O'Reilly on the Obama/Russia Mystery & Kate's Law Update
June 27, 2017

Finally!  Bill began Tuesday's No Spin News with the great news that the House of Representatives will take up a version of Kate's Law.  As you probably know, the legislation is named after Kate Steinle, the 32-year-old woman who was shot and killed by an illegal immigrant who had been deported many times. 

"This week the House version will be voted upon," Bill rejoiced.  "It says that if you have a felony or three misdemeanor convictions and come back to the country after being deported, you can get up to ten years in prison.  So criminals who have been deported can be rounded up if ICE knows where they are.  Secondly, if you are deported three times and come back, you could also get up to ten years.  This law is needed to give federal immigration authorities another tool to round up bad guys." 

Bill predicted that the bill will pass with little or no Democratic votes and warned that a "nay" vote will be used against members of Congress.  "Kate's Law is finally on track," he concluded, "and I wanted you Premium Members to know that this is coming to fruition.  I believe it will become law and we all did a good thing." 

In other Capitol Hill news, the Senate vote on its health care bill has been delayed until after the July 4th recess.  Bill took issue with the Congressional Budget Office and its prediction that 22-million Americans will lose their health insurance if the bill passes in its current form.  "Those 22-million are people who won't buy health insurance no matter what," he said.  "If it's delivered to them free, they'll take it, which is what ObamaCare does.  They're not getting anything taken away from them, they are just refusing to take action to protect themselves.  This is all about putting caps on Medicaid and getting entitlement spending under control."  Bill predicted that the bill has a better than 50-50 chance of passing the Senate. 

As reported on Monday, most media outlets are ignoring the news that President Obama received early warning that Russia had hacked into the Democratic National Committee.  "Barack Obama classified all of this information," Bill reported, "and did absolutely nothing.  I believe President Obama knew everything that was going on but he didn't alert us.  Barack Obama is a methodical man, everything is planned and calculated, and there has to be a reason that the president did not alert the voting public about Russia trying to influence the election."  Bill declined to speculate on President Obama's motives, but suggested that "something sinister" could be in play.  He added that suspicion about Russian influence has shifted from Donald Trump to Barack Obama, which is why the media is not covering the situation. 

Turning to the Supreme Court, President Trump won a big victory when the justices essentially upheld his temporary ban on travel into the USA from six countries.  The high court also delivered a victory for conservatives who place a high priority on religious freedom and has even agreed to hear the case of a baker who doesn't want to create cakes for gay weddings.  "This will be interesting," Bill said, "and I predict that the court, by a 5 – 4 margin, will say the baker has a right to not make the cakes." 

Mixing politics and romance may not be advisable, according to a new study that says 24% of Americans who are married or dating are arguing about politics more than in the past.  Beyond that, 33% of Americans who did not vote for Trump would consider filing for divorce if their spouse voted for the president.  "I got angry once during a political discussion," Bill revealed, "and it revolved around Al Franken, a man I despise.  A woman was telling me what a great guy Franken is and I got a little torqued up.  But my parents never argued about politics and that's the way I was brought up."

Premium Members then weighed in with their thoughtful questions and opinions.  They unanimously lauded Bill's coverage of President Obama and his knowledge of the Russian hacking and also opined on the merits of a federal minimum wage. 

Bill concluded Tuesday's podcast by displaying a hand-written letter from General Robert E. Lee to a family who lost their son under his command in the Civil War.  "I sympathize deeply with you and your wife," Lee wrote to the grieving parents, "when your brave son fell at the head of his company under the gallant (J.E.B.) Stuart in the struggle of the states for their rights and for constitutional government.  But I believe he is happy and I pray you may be united again in heaven."  It was one of the very few times when General Lee, a West Point graduate, explained his decision to fight for the South.  "Lee put his home state of Virginia above the United States," Bill said.  "In my opinion that was a poor decision, but I believe Lee was sincere.  The bottom line is that you don't keep any human being in slavery, so the Northern side was the noble side.  It's amazing to see how good people like Robert E. Lee could do what they did."

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 4:00 PM
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O'Reilly on the Obama/Russia Mystery & Kate's Law Update
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