BOR Staff Column: Slaves, Immigrants, and Double Standards
March 9, 2017
This week Dr. Ben Carson, President Trump's newly-installed Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, was caught up in a maelstrom that is very revealing of blatant media bias.

Dr. Carson, addressing HUD employees, said this: 'There were other immigrants who came in the bottom of slave ships, who worked even longer, even harder, for less.' Cue the umbrage machine. Carson's remarks ignited a predictable CAT 4 storm among the media and left-wing celebrities.

The actor Samuel L. Jackson, who plays a racial justice warrior when he's not hawking credit cards, wrote an extremely offensive and unprintable tweet. But then again, Samuel L. also went all in on the 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' hoax. You can find him on YouTube denouncing 'racist police.'

Whoopi Goldberg advised Carson to 'read or watch Roots,' while Chelsea Clinton declared, 'This can't be real.' And Ice T of 'Cop Killer' fame deemed Ben Carson to be an idiot. The reliably smug and pretentious professor Michael Eric Dyson went farther, calling Carson's remarks 'one of the most atrocious acts of historical revisionism that one might imagine.'

Really? It's certainly arguable that the gentle and genteel Dr. Carson was wrong to equate slaves and immigrants, and he admitted as much the next day.

But check out this recent observation from another very prominent black man: 'It wasn't easy for those of African heritage who had not come here voluntarily and yet in their own way were immigrants themselves.' Of course, that was President Obama just over a year ago. His speech was described as 'impassioned' and 'heartfelt.' The Federalist has unearthed ten other instances where Barack Obama compared immigration and slavery.

Both President Obama and Secretary Carson were talking about the inherent goodness of America and its promise, even if new arrivals were coming involuntarily on a slave ship. President Obama: 'They were able to muster faith that, here in America, they might build a better life and give their children something more.' Secretary Carson: 'They too had a dream that one day their sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, great-grandsons, great-granddaughters, might pursue prosperity and happiness in this land.'

Summing things up, the brain surgeon Dr. Ben Carson, raised in a single-parent home in Detroit, is considered racially inauthentic, a constant target for ridicule. But President Obama, the product of Hawaii's finest prep school and born to two parents with graduate degrees, can pretty much say nothing wrong to his acolytes.

What in the world is going on? First, many in the media are out to completely destroy anyone associated with the Trump administration. Watch the non-Fox cable news morning shows and you'll walk away shaking your head over the loathing of President Trump.

More than that, Ben Carson is a liberal's nightmare. He urges poor Americans to become as self-reliant as possible, to avoid reliance on the leviathan government. That is heresy to the NAACP, liberal Democrats, and so many others whose lives were shattered on November 8th.

The good news is that Ben Carson will not likely change. He's 65-years-old, accustomed to liberal scorn, and will continue to preach the same message. This recent episode has already blown over.

But the media jackals are ravenous, on the prowl for any slip-up by a member of President Trump's team. How bad are things? MSNBC's Chris Matthews admitted this week that he has a hard time saying the words 'President Trump.' The same guy who famously got a thrill up his leg while listening to Barack Obama cannot muster a modicum of respect for Donald Trump. Astounding!

It's always fun to play 'what if,' as in 'what if a conservative anchor was unable to say President Obama.' He or she would be denounced as a racist, probably fired, and certainly drummed out of polite company. But now, disrespecting the president is a badge of honor among liberal media types.

The election of Donald Trump was an incalculable blow to the left. And now, there are a few thousand reporters who wake up every day with the singular goal of bringing down a sitting president and hanging a pelt on their wall. An orange pelt.
Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM
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BOR Staff Column: Slaves, Immigrants, and Double Standards
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