Bill O'Reilly on Trump Possibly Firing Sessions
July 26, 2017

What is going on between President Trump and Attorney General Sessions? It would be foolish for President Trump to fire Mr. Sessions on a number of levels. 

If the president does that I don’t know whether he can recover in the senate. The Republican senators will turn against the President. Already Democratic senators are against him. Now Republican senators will turn against him.. So if President Trump fires Sessions, he’s going to lose his support in the senate across the board. It’s a disaster. Just for that reason, détente should happen between Trump and Sessions.

I think Sessions and Trump should have a meeting. Sessions should agree to look into the Clinton Foundation but not the Russia thing. Because he was right to recuse himself from that. 

So I’m going to predict that Trump is not going to fire Sessions. But I could be very wrong on that. I don’t have any inside info. I’m just saying if he does, it’s going to be a disaster.

On tonight’s No Spin News, Bill gives his take on the brewing trouble between the President and his Attorney General. Only on

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 4:00 PM
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Bill O'Reilly on Trump Possibly Firing Sessions
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