Bill O'Reilly and Bernard McGuirk on the NFL Anthem Protest & the Far-Left Mob Mentality
September 27, 2017

These NFL players, and I don't want to sound arrogant, I don't think they know anything. I don't think they know a thing. 

You know, I'd love to pass out Killing England to every one of them, but you'd think they'd read it even if I gave it to them? No. 

They don't know. 

But the mob has taken over. The mob being the media. The mob has taken over and the mob now is praising the dissenters. So now there will be more dissenters. And then Trump gets involved, so it becomes an anti-Trump dissent. All right. You see this now pretty much that it's about Trump. So, if Trump is criticizing us, we're against him. That's where it's morphing. You know, "we don't like Trump," and you know, OK. You don't like Trump. Fine. You're a basketball or football, baseball player and you don't like Trump. I respect that. I respect that. I'm not going to try to convince you to like Trump. 

But you're protesting against the American flag and the anthem because you don't like Trump? That's insane. That doesn't make any sense at all. There's no reason to do that. But again, the mob mentality fostered by the media permits this kind of stuff and glorifies it. So, you have more of it. And the press, you know, they sit around and do they ask challenging questions to these dissenters? I haven't heard any. I haven't heard any. 

Do they know what George Washington did? He's a white slaveholder. White slaveholder. Do they know what he did? What he did to get them freedom? I don't think they know. I don't think they know.

Same thing with Thomas Jefferson. Slaveholder, had an affair with a slave, bore children with a slave. Ok, not good. Not good. But Thomas Jefferson did extraordinary things to bring freedom to billions of people. Because the Declaration of Independence went worldwide. 


Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 3:00 AM
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Bill O'Reilly and Bernard McGuirk on the NFL Anthem Protest & the Far-Left Mob Mentality
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