O'Reilly on Electiongate, the House Intelligence Memo, and the Media's Misreporting of the Facts
February 5, 2018

Bill O'Reilly Premium Members welcome to the No Spin News for Monday, February 5th, 2018. Day after the Super Bowl.

I'll have some comments on the game and the activities afterwards in this broadcast. We had a very lively weekend, more than 150,000 people went in to see my interview with Donald Trump that I did last Super Bowl Sunday. So we still have that up there if you want to see it. I think it's relevant to today. It's not nostalgia. 

And we got a lot of other things, we have Laura Ingraham. I did her radio show today and I talked about the main story, the lead story that we have for you tonight, on this memo, Electiongate I call it. And what's really happening because of being misreported, so Miss Laura and I had a pretty good conversation. We have posted that on our wedsite as well. So here's the deal ,excuse me. When you tune into cable news which now is the most visible place where current events are debated. What you have is a predictability. And I'm not going to call it a corruption but in some cases it is, that you're not being told the truth and there's not a lot of thought being put into the presentation. One example is the 'nothing burger'. Democratic response to the memo put out by Nunez and House Intel Committee. So in the morning a memo went out and said that this memo was a nothing burger. So that all throughout the day on cable news the people who are in the employ, whether it's money or friendship, whatever of the left are saying nothing burger. I mean it's over and over and over and over. So I'm going to petition to the FCC, to fine any American who says on television, nothing burger. No there, there, at the end of the day, kicked the can down the road. Those four. I want to see if the FCC will work with me to fine them. Anybody who says those words because they're insulting to you and we'll use the money for charity. 

Why are they insulting for you? Because when you hear that kind of thing you know there's no thinking going on. This is a role. This is a Zombieification of analysis. 

Now here's the real story. When this memo was released last week it was pretty easy to understand it. We went over it for you, alright and Glenn Beck and I had a big, almost hour long conversation about it. You have the FBI going to a judge, a federal judge to get a tap warrant. And they gave, the FBI, gave the judge false information on why they should be able to tap a guy named Carter Page, who worked for the Trump campaign. James Comey, the FBI chief at the time signed off on it knowing the information was false. That the presentation to the FISA judge was incomplete and misleading. Comey knew that put his signature on a warrant anyway, on a petition to get the warrant. OK. 

So anymore it comes out Comey tweets "is that it?" that shocked me. If I were James Comey I'd be getting a good criminal lawyer because as I discussed with Laura Ingraham, today if that's true what the memo says and it would have to be proven in a court of law. Comey committed fraud upon a court and that's a crime. So to me as an American citizen I'm going whoa, whoa this is way beyond politics and whether Comey liked Hillary Clinton or he didn't like Donald Trump way, way beyond that. Alright this is a deception in pursuit of a surveillance warrant. Now the FBI has not denied any of that. The FBI tried to keep all this from you and me and never denied any of it because I think it's true.

The second guy in big trouble is Andrew McCabe who's a Deputy Director of the FBI under . Now McCabe was escorted out of the FBI headquarters the last week or the week before. So he's going to retire anyway. He's in huge trouble McCabe because an Inspector General's report, coming in March, from the Justice Department is going to implicate this guy, in not doing, I believe this to be true in not doing a legitimate investigation both into Hillary Clinton's e-mails and in the Trump Russia collusion. So I think McCabe is in major trouble. So you've got Comey and McCabe and they're very close by the way, very close. These guys, this isn't some partisan political story for them. This is a criminal story. 

Then you've got Peter Strzok who was the Chief of Counter Espionage, during the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton's email. And he also, after that, was assigned to Robert Mueller's Special Counsel Investigation. He and his mistress, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, texted back and forth all kinds of provocative stuff about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Now I'm not going to try this here on BillOReilly.com. But these people again they got some big legal problems, there's four them now, all in the FBI, all in a small box all associated with Hillary Clinton e-mail and Donald Trump brushing collusion. It is a serious, ultra serious. 

So when you hear partisans come out on cable television or analysts or you know working for the network and there is a nothing burger. Ah I got to fine myself here. OK. This is a lie. It's a lie. 

Now, what has to happen is that Attorney General, Jeff Sessions who's somebody has to wake up he's taken a nap. This is not a crime buster here. Sessions has got to appoint another Special Counsel and it pains me to say it, I despise government bureaucracy but he's got to. The Justice Department and the FBI cannot investigate the FBI and this investigation, has got to be a criminal investigation into fraud upon the court. And then in the case of Strzok and Page I'm not sure what the charges would be for an FBI agent and an active investigation. Booting consciously the investigation, I'm not sure what that would be but I'm sure it violates federal statutes. And the other thing is that Loretta Lynch the Attorney General before sessions under Barack Obama, she was in the loop here too. So this is big. 

Now, I ask you has anybody on cable television laid that out that way to you. Has anyone? I mean it pains me, I'm watching it. I have to watch it now because of this memo and by the way the Democrats say they're going to release their memo. Good, good. I want to see it, good. Give it to me. Let me look at it. OK. But it pains me to say that you, the American citizen are being deceived. Now I think you know what networks do that but it still makes me really angry. 

Now let's bring in a media guy Joe Concha. Alright, he is a columnist for The Hill. You see them on Fox News, occasionally. So am I overstating it, making any mistakes going off on tangents. What am I doing here, Joe? 

"For FCC list if you don't mind, first, it is what it is. I think absolutely it should be banned. Yep, somebody asked "How you are doing, living the dream, can't use that one anymore, or dark day for the country which Jeffrey Toobin and Carl Bernstein will never be confused but Bob Woodward said on CNN on Friday after the memo was released. Where you go wrong? Not too many places here as far as I can tell only because I always look at it this way. I always try to take out names and a story and insert other names and then try to picture what the coverage would look like. So in this case let's say the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee decided to hire a foreign agent to get information from the Russians to compile a dossier. A dossier with tons of unverified stuff in it and then that dossier was brought before a federal judge and the federal judge is not told any of the political motivations behind said dossier and then a search warrant, obviously a FISA warrant in this case is granted. Are you telling me that that wouldn't be, A called Russian collusion and that Trump would be probably called to be impeached. If all of those things were revealed and instead now obviously we know that that was the Clinton campaign and the DNC and then eventually the folks to the FBI that brought this before that federal judge to get that FISA warrant. And we're being told that that's as you said nothing burger, it's a dud. That's a major story Bill. And it's amazing how our media is an exact, lockstep right down to the adjective to your point around characterizing certain news and events when dismissing them or just saying you know what ,nothing to see here." 

OK. Have you heard any commentators or any straight news report, say that this story is not about politics any longer it's about criminal activity alleged inside the FBI. Have you heard that? 

"Not very much, at all." 

Alright, after I laid out the case, that I just did. Would you dispute it? 

"Would I dispute the case?" 

Would you dispute that, now the story is not politics. The main thrust of the story, has to go into the Criminal Justice System now. 

"Yeah, I mean this is four decades old oversight that we're talking out here that I think at least a conversation and that that comes through reporting has to be given as far as how easily are these FISA warrant being given out. Why would a federal judge not ask more about the dossier. These are all questions that journalists should be asking on the likes of cable news." 

But I'm further on than that. I'm saying that there are four individuals all working for the FBI that could be charged with crimes. If what we saw in the memo is verified. Alright, that's what I'm saying. Have you heard anyone frame the story that way?

"No I have not." 

Let me stop you. Let me stop you. Why is it still after five or six days in the swamp of politics, partisan politics. Why hasn't it elevated to really the importance of. You can't have the FBI director. Alright, allegedly committing a crime. Look when the FISA judge sees James Comey name on evidence presented to him. Alright. He takes it very seriously. Now we know that McCabe, the Deputy Director said to the Congress people, we never would have gotten a warrant had we not used the phony dossier, we never would have gotten it. That's what McCabe said. We know that Comey said himself, the dossier was unverifiable, said himself, publicly. So the judge then is being used, alright. And that is a crime, fraud upon the court. So my question to you Joe Concha is you're pretty aware of what's going on. Not one, commentator, not one journalist is in this area. I think it's just stunning. I think it's stunning. 

"Yeah I mean I'm not going to call Sean Hannity a journalist because he says he's not a journalist."

Hannity does a whole different thing, Hannity does a political show. But the New York Times, The Washington Post where are they? I haven't seen this article there. 

"Well no their headlines, their editorial boards came out and said at least in The Washington Post case that this was the Republican's war of the FBI, this memo and called a joke and a sham and The New York Times editorial board, lambasted obviously Nunes and any conservative media figures, for actually impugning the integrity of the FBI, when there is as you said, overwhelming evidence whether that be Strzok and Page or that be Comey and what you just laid out in terms of the dossier, saying that it was unverifiable and that he also presented to a federal judge. I mean look that the movie The Post is out. Right? With Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep and that's about The Washington Post, The New York Times, trying to get the Pentagon Papers those highly secretive veteran, sorry Vietnam War documents out and everybody cheers it. Like, yes. This is all about transparency and this is the role of the press and in exposing government corruption or the government doing things behind our backs. OK, that's that's back in 1971 and that's Richard Nixon. Everybody loves it, now in 2018 with Donald Trump. I've got a quote Kimberly Strassel, she's with the Wall Street Journal. She says have been in journalism all my life have never, never seen the press core fight so hard against transparency. And that's the hypocrisy here that I think a lot of folks at home see. 

I don't know, I think hypocrisy is too weak a word. I think it's now flat out corruption so that we have media vehicles with special constitutional protections, now saying you know what we're not really interested in finding the truth or giving the folks information. We're not really interested in that. What we're interested in, is opposing our view of life on our readers or listeners. Now if you brand yourself that, if you say that's what I am this is a political show. I'm liberal. Alright. I'm Rachel Maddow. Alright. I don't really care about the truth. I want you to be a liberal like me. That's the only reason I'm sitting here. I've got no other existence. I want you to be a liberal. And not only that but I want you to hate the conservatives on the right to say I want you to be conservative. And if you're not conservative you're an idiot. OK, if you label yourself that I don't have a problem with it. Alright, but don't don't tell me you're a newspaper with all the news that's fit to print. You're a liar. And the American people are being lied to. Last word this story, I'm going to predict. And I have been right all the way through on this is, is going to blow up into the criminal realm and Jeff Sessions again, somebody's got to wake him up from his nap. He's got to say we need a special prosecutor to look into the FBI that will probably come after the Inspector General's report on the FBI. OK. Last word. 

"Last word, is comfort food and yes there's bias as you've said in our media that's overwhelming. But also I think there's a business aspect where the MSNBC's and The CNN's like to feed their audiences what they want to hear instead of what they should hear. And that's a very big problem, Bill." 

Alright Joe, we really appreciate. We know how busy you are. Thank you for helping us out. 

Rasmussen poll, poll friendly to Donald Trump, has on Friday, Trump 49 percent approval, 49 percent disapproval that's off the State of the Union, of course. President is got to be pretty happy about that. That's the first time that he's tied and 49 is up from, about 10 points from where he was. 

California which is becoming the most radical state in the union. I didn't think it would be possible to pass Hawaii. I love Hawaii. I love going to Hawaii. But you go there and you're in a socialist realm. So California now, this is interesting. City of Stockton, working class town. Alright. It's right near Sacramento. He's got, the mayor, he's 27 years old. OK. Michael Tubbs, African-American. There, he is. I think he's a pretty good guy. He looks like he wants to help people. Well Michael Tubbs, is running an experiment in his town Stockton, California. That would give people money, just give them five hundred dollars a month, six thousand a year. If they're poor, there's money. Now San Francisco does this to a lesser extent. And what's happened in San Francisco is that homeless people from everywhere, have come in because they know they get a monthly stipend check where they can do whatever they want with the money. And unfortunately a lot of that's going to the heroin and those kinds of things. Now Michael Tubbs is going to study what happens when people get guaranteed income. This is what socialists want, they want everybody to get a guaranteed income. And if you can't earn it, we'll give it to you. That's insane. Number one a country of 325 million can't afford it. And number two it's a disincentive. Alright. I mean it's not hard to make a living, it's hard to make a good living but not hard to make a living get in an Uber. Alright. I mean it's just signs all over New York right now. Help wanted, help wanted, help wanted. OK so don't give me, you can't, you can. You don't want to. OK. 

So the 500 bucks, the city of Stockton is going to study, how the people spend the money. I don't know how you can possibly do that, but that's what they want to do. But that's California. 

Nine states considering individual mandates that you have to have health insurance. OK, so remember that in the tax reform bill, federal government said Obamacare's mandate, out so you don't have to have health insurance anymore if you're under the federal. But but nine states say in our state you do. Maryland is well on its way to getting that. The others are, New Jersey, Rhode Island, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Minnesota, Vermont and Washington State and D.C. also, District of Columbia. Those are very liberal places. 

But you know what, good. I have no problem with individual states telling their citizens you've got to have health insurance. I've got no problem with that at all because you have emergency rooms overwhelmed, you have people who are indigent, running around. They have diseases, they are not being treated. I have no problem with it. If an individual state wants to have that law, fine. And if it works in your state, good. I do have a problem of every American being forced by a federal government. State is different. Alright, state has a right to be on the ground with the people who live in the state, saying you know this is best for our state. What's best for Texas doesn't mean it's best for New Hampshire. OK, just want to be aware of that. 

Alright, Super Bowl. Look after every Super Bowl who ever wins drunken fans and they are drunk. Go out and do bad things. In Philadelphia, we had the same thing. Alright, they ran out, they broke into a couple of stores, they wreck stuff, they set a car on fire. Three people were arrested, three people were arrested. Cops let them do what they want. I's not, not a good thing but there's nothing you can do. People start drinking before the game the game last four hours, they're drinking during the game, And by the time the game is over, they're out of it. 

So the game itself was very interesting to me. I used to play football as you may know. And I thought both teams on offense were magnificent and both teams on defense were terrible. One punt in the whole game. They just went up and down the field, defenses couldn't stop them. Nick Foles is brilliant. What a a great story that guy is, backup quarterback, wins the Super Bowl. Alright. And he's a good guy I hear. I don't know him. 

Brady was phenomenal, best quarterback, of all time and he's a good guy. I know him, a little. He's a good guy. Alright, and if Brady hadn't gotten hit on the last drive, you know, they might have gone down there because Philadelphia could not stop the Patriots and vice versa. 

So I enjoyed the game but I knew that the game was not going to get good ratings even though it was great and it was the lowest rated Super Bowl, overnight ratings and that might change as other parts of the country come in but I don't think it will, lowest rated since 2010 because people are still angry about the National Anthem stuff. Now there weren't any crazy guys kneeling or doing anything or black power salutes or any of that during the Super Bowl. Both owners Lurie for the Eagles and Kraft for the Patriots have control over their teams and I'm sure the message got, don't embarrass us. And it was a worldwide broadcast, so don't embarrass the country. Alright, so the players did. 

But three of the Philadelphia Eagles and they're all militant leftists Chris Long, Malcolm Jenkins and Torrey Smith say they're not going to go to the White House. Alright, and you know because Trump will have him over and all that. So I say good, good. If you want to be a fanatical, political person and you don't like the occupant of the White House, don't go. I think there were people who didn't go to the Obama White House because they were conservative and they didn't like him. Alright, don't we don't need you there. You know, the team wants to go, get honored. It's a privilege to go to the White House, no matter who's in it. So you guys don't want to go, don't matter to me. I think it's better off you don't go. 

The game itself was just, it was riveting you know riveting and Justin Timberlake, I'm not really getting. I mean he's talented, I could see that he's talented, dances as well. The songs, I mean it's not exactly Elvis out there or The Beatles or Frank Sinatra and even you know, Tom Petty or any of the ones that, Prince was the best one I've ever seen and at a half halftime show. Prince was just fantastic. I saw him in person down in Miami. The guy was so good, Timberlake was alright but the songs all sound the same to me. I'm not, I don't see really a difference. But he looked like he's having a good time and I don't have a beef with it. I didn't watch any of the commercials. I just muted it and because I had people over and were discussing how good the game was. But I think Danny DeVito was an M and M running around asking people to eat him. You know Danny I like ya, Danny I like ya, Danny but you know, was it really worth a check. 

Alright, mail we got some good ones, and let's get right to it. 

Daniel is on a message board. Mountain View, California. Beautiful town. 

"Bill I guess I'm confused theres no evidence of collusion with Russia. How can Trump be found guilty of obstruction of justice doesn't there have to be a crime?" 

No, because it will be if, Muller decides to do this, it will be obstruction of a federal investigation not obstruction of justice. If that is what he decides to do. 

Robert Nelson. Klamath Falls, Oregon. 

"Isn't it correct to assume the only reason the FBI and DOJ went after Carter Page was to get their foot in the door, what they really wanted was to spy on Donald Trump?" 

Speculation. They had Page, saying that he was an advisor to the Russians. So it's easy to track a guy like that. But you know certainly you get on a wire on a guy in the Trump campaign, low level as Carter Page was, you got your foot in the door as you say, Robert. 

Tom O'Connor. North Bellmore, New York. 

"I've been watching intently all aspects of the memo and there's one piece of information I've never heard explain, why is British spy Christopher Steel, hell bent on making sure Donald Trump did not become President." 

You know at this point the evidence shows that Steele, just hated him, Trump for whatever reason. We don't know the reason. But it was personal. It's a personal beef, against Trump.

Pat Taylor. Fruitland, New Mexico.

"Can you provide insight as to how the Trump dossier found its way to the FBI. 

Yes I can, Pat. Robert Steele, mentioned gave it to him. Steele was an informer for the FBI worked for them, he gave it to them. That's how it got there. 

Douglas McAllister. 

"Is there a reason a FISA court judge can't come forward and give their input on the memo?" 

No they could, the judge who got bamboozled, could absolutely hold a press conference and say, hey! You know that would be extremely unusual because FISA is a secret, classified operation. But if that judge, just wanted to make general comments and say you know I've got grifted, a judge can do that. 

Lorrie Kurschner. Caseville, Michigan. 

"Love the podcast you just cannot understand how important and vital your interaction with us, the folks really is. 

I appreciate that Laurie, that's so nice of you. 

"My question is compared to Watergate, how does the memo-gate differ in severity when what is done illegally? 

"We do not know, I think it's Electiongate, better than memo-gate. I think it all hinges on trying to get Hillary Clinton elected President. And then once Trump was elected getting them out of there, I think it's Electiongate. But let's just go where the facts lead us, let's not get too far ahead but I think I've laid out a pretty strong case this evening. 

Bobby McGiniss. Santa Barbara, California. 

"We love the show and your books. You have a great way of bringing history to life. I have to ask how do you feel about Robert Mueller now. 

I don't know. I just don't know. Now, Muller is friends with Comey and all those guys. So that's problematic. But do I, I just don't know. I can't answer that question with any certainty at all. We will know a few months down the road but I don't know now. 

Anthony Levatino. Las Cruces, New Mexico. 

"Took a very long bow but my wife and I finally are BillOReilly.com Premium Members." 


"Fox News has not been the same without you and we've missed your insight on Daily News. We now get it." 

Good Anthony, spread the word, all you guys, spread the word. We had a lot of Premium Members, a lot of new ones over the weekend. We've got to keep building, building, building, building. 

Sharon, on a message board. Charlotte, North Carolina. 

"Bill great interview with President Trump. It's actually better watching it the second time around. Great hearing his assessment of events, such as tax and we can now analyze in hindsight." 

That's why we put it there, Sharon, I'm glad you enjoyed it. A lot of people looking at that. 

Finally, Derrick Warfel. Northridge, California. 

"Just finishing up Legends and Lies: The Patriots and it's excellent so many things I never knew about the Revolutionary War and the brave men and women of all races who fought for it. 

Now you've read Legends and Lies: the Patriots. Now you got to get Killing England, because these books are primarily what they call the basic timelines, alright. But this book, now which you know for the Patriots, now this is the serious stuff but it's fun to read. This is the serious stuff, about it really, really came down. The other books are great they just lay down that baseline. Now you go to Killing England, OK. 

And we've upgraded our unbelievable. I mean my marketing people are out of their minds. Now, if you buy three Premium Membership gift certificates. OK, to give away birthdays, whatever, you get your own membership extended a year, free and four free books. That's insane. So hop on this thing, because I'm going to have to I don't know how long we can do this. Before we go bankrupt. 

Word of the Day, let's get that word of the day up there, it's an easy one. Sniffish. I'll have the sniffish with some brussel sprouts and mashed potatoes please. Do not be sniffish, when writing to BillOReilly.com don't be sniffish. 

Getting some e-mails about my clothing, new shirt, brand new shirt from High Bar. Best shirt maker in the USA, we have their ad on BillOReilly.com for you guys. You know, if you ladies want to give the guys nice Valentine's present. Couple of these, because these last forever and they're really nice shirts. High Bar. 

And what else we have? Tomorrow, going to try to get a Democrat in here tomorrow. Little debate action because the Democratic Party just not seeing what I'm seeing. So maybe I'm looking at it the wrong way on Electiongate. Thanks for being Premium Members. We'll check in with you again tomorrow.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 4:00 PM
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O'Reilly on Electiongate, the House Intelligence Memo, and the Media's Misreporting of the Facts
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