O'Reilly on Trump Moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel, Al Franken, & the Ongoing Troubles for Mueller's Investigation
December 6, 2017

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Wednesday, December 6th, 2017. Take your country back. That's why you watch this broadcast, I believe. 

Now, one note before we get into a fairly heavy news day, very interesting news day. Facebook Live. I'll be on Facebook Live, whatever that means, on Monday, December 11th, 2:05 in the afternoon. Now, if you can't catch it live, you can see it because you know, we'll obviously tape it and keep it on BillOReilly.com so you can access it. But if you want to see it live, it's 2:05 in the afternoon Eastern Time. We're going to evaluate the Trump administration so far and it should be interesting. It's just me, I'm just going to basically say, look, this is how I think it's going with no spin and the way we usually do it. 

OK. News of the day. President Trump announcing that the U.S. Embassy in Israel will move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. He made that promise during his campaign. Mr. Trump is, you know, a guy who likes to fulfill his campaign promises. Is it a good thing? Well, it's a what they call a double-edged pen. All right. Instead of a sword. 

So certainly, it shows support for the Jewish people and the state of Israel because they for 3000 years have considered Jerusalem their capital city. So it shows support and President Trump, there's no doubt about it, leans to Israel in the Middle East controversies. However, the unintended consequences and you're just seeing it unfold now are that Arabs and Muslims are mad. They don't like it because the Muslim religion has a claim to East Jerusalem, the Dome of the Rock is there. And Catholics, of course, have a claim to Jerusalem. The Pope came out and said it's not probably a good idea to move the U.S. embassy there. I don't know why the Pope would even weigh in on it but I think he understands the world and the world will get angry, at least the Arab world will, that the Americans are taking this stance. 

Now, you saw the Turkish dictator say, oh, it's unacceptable. Remember, the USA has a big base, air base in Turkey. Big CIA presence there tracking ISIS. We need those things. So that is just one example of probably a thousand unintended consequences that could happen. 

So we've all got to think about that. I don't think it's wrong to move the capitol there to Jerusalem but it may not be beneficial to the USA. We'll see.

All right, so the accusation situation in America has taken another scalp. Al Franken is probably going to have to resign, maybe even when you're watching this he'll be out. And we predicted that last week. Roll the tape. 

"Al Franken, I recuse myself because I despise Al Franken. He is a liar, a charlatan, a bad person. All of those things. So I haven't been reporting on him but I will predict that he's not going to make it either. But I could be wrong on that." 

Now, when I said either, I predicted John Conyers would be out. Conyers announced his retirement yesterday. All of Franen's, not all but most of Franklin's colleagues in the Senate have turned on him. You just can't survive it. So I will go back to my original statement that what every American should want in all of these cases is justice. Justice. And every case is different. 

Some women have been abused. And there's no doubt about that. But some who file or allege have not. Nobody can say what the percentage is or anything like that. But for you, the American, fair minded person, you've got to step back a little bit and you've got to say, OK, we see a big picture here, a pattern here, but we don't know. And the news media certainly is not looking for the truth in any of this. They're just slapping a headline. BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG. 

Now, in Franken's case, there was a picture and a bunch of other things, that evidence was pretty stunning. And that's what did him in. So he's out and this is just beginning, this accusation stuff, just beginning. Next year when the political races are going on, it's going to be all over the place. Donald Trump is going to have to face it. Although, if the president becomes aggressive in defending himself through his attorneys, I think he'll win it. 

There's a lot of evidence that there are setups. There was money paid to besmirch Donald Trump. There is evidence out there. It has not been put forth. We expect it to be put forth. And we will obviously cover that. 

All right, the most important story as far as Americans are concerned right now is this investigation by Mueller into the Russian collusion. It's falling apart. The reason it's falling apart is that one of Mueller's top investigators, Peter Strzok, or however you say it, all right. There he is, FBI agent. We now know he's anti Trump. And he was dismissed, Mueller dismissed him last August but not before he was involved with the Trump collusion investigation and the Hillary Clinton e-mail thing, which he may have been in the tank for Hillary Clinton. I say may because there is evidence that he was very sympathetic to Mrs. Clinton. 

Now, the House Intelligence Committee has demanded to see agent Strzok's emails and texts when he talks about President Trump, Donald Trump. The Justice Department, led by the Attorney General Sessions wasn't going to turn him over. But the House said, well, we'll file contempt of Congress charges against you, the Justice Department and the FBI if you don't hand him over. So now they will hand him over. Those memos, if they're damning, if they're really anti Trump, OK, that'll kill the Mueller investigation. That'll be the end of it. Because Mueller can't go on with his top guy, even though the guy was dismissed being anti Trump. And there's evidence that other investigators in Mueller's crew are anti Trump as well. But there's a whole bunch of stuff and we want to get to that with our guest Julia Nista, who is an associate editor of The Daily Caller. She's coming up from Washington by Skype. 

Before I ask you my first question, there is a Quinnipiac poll out, that says 50 percent of those queried believe that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. 40 percent do not. OK and that's a media play because most of the media is driving the narrative that the Trump campaign did it. So that's what that's about, but I wanted to give that stat out. 

((Interview with Julia Nista)) 

All right, let's get down to Alabama where it looks like Roy Moore will win in the Senate race. I say this because he's way ahead now in the latest poll. Raycom News has Moore up 50 to 43 over Doug Jones. Now it's more about Jones, the Democratic opponent of Moore, than it is about Moore, because Jones is really for Alabama, I mean, the guy is very pro-abortion, no limits, and then he doesn't, he's not a gun guy. You know, he's... so this is Alabama, the most anti abortion state in the union. And you know, if you've ever been to Alabama, and I have been many times, if you say, "well, we want to control gun sales and use," Alabama is not going to go for that. So no matter what Moore did, it looks like he's going to win. 

Now, here's my scenario. And I always like to do this because I'm on a hot streak. I hope you understand. I am on a hot streak. Predictions have all come true in the last two months. Moore wins and then he comes up to Washington and immediately, all right, in January, the Senate Ethics Committee looks at the allegations against him. Immediately. So Moore doesn't even get a breath. And the Senate Ethics Committee, I don't know how long they'll take, they've got to give it six months or so. But Moore is going to be under the gun. But here's the interesting thing, if Moore is removed by the Ethics Committee, all right, he can't be removed by the committee, it has to be a vote in the Senate. So if he's removed, then the Republican governor of Alabama, who has already said she's going to vote for Moore, appoints a new senator. OK. 

So the Republicans hold the seat and that's what this is all about. So there is my prediction, that he will win, come to Washington, be investigated. I don't know if the Senate is going to throw him out or not because we don't know what the investigation is going to entail. 

OK, the Steinle case. I told you... I hate to... I'm not bragging, but I want you to know that when you're watching the No Spin News you're getting the best analysis and the most accurate No Spin, no agenda. I told you that Zarate, who was acquitted, Jose Garcia Zarate, 47-years-old, acquitted of second degree murder in shooting Kate Steinle, which he did, was not going to get away. So now a federal grand jury in San Francisco has indicted him of being a felon in possession of a firearm and an alien in possession of a firearm and ammunition. So he'll be convicted on those counts. So he'll do 5 to 10. He'll do five to ten. If it was an involuntary manslaughter conviction with the local San Francisco jury, he probably would have gotten 5 to 10 as well. All right. 

So Zarate is not going to walk. He's going to be incarcerated for some period of time. 

Here's an interesting story. Colin Kaepernick, who is widely despised in this country by many, but a hero on the progressive left, has been named man of the year... or maybe, no, he's got the Muhammad Ali award from Sports Illustrated. OK. So Sports Illustrated, Muhammad Ali Legacy Award is given to Colin Kaepernick and the singer Beyonce presented it to him. Roll it. 

"Colin took action with no fear of consequence or repercussion, only hope to change the world for the better, to change perceptions, to change the way we treat each other, especially people of color." 

OK, now, it's an interesting thing what's happening with Colin Kaepernick because I've now investigated him myself. He seems to be a very generous man. He gave away a million dollars in the last year or so to pretty good charities. One of those charities I read about I'm going to give money to called 100 suits for 100 men. It provides clothing, nice clothing, to poor guys who want to go on job interviews. I mean, that's really good. And it's in Queens, New York so I'm going to give them a whole bunch of suits. 

So Kaepernick himself seems to be a generous man. I don't agree with his view of the world. But I don't dislike him because he holds a different view from mine. What I do resent and why I think Sports Illustrated, and it is interesting to see how ESPN, Sports Illustrated, all of these big sports networks are left wing. They're left. I never really knew that until a couple of years ago. But my objection to Colin Kaepernick is the anti-police stuff. So he wears socks with police officers depicted as pigs. No. That's putting police officers in jeopardy. That is disrespectful and unnecessary. 

If Colin Kaepernick wants to make the point that American society is not fair enough to minorities, I'll listen all day long. But if Colin Kaepernick is going to demonize all law enforcement in this country, I'm going to condemn that. So therefore, that would disqualify him for any award given by BillOReilly.com. See where I'm going here? So I don't think he's a bad person and he's certainly doing some good by giving away a million dollars to charity. But he's misguided. And I said this before, I'd like Colin Kaepernick to read Killing England, Killing the Rising Sun, Killing Patton, Killing Lincoln, all of my books because I don't think he understands where this country is and what is the true nobility of America. 

Yes, there are things that we need to improve. Yes, it's harder for African-Americans to succeed and that should change. But no, we are not oppressing people actively and I think he believes we are. And if you read the history of our country, you'll know that's a false canard. So I don't have anything against Colin Kaepernick. I would not have given him the award. 

Three drug stories to tell you about and then we'll get to the mail, I've got some good letters today. First, in Colorado. Babies born addicted to opiates, all right, heroin, all of the prescription drugs, are up 83 percent across the state from 2010 to 2015. OK. Two babies out of a thousand born in Colorado are addicted. Now that is a sin. Why is it happening in Colorado to this extent? Because of the marijuana legalization. That's why. Because the message is sent that the drug culture is not bad. 

Now, you can argue all day long whether marijuana is a gateway drug. But I don't know any drug addicts, I don't know any who didn't start with marijuana. None. And I know a lot of them and a lot of drug rehab counselors. They all did. But in Colorado, they're basically saying, there's nothing wrong with pot. Kids are getting the message, you know, it's alright, it's like having a beer. No difference. Wine, beer, pot. 

So the drug culture by extension becomes more acceptable and that's why you're seeing this crazy stuff in Colorado.

Wisconsin. Governor Scott Walker wants drug testing for welfare people. All right. That has been shot down by the courts but he's going back. The courts have said, no, it's an unlawful search to drug test someone who is getting state or federal entitlements. You can't do it. Walker says, wait a minute, these are optional programs designed to help people in poverty, we can't be funding drug addiction. You know, people sell food stamps. I'm sure you know that. They get food stamps, they sell it to get drugs. It happens all the time. There's a big black market. So anyway, Walker's doing that. 

Finally, Russia banned for next year's Winter Olympics in South Korea for using drugs with all their athletes in Sochi. So Putin's... I'm sure Putin denies everything. "I didn't do it, we didn't do it." Russia's banned. How embarrassing is that? They can't compete. 

All right, let's get to the mail.

Lisa Vartanian, one of our very loyal Premium Members. Woodland Hills, California.

"Bill, any theories why General Sessions has not been let go by the president?" 

It would be very bad to fire the attorney general before the Mueller thing unfolds, Lisa. Very bad. I have told you that I believe that Rex Tillerson, the secretary of state, and Attorney General Sessions will not last the four years. They won't. Trump doesn't really like either of them right now. So I think they will be replaced. But you got... the timing is everything on this thing. 

All right Scott Leslie in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. 

"If the Constitution is clear that the president has power regarding immigration enforcement, what leg does Ruth Bader Ginsburg or Sonia Sotomayor have in saying he does not?" 

They don't have any. They're not basing their objection to President Trump's immigration orders on the constitution. They don't believe in what the Constitution says. Now, stay with me here. Those Supreme Court Justices, Sotomayor and Ginsburg, believe it's an evolving Constitution. It's evolving. So whatever they think it should be, the constitution should be, that's what they rule on, not what it is, because it's evolving. Ginsburg has said as much. 

Philippe in Khon Kaen Province, China. 

"The judicial system of the USA is no longer obeying the Constitution. In a democracy, a judge is supposed to be above partisanship and render his or her judgment within the constraints of applicable law. Unfortunately, it's no longer the case. The judges are making decisions based on political views. Judges are not legislators. Unfortunately, they believe they are."

Philippe, I wanted to just read your letter from China because you're absolutely right. There are a percentage of judges on every level, federal, state, local, who rule because they want it that way, not because law backs them up. No doubt. But in China, you don't have a constitution, you don't have any rights. A judge can say, OK, you, over there, that's it. 

Christine Harrington in Fishers, Indiana. 

"Can you educate me on how in the world sanctuary cities got started and why?"

Sure. Sanctuary cities are places that want as many new people as possible to register to vote, as many foreigners, immigrants, legal, illegal, it doesn't matter. Come on in because we think you'll vote Democrat, we want you here, come, so we can dominate the election process. It's happening to the California on the coast, coastal California, happened here in New York City big time. No Republican... Giuliani was the last one. Bloomberg...but Bloomberg wasn't really a Republican. Very, very hard for the Republicans to even mount a candidate here. Forget about L.A., San Francisco. So that's why sanctuary cities happen, to attract immigrant votes to the Democratic Party.

Nathan Kudla. Nashua, New Hampshire. 

"The other day you said you'd give Brian Ross the benefit of the doubt for getting the Trump/Flynn story wrong. However, he's made other similar left leaning errors in the past, shouldn't we be a bit tougher?" 

I said I'm giving him the doubt on this report, not on his past resume. So Brian Ross had to know if he made a mistake, which he did by using an anonymous source to say that Trump as a candidate had interactions with the Russians, he had to know that was going to be proven false if he couldn't back it up. So what happened, I think, because I've been doing this for 40 years, is that Ross was sold a bill of goods by an anonymous source he trusted and then the anonymous source turned out to be wrong. And there was Ross, he's suspended for four weeks. Did he go in saying, "I want to harpoon Trump on this story?" No, because he knows his neck would have been... and it was. So Ross believed what he was told, it's just that you can't use anonymous sources. It's wrong on every level. 

Jurgen. Victoria, Canada. 

"Great podcast. I think I'm enjoying it more than The Factor. Two quick questions. Did Senator John McCain vote for or against the tax cut? And where's Miller?" 

Miller's warming up for the shows that we have not this weekend but the next weekend in Vegas and L.A... And McCain did vote for the tax reform. John McCain voted for it. 

Victoria Turoff. Manhasset, New York. 

"I am a student at SUNY Old Westbury and I wanted to tell you that some of our teachers are constantly pushing their own political agenda and for the most part it's left wing. Now, I don't mind differences of opinion. I'm not bashing liberals, but it's not fair to someone like me who is considered a minority in school for supporting Republicans." 

I think Victoria that you are a very smart person and it isn't fair to you. But it's going on almost everywhere. So I always give this advice to conservative or traditional college students. Pick your fights. You know it's happening in the classroom, you don't have to listen to it. I mean, you don't want to be disrespectful, but believe me, once you see an indoctrination starting to happen, tune out. I don't think I would fight it because you really can't win it. But you know, raise your hand and say, challenge in a polite way and try to get meaningful discussions. 

Timothy Taran. Ontario, Canada. 

"Bill, I'm a Masters student up here and I was sad when you left Fox. Recently, I found the No Spin Zone online and I ended up getting a Premium Membership. Well, listen Tim. We know you're really busy up there in Ontario in college getting your masters. But we'll save you time. 30 minutes with us, you'll get all the news and you'll get honest analysis. You don't have to sit there watching dishonest stuff going on.

Donna DeLuca. Millsboro, Delaware. 

"I took advantage of your excellent deal, ordered 3 Premium Memberships. The third will go to my brother in law for Christmas. I know they'll be happy to see you again, Bill, and I'm thrilled that I get another year of Premium Membership out of the deal." 

Well, look, if you buy three gift certificates on BillOReilly.com Premium Membership, you get yours extended a year free and four books. The best deal in the world. We've got another little deal for you too that I'll tell you about a moment. 

Randy in Riverside, California. 

"Love the podcast. Just wanted to say thank you, Bill. Life would not be as fun if you weren't in it. Hope you have a merry Christmas and enjoy it." 

I hope you do too. Enjoy the season. 

Ron Smyers. Germantown, Tennessee. 

"Ignominious would be a great Word of the Day."

You got it, Ron. Put it right up there. Do not be ignominious when writing to BillOReilly.com. 

Alright, a few quick touts. We'll have two shows with Miller and me. Vegas, December 15th, Caesars Palace, Friday. Saturday, Anaheim, California, Honda Center. And they're going to be a riot. Great early Christmas gifts.

Okay, here's the new thing we have. If you buy Killing England on BillOReilly.com, there's Killing England, you get a three-month trial gift certificate. OK, so you can give that to somebody, a three-month trial, check us out, or you can extend your Premium Membership three months. Free if you buy Killing England. 

We Say Merry Christmas doormats. Gotta have them. There they are, people love them. And if you buy two kids books you get the third kids book free. Educate the urchins, give them a little history. That's it. All right. 

Tomorrow we will be in the home office and we're going to follow up with the unbelievable Mueller Russian collusion stuff, the huge story. Thanks for being Premium Members, see you then.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 4:00 PM
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O'Reilly on Trump Moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel, Al Franken, & the Ongoing Troubles for Mueller's Investigation
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