Talking Points Memo: The murder of PVT William Long
June 2, 2009
Hi, I'm Bill O'Reilly, thanks for watching us tonight... the murder of Private William Long. That is the subject of this evening's Talking Points Memo.

Last night we told you about the murder of George Tiller, the late-term abortion doctor in Kansas, shot dead by an anti-government militant while he attended church last Sunday. We also told you that NBC News and other über-liberal outlets were blaming me and Fox News for inciting the killer.

Now we have the murder of 23-year-old William Long, an Army private allegedly murdered by a Muslim militant in Arkansas. Police say 24-year-old Abdul Hakeem Muhammed, a.k.a. Carlos Bledsoe, a convert to Islam, told the cops he killed Private Long and wounded another soldier because of what the military had done to Muslims.

So here's my question... is NBC News complicit in the murder of Private Long? After all, that network has relentlessly branded the United States as a torture nation, a country run by human rights violators. Didn't NBC News incite Mr. Muhammed to kill the soldier?

The answer is no... the killer is a loon. The media had nothing to do with it... that's the truth. However, Private Long's situation will not be heavily debated on NBC News, because they are not much interested in the truth.

Brian Williams is a big villain here. Last night, as managing editor of NBC Nightly News, he allowed a correspondent to highlight me as a villain in the Tiller situation.

Williams takes his orders from NBC President Jeff Zucker, a committed liberal who has completely ruined the news operation, turning it into the most left-wing outfit in the history of broadcasting. If you saw the hate MSNBC spewed last night, there can be no question that NBC News is now totally out of control.

Remember... NBC has never said a negative word about Tiller's activities, which include aborting an estimated 60,000 fetuses, many of them viable. Tiller became a millionaire doing this, earning the disdain of millions. In fact, according to Gallup, 72% of Americans object to late-term abortion. 36 states have laws against it--only three clinics in the entire country destroy fetuses after 21 weeks.

But you'll never hear any of that on NBC News.

The blame once again falls on General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt, the overall boss of NBC. Immelt is using his news operation to promote the Obama administration and liberal activities while seeking billion-dollar government contracts from the president.

But what Mr. Immelt may not know is that federal authorities have developed information about GE doing business with Iran... deadly business. The Factor is now vetting some federal documents indicating this. If we can confirm the information about roadside bombs, we will present it to you.

In the meantime, here is Mr. Immelt's email address:
...and his mailing address at the General Electric Company:
3135 Easton Turnpike
Fairfield, CT 06828
In light of the Tiller situation and other hateful attacks from NBC News, I would like you to write a respectful note to Immelt letting him know how you feel. Again, he is the man in charge. All of NBC's misdeeds ... are on him.

If we could get a hundred thousand notes to Immelt, maybe he'd wise up... and that is the memo.
Posted by Staff at 4:05 PM
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