The Death of Wisdom
July 19, 2022
One of the smartest columnists in America is Victor Davis Hanson, a college professor in California. He reminds me of the late Charles Krauthammer because he uses facts to make important observations about the United States.

Hanson's recent analysis says that President Biden and his acolytes have killed "wisdom" in this country. He points to incomprehensible policies like diminishing the police and failing to secure the southern border, among others.

What is absolutely true is that Biden's open border stance and emphasizing social justice over criminal justice are stupid indeed. And stupidity is the opposite of wisdom.

There are not really two sides to those issues. The campaign to harm traditional policing has led to thousands of violent deaths. No bail for dangerous criminals will do that.

And the unrestrained migration and narcotics traffic on the Mexican border has also killed legions of people.

President Biden has no answer. He and his minions simply deny there's a problem. Biden won't even visit the border, perhaps because he knows he could never pronounce "Juarez."

So, Victor Davis Hanson is correct; wisdom has been slain by the Biden administration. To once again quote the sage Forrest Gump: "stupid is as stupid does."

See you tonight, beginning at six eastern for the No Spin News.

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Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 7:26 AM
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The Death of Wisdom
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