Concierge get special access to check that out. 

Killing the SS, you get that book free and another book if you go Concierge, comes out September 18th. I'm going to start telling you more about it next month. The people who have read in advance are stunned. Stunned. If you order in advance on and we'll give you a free gift and you'll get the book first. OK. And half of all the Premium m=Members now watch the No Spin News on TV. Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire all of that, so I'm on TV again. 

Word of the day writing to do not be a barbermonger. Glad to be back in the USA, no place like it on Earth. We will see you again tomorrow.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 4:00 PM
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President Trump's Approval Rating at an All-Time High, Americans Not Trusting the Media, and the Latest in the FBI/Mueller Investigation
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