President Trump's Ongoing Battle Against the Press, Media Madness at The New York Times, & a Smartphone Ban in France
August 2, 2018

Hi Premium Members, welcome to the No Spin News, Thursday August 2nd 2018. Take your country back. 

We have a good guest today. A number of you have written me and asked me, can you get Dr. Victor Davis Hanson on the program. We have got him today, he's on vacation but it is very kind of him to take the time. We're going to do him on the phone because he's out on his farm and all that, we don't want to intrude but that's coming up. 

OK so there's not a lot of breaking news today but there's some big important things going on. So President Trump instead of taking a vacation that I suggested that he might take, is instead running around the country doing rallies, pep rallies. He'll do another one today in Pennsylvania and then he'll go over to Bedminster, New Jersey's golf club and play some golf. But this is what he's going to do throughout August. He's going to you know run around the country and try to rally his base and explain his policies because he knows those policies are not going to be really explained accurately in the media. 

Now, today the Washington Post who's very, very anti Trump and anti-conservative, the newspaper has gone way left than it used to be under a guy named Martin Baron who is the editor, he used to be at the Boston Globe and it's really an ideological paper now. So they say that President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days in office. OK. Am I going to research this? No I'm not. I've known Donald Trump for 30 years, he exaggerates, exaggerates all time. He shoots from the lip as Jimmy Breslin once said. He says whatever he wants to say, does he check it? No. Does he care particularly if he's inaccurate? No. I had a big debate with him about, during the campaign, about the statement he made that thousands of Muslims were celebrating in the USA after 9/11 and it wasn't true. There were few in Jersey doing that and I'm sure around other parts of the country but not thousands. But he makes his point by overstating. Now, I'm not justifying it, I'm not making excuses for him, I'm explaining what happens. Does he wake up in the morning and say I'm going to lie 50 times today? No. Is he bearing false witness against his neighbor? No. He's basically overstating the points he wants to make. 

So the Washington Post, everything he says they parse. So I wrote a column today, I hope you read the column, it is really important, about General John Kelly and the liberal media for the last 30 days has been telling us you know what, Kelly's out. He's toast, he's gone. All of a sudden, this week it's announced he's going to stay until 2020, maybe he won't but that's the announcement. So all of these stories based on anonymous sources, every single one of them, and I cite them in the column, are bogus. Are we going to hear reports, apologies from CNN, NBC News, New York Times, are we going to hear those apologies? Are we going to unmask those anonymous sources? Remember if you're a journalist and an anonymous source misleads you can out the source, we're not going to see any of that. So I think the Washington Post, if it wants to be fair which it does not, might want to look at the press inaccuracies, and the press misleading false statements. I bet you it'd be more than 4,229. OK. 

New York Times one of the biggest offenders, hires an editorial person to work on their editorial page named Sarah Jeong, young woman. Here are four of Ms. Jeong's tweets. Some of the language is objectionable, I'll mask it if I can. Remember, Sarah Jeong has been hired by the New York Times to work on its editorial page. Tweet from Sarah Jeong, quote, "dumb f***** white people marking up the Internet with their opinions like dogs on fire hydrants." Second one, "are white people genetically predisposed to burn faster in the sun? That's logically being only fit to live underground like Graveling Goblin's." Third one, "Oh man it's kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men." Last one, "white people have stopped breeding, y'all go extinct soon. This was my plan all along." Sarah Jeong hired by the New York Times to work on its editorial page. OK.

CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta believes that he is being treated unfairly by Trump's supporters who yell at him during Trump rallies that he is covering. Roll the tape. 

"Honestly it felt like we weren't in America anymore. I don't know how to put it any more plainly than that. Americans should not be treating their fellow Americans in this way but unfortunately what we've seen and this has been building for some time since the campaign, I've been I've been talking about this as an issue since the campaign, when the president during the campaign refer to us as the dishonest media, the disgusting news, media liar scum and thieves and so on and then he rolled that right into the Oval Office and started calling us fake news and the enemy of the people he is whipping these crowds up into a frenzy to the point where they really want to come after us." 

OK. So Acosta basically saying that he's a victim. Now if you know anything about the man's coverage of Donald Trump it's been vicious. So Sean Hannity takes on Acosta after Acosta, after, Hannity reacts because he says this on a tweet, "Hannity is a propagandist for profit peddling lies every night." Pretty strong. 

"He says he's just a talk show host not a journalist but he's injecting poison into the nation's political bloodstream warping public attitudes about the press. I'm confident in the long run the truth will prevail." That's Acosta attacking Hannity, who is of course the biggest trump supporter on cable television. So Hannity strikes back, "Jimmy sorry your precious feelings are hurt, that people see through your lying B.S. for what it is, fake news." 

OK. The truth about this is that Jim Acosta is not fair to President Trump, number one. That CNN's culture demands all of their personnel criticize Trump. There isn't one person in a prominent position on CNN that is even moderate toward Trump, not one and the third thing is that Sean Hannity isn't going to take anything from Jim Acosta and he's going to come back with what he came back with. I understand, I probably, when I was at Fox News should have been much more aggressive in my comebacks to people trying to destroy me. I believe that was a mistake that I made. So I'm on Hannity's side. Now you say well Hannity's in the tank for Trump, Hannity believes what he says I know that, I know him. Now does Acosta believe what he says? Yeah, he does. So what should happen is that Acosta should become a commentator not a correspondent who's supposed to be reporting facts because Acosta obviously despises the Trump administration. If Acosta were a commentator, I' d have no problem with him.

All right let's bring in the aforementioned Victor Davis Hanson Ph.D. is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, focused on classics and military history, he's written a number of books. All very good. And he's also a syndicated columnist, he's coming to us from his farm in Central California. All right so based upon what I've said, am I making any mistakes, doctor? 

"No I agree with you. I think they would agree with you, the people that you're criticizing. I mean I think it was Jim Rutenberg from the New York Times and Christiane Amanpour from CNN, that a year ago told us that journalistic ethics was no longer to be disinterested. By that they meant that Trump posed such an existential threat to the American project that you had as a journalistic duty to be biased and they didn't it..." 

Yeah to destroy him and get him out of office. But what about the Washington Post with the lies and misleading statements and then the most obvious story of the month John Kelly the chief of staff, turns out to be bogus in a Washington Post doesn't say a word. I mean that gets into the fabric of reportage, does it not? 

"Yeah I think so, I think, I mean we had Julia Jawf remember from Politico who said that the president committed incest with his daughter and we have, right after the Acosta example that you mentioned, I think it was Marc Caputo who said that one set of teeth was about all everybody in that crowd at that Trump rally had and what's going on is I think two or three things, they feel that the noble aim of delegitimizing Trump justifies any means necessary to do it. And then second, we're largely talking about a demographic from Washington to New York that have a, not identical, but a similar educational background, ideological outlook and their way of thinking some right wing retrograde reactionary primitive Neanderthal movement took away a sure election from Hillary and they're mystified by it because they don't know any of the people in it and in their abstract ignorance they just keep making fun, remember Peter Strzok said people at Wal-Mart smell, I think another FBI person on those texts said they were pieces of crap and we've had this again and again and again and a lot of it is journalism. And the final thing is, I think journalists believe now they're extensions of the Democratic Party. We saw that with Donna Brazile in that baking the debate question at CNN to Hillary Clinton. We saw it with a wiki leaks when Glenn Thrush and Dana Milbank were uncovered, really collating their stories to see if John Podesta liked them or he could massage them before they published. And Ben Rhodes said that when he created an echo chamber of young impressionable progressive reporters to basically echo what he said about the Iran deal so, I don't think we have a disinterested media and I think Trump maybe amplified that fact but he didn't create it. It was something that was there and now he's trying to leverage it by saying these people are animating fake news and he thinks it's a 51-49 winning issue for him, we will see if he's right." 

Right. No doubt that he's using it. I say that Donald Trump is really running against the media in 2020, doesn't matter really who the Democrats put up. Now, George W. Bush was loathed by the press and the Left in America primarily for the Iraq war and that miscalculation, but it was nothing, nothing like the hatred toward Donald Trump. I interviewed President Bush about all of the attacks on him and I said why don't you strike back, why don't you? And he goes, look Factor, I don't care. And Bush did not, did not try to defend himself. Exact opposite of what Trump is doing. But my question to you is, with President Bush involved in Iraq, a war where Americans are getting there, you know torn up, very controversial situation. The hatred against Trump has really not done anything policy wise near that and it is a thousand times more intense. So it's got to be about him, does it not? 

"Yeah I think so. I think we're, in a weird way, even though he's a billionaire and the Manhattanite the way he speaks, the way he dresses, the way he phrases questions, his vocabulary to that, he they mark retrograde he's not a guy that the Council on Foreign Relations or the World Bank or the Brookings Institution feels is one of their peers. So it's a class sustain, we see that with a conservative Never Trumper’s especially. But you know in a weird way I'm glad you've mentioned George W. Bush because you know there was a novel about how to kill him, there was a documentary I think called 'Killing of a President' that won an award. So they really went after him as an outsider and he didn't you're right he didn't reply and I think that created the loss of the current on the part of the Republicans where they sort of a pernicious example that they were, I don't know played by the Marcus of Queensbury rules and they were too noble to stoop down and reply at these personal attacks which only intensified them and gave the media the impression they could get away with it and intensify it and then Trump came in and his philosophy is deterrence so no matter how low or how insignificant the person is it attacks him, his theory is if I don't know nuke him back then I'm going to encourage this and it's going to escalate. So he just spends his time going out for every single person almost as he is a general saying..." 

I know and it can't escalate any more than it already has. 

"No, it can't, you're right he can't." 

He is making a miscalculation, I think in this, in the sense that there is a chance that Americans are just going to become exhausted even Trump supporters and say you know maybe we'd be better off with somebody else because he's going to be challenged in the primaries by John Kasich and others on the Republican side. So anyway, but you're right, it's exactly what Trump, his mindset is nobody is going to get away with attacking me and I'm going to strike back. Now with this kind of invective and hatred, the press is now taking on the posture that it's all Trump's fault. They don't have any responsibility, you heard Jim Acosta, he doesn't bear any responsibility for the people yelling at him. None. He's the victim. But I do believe that violence may very well break out, that that's the next step of all of this Reinke hatred, do you see it that way? 

"Yeah I agree entirely for a couple of reasons. One is that unlike the 60s this split has a false multiplier geography. It's not just left versus right, tradition versus progressivism, but it's red state Interior versus the coastal elite and that's dangerous as we saw in 1860. And then the second thing is, the split is not 80-20 or 70-30 like the 60s, great silent majority, it's 50-50. And we saw that in the election. And then I think also, the left feels again, that they have to, they have to embrace any means possible against this extensional threat, so we saw it with, you know behead Trump by Julie Rippert or Robert DeNiro or Johnny Depp or Madonna and there's a sense that we can use imagery about killing or blowing up or hanging or decapitating or assassinating the president and there's no consequences. It's not going to lead to something like Steven Scalise or running Sarah Sanders out of the restaurant, but it is reciprocal, if you dare say one thing about us because we're more noble than you are, then you're inciting violence and that asymmetry is sort of dangerous in itself. It just further incenses people that don't live on this coastal corridor." 

I mean it's big anger building on both sides and I don't see there's any mitigating factor. There's no body in a position of power trying to tamp that down. No, no one. OK. So it is rise, rise, rise and people are in danger. I mean just today we get a report out of Massachusetts where on Cape Cod a guy was driving in his car with a Make America Great Again sticker and a woman rammed the car with hers and fled the scene of the accident. I mean this now can lead to death. Now, one more question for you and I really appreciate your time, I know you're on vacation. My hypothesis is that once President Trump leaves the political stage that the media will not recover from this, all right, that people will not forget this. So the newspaper industry is on its way out, I mean when you hire, the New York Times hires a woman that I just reported about it's over. There are no standards of journalism anymore, if that woman can become an editorial page contributor for The New York Times then they don't have any standards. All right. So the newspaper industry is on the verge of collapse, the cable news industry is propped up by Donald Trump. The people who hate them watch the Liberals, people who like him watch Fox. He goes, they go because there's nothing else and there hasn't been for a year. They don't report on anything else just him. So the media in America which is a vanguard of our republic, I think is on the verge of almost semi extinction, am I wrong? 

"No, you diagnosed I think correctly and in one of the reasons it's going to go with the people are finding alternative sources of information, the private blogs.". 

Yeah, like this, like what we are doing now. Absolutely. 

Yeah. Well you, I live in central California and I grew up with the Herald and McClatchy newspapers but your Website no doubt has more followers than the entire Sacramento Bee readership it is that bad for them. And you're right the cost, and I don't think not only will the media not we cover but I think working to get another president, too because we're forgetting that this Dr. Frankenstein that created Trump was Barack Obama and he said things that were mellifluous and they were, they sounded erudite but they would get in their face, they were you didn't build that, punish our enemies, take a gun to knife fight, at some point you don't need to make any more money. It was a constant attack and the media contextualize it as well, this guy went to Harvard and that's just hardball politics. But he didn't reach out, he didn't try and he weighed in on very volatile criminal and political controversies, whether it was Trevon Martin and Ferguson and his idea was the United States was 50 percent blue states and to win elections on this leg of the politics, pass it to Hillary Clinton and we found out that was not transferable." 

Well he miscalculated, Obama miscalculated because he didn't understand the Red State people who don't want socialism and they don't want income redistribution and political correctness miscalculated all that which led to Donald Trump, there's no doubt in my mind. Hey doctor, I hope you come back and I hope we can see next time and you're a very smart guy, your columns are great and we really appreciate you taking the time today. 

"Appreciate your having me, Bill." 


Here's a story that nobody will tell you about but it's serious. There's a group trying to hack in to the United States grid. The group has been exposed by a cyber security firm called Dragos and they have named the group Raspite. And apparently Raspite has been successful in breaching networks of electric utilities all throughout the U.S. Now Raspite has been tracked to Iran, not Russia, Iran. I have said for many, many years that the United States' main vulnerability is its electrical grid and that hackers are going to try to knock everybody off line in this country and create unbelievable economic and social chaos. So that is why I wanted to bring this to your attention that there, there are groups that are actively doing it and they are becoming successful on some levels. 

In France, the government has banned smartphones for the urchins in school. Students between ages 3 and 15 can't have them anymore, in France, over 15 the school can choose, it's an option. All right if you are physically handicapped you can have the phone. So France is basically saying the phones are hurting the child's ability to learn and they are banned now and the vote was 62 to 1, the lawmakers in France to passed that law, 62 to 1. More than 90 percent of French children between ages 12 and 17 have mobile phones. Can't happen here because of our freedoms and all that but should it happen? I think they can have the phones in their lockers to communicate with the parents for after school activities and stuff like that. But I'd ban them in the class, absolutely would.

Independence Fund, an update on that. As you know we helped raise more than 2 million dollars recently for these high-tech track wheelchairs. Now the has a big time sponsor. Boy this is a really good news. Depcom Power provides engineering procurement and construction services for solar power plants around the United States. They are sponsoring the which means money for them. Governor Henry McMaster of South Carolina joined the Independence Fund on Friday, last Friday to award a track chair there's a photo, you're taken a look at it. Now this brave veteran whose life was shattered by wounds now gets a sense of independence, that's why they call it Independence Fund because these high tech wheelchairs can go everywhere they go the beach, they go hunting in the forest. They take the burden off the family to always be there. And the vets can operate them and do a lot more than they could without them. As I've always said the government has an obligation to buy these chairs but they do not. They do not. So private people have and throughout my career we've raised about 30 million dollars to buy these chairs. The two point two is just the latest and it is thanks to you, thanks to all of you guys and I just wanted to let you know that. 

I want to initiate a one on one program with all Premium Members. We'll do that today, starting today, which means we need you to recruit one Premium Member, one on one. Got to get one person. So we have, I can't give you the number because of business reasons as Dr. Hanson said, we have a lot of Premium Members. We want to double that and we want to start to move here, we're going to market in the next few weeks, you might see the commercials but we need you to convince one other person to become a Premium Member or buy a gift card, buy a gift. You get the Killing the SS free if you become a Concierge Member which is the direct access to me, I'll explain in a minute, you have, you get two books. All right. So let's knock out some mail and wrap things up for the week. Now I will be checking in with the website as I do every week. We'll have Glenn Beck tomorrow. I hope you're listening to the Glenn Beck stuff, it's really good on his radio show from 10:00 to almost 11:00 o'clock every Friday. And I have the column that I'd like you to read that we referred to. 

Gordon on the message boards. 

"What do you mean that all hell will break loose and it would be a mess if Mueller got fired? What do you think is going on now?" 

What's going on now, would be the Good Ship Lollipop, Gordon compared to if President Trump fired a special counsel and there would be impeachment proceedings. A number of Republicans would support that, it would be a bloody mess in this country. Let Mueller play it out. Let's see what he has but he's got to put it up. Now, if you read my Message of the Day it was directed to Robert Mueller. So we got the Message of the Day which is short and got my column, which is a whole different thing. 

Roger on the message board. 

"The interview with Reverend Levingston while insisting and making good points, I took offense. As much as he said young blacks are conditioned to violence because of how they are brought over here. Do you agree with his statement?"

I can't generalize as the Reverend did about black experience. I'll tell you this. I've seen in my life no difference between black Americans and white Americans in the way they conduct their lives. No difference. I have black friends, they like football, they like good meals, they like the same stuff I like, no difference, we speak the same language. Now, in some black families the experiences that they have undergone through their ancestors have been horrific. And killed them economically which is why they wind up in ghettos. That's different than my experience, I was in, it wasn't a ghetto, I was in Levittown all white working class base, not poor but one step above it. That's where I was. They were worse than me, the blacks that lived on Long Island, they were in ghettos. And a lot of that had to do with their ancestors being deprived of education and opportunity. So I get that and I understand it as a historian and it's true. But you cannot live your life on a grievance level by what happened to your ancestors and hope to succeed, you won't and that's my message. 

Tammy on the message board. 

"Great broadcast, Bill my favorite setting for the show is your home office. Second interview with the Fort Lauderdale psychiatrist was outstanding. I laughed out loud when you said the old school insult your mother wears combat boots. I hadn't heard that in ages." 

You know we did a survey and it's 50/50. Half of Premium Members like me in the city and the studio, half like more informal settings in my home offices here and in Eastern Long Island. So it's August, we will be more in the home office this month. 

David Hawkins. Plano, Texas. 

"Will Trump get grant full pardon for Manafort if he's found guilty?" 

Depends what he's found guilty of, I expect that, there's a good chance it will happen, but it depends what he's found guilty of. 

Mark on the message boards. 

"Thursday was the best No Spin News ever. The segments about..."

No, this is Wednesday. 

"The segments about John Kelly, Portland Oregon and Medicare were masterful. I'm so thankful that you continue to provide accurate news." 

So one on one, we got to, we've got to get you guys to get Premium Members. 


"Maybe Mueller is waiting to spring an October surprise before the elections." 

You know, the speculation like that I guess it is possible. But I just don't do that. 

Kevin on the message board. 

"LeBron James needs to explain why concentrates on relatively few deaths caused by police shootings says nothing about the much larger issue of deaths by blacks killing other blacks." 

It's a legitimate question to Mr. James. If we wants to delve into the police brutality issue, it's certainly a legitimate question. 

Chuck Cavianey. Ashton, Idaho. 

I'm a Concierge Member but I want this message to be read to everybody." 

OK, Chuck.

"If Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are supporting socialism why do they think, what do they think will happen to their holdings if we do become a socialist state. Would Bernie lose his three homes?" 

I hope so. You know it's not, we're not going to become a socialist state. They're just doing that to get attention and I don't know, I mean they're not going to get elected, although they are senators.

Debbie Lougebiel. Downey, California. 

"Bill, we listen you every night grateful to be Premium Members. When you're talking about extreme left senators get voted into office we agree people should not vote for them, however living in California, we know we're in a minority and don't know what to do about it." 

There is nothing you can do about it. I mean the state is the state. You know that's a mentality. California is so beautiful and so many options, such a nice place to live. Folks are generally nice. But you're trapped, you're trapped, it would be like Al Franken living in Mississippi. 

Sarah McGee. Fayetteville, Arkansas.

"Why don't you do a segment on the demise of cable TV and how it will reshape Americans obtaining honest journalism." 

I've said enough about cable TV, I don't want to come across as a bitter guy or somebody who's a Monday morning quarterback. There's talent on cable TV but they've lost their way it is all Trump all the time as we talked about with the doctor. 

Anthony McChrystal. Massapequa, New York. Right here on Long Island. 

"What Lebron and CNN anchor did not understand or refuse to understand is that the action of kneeling during national anthem is disrespectful regardless of what your gripe is." 

It's true. Dak Prescott, the quarterback for the Cowboys, Dallas Cowboys is taking a lot of heat. Stand your ground, Dak, stand your ground but it's disrespectful. No doubt about it. And that's the crux of the controversy.

Ken Patton. Plainville, Massachusetts. 

"Bill, you mentioned that a sanctuary city is like inviting strangers into your home not knowing who they are and offering them food and television. I disagree it's like inviting them into your neighbor’s home. Mayors of Philadelphia and New York do not have to put up with illegals as they are often in their mansions.". 

OK. But you know what I'm talking about, it is the people the folks who vote for open border candidates and sanctuary cities. I mean if they'd think about it which they don't it just doesn't make any sense at all. 

Parker on the message board. 

"Great analysis, Bill I enjoy your guests. I'm considering upgrading Concierge Membership. I'm a biblical studies student so I wonder how often I'd need to contact you directly but having access would be nice." 

Parker, we tell, or we recommend or we suggest to Concierge Members that when you have an important question contact me. There is no limit but if it's you know a well thought out question I can give you a well-thought-out answer. If it's just kind of trivial question that I've already gone over and this and that, I'll still answer because I'm polite and you're a Concierge Member, but it will be short. So when you need me for your studies or for anything else or you want clarification on an issue, contact me there's no limit. But the more astute the question, the more astute the answer. 

Okay. I keep telling you guys that Old School and Killing Jesus together 15 bucks on the website is a great deal. Going on vacation here we go, of course Killing England if you haven't read that is a great vacation book. Excuse me microphone. And the one on one program please think about it. There has gotta be somebody that would like this and appreciate you giving them a gift or you know birthdays coming up all of that. Or they would buy it themselves, tell them to buy a monthly, a sampling. 

Word of the day do not be a blatherskite, one word, blatherskite, “skite” there at the end, blatherskite when writing to 

We had a good week here, I hope you enjoyed it. We will be checking in over the weekend and we'll see you again on Monday.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 4:00 PM
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President Trump's Ongoing Battle Against the Press, Media Madness at The New York Times, & a Smartphone Ban in France
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