O'Reilly on Tension in Charlottesville & Trump's Response
August 14, 2017

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium Members welcome to the No Spin News audio only today. 

I had to attend a funeral this morning say a few words about a college professor of mine at Marist way back in the early 70s and I stayed in touch with him. He's a good man and loyalty is important friendships important to me.

So I'm out here on the east end of Long Island. And tomorrow we will resume our video from the home office and we are working on the studio situation. We're taking all of your suggestions. And in September we'll have some news on that.

But we have big news on BillOReilly.com tomorrow. We have a brand-new look and what we're doing here is turning it from a general website into a news site. So we're going to have a big newsy look and you'll be able to see it tomorrow we hope. We have the technical geniuses working on it. And again you tell us what you like and don't like and we'll tweak it because we're all in this together. And BillOReilly.com Premium Membership is skyrocketing. We want everybody's input. You can use the message boards or Bill at BillOReilly.com. 

So let's get into this Trump situation and it's very very interesting because a number of things going on here that are important to America. 

Number one the press hates Donald Trump. That's number one. All right. So from there all of the controversies begin. 

Not to say the president doesn't help them along. He does. But the press hates Trump and wants him out. All right. And that is beyond a reasonable doubt. 

So I wrote a column today for The Hill. I hope you've read it because we did post it on BillOReilly.com under the Message of the Day. I don't want to be redundant here. And I will answer some specific questions in the mail segment. But we've got Bernie Goldberg hanging on and he did write a column as well. So we want to talk about that. 

So you know the nuts and bolts of it is real quickly. A neo-Nazi crew - white supremacists - got a court order to allow them to march in Charlottesville, Virginia because that town is taking down a statue of Robert E. Lee, the Confederate general. But the real reason the far right, white supremacy, whatever you want to call them, wanted to do this wasn't anything to do with Robert E. Lee or the legacy of America. It had to do with bringing attention to them.

That's what they want because they don't get any and they don't get any attention because there are only a very few of them. It's a handful, a couple of hundred of them, showed up in Charlottesville. They couldn't even fill out that little park. But anywhere they go you're going to have the crazy left follow them because both sides are looking for confrontation and they got it. They got it. 

They should never have got it. But the police in Charlottesville are so inefficient that they couldn't figure out a way to keep the two crews apart. And then you have this crazy kid who drives the car in and kills this innocent 32-year-old woman. And I mean mayhem but you're always going to have mayhem when you have extremist groups always. 

That's why they're extremists. So the fascist group, the racist group, they're extremists - not all the counter demonstrators were extremists. But enough of them more to cause violence and we have seen this pattern. AntiFa they call them, the anti-fascist movement, and they feel like they have a right to come in and attack police destroy stores set things on fire. It’s what they do. 

Enter President Trump who is confronted with this very horrendous situation and says we condemn violence on all sides. OK. Now anybody else - if Barack Obama had said it wouldn’t have been a problem, right? If Obama had said 'hey, this is wrong, extremism is wrong, all these violent groups should cease' nobody would have said a word. But the far left and the some in the media believe that Trump is a racist. That's what they believe. 

You know, Maxine Waters, all of these kooks. And I mean this woman is deranged. This Congresswoman Maxine Waters, she is deranged. They believe that Trump is a Nazi and anything to do with white power or anything like that they're going to try to have him be identified with it. That being said - and I hate to use that phrase because it has now become a cliché - my column deals with what President Trump should have said. Because when you are dealing as the nation's leader with situations like this you've got to be very specific. 

Very specific changes: you can't just go all sides or throw a blanket over it or make a moral equivalency. You can't do that. You have got to single out what the problem is. Define it and then say who's the cause of the problem. Obviously the cause of this problem was the white supremacist groups who showed up in the first place to demonstrate. They knew that these AntiFa people were going to show because they brought weapons. Many of them brought weapons. They knew. 

So they - and I can't read their minds - but I don't think they're disappointed that there was violence. I don't know. I mean you've got a woman dead and the AntiFa people brought weapons to. What does that tell you?

And again I mean New York City is the best in the United States at controlling these demonstrations. And a couple of cops I was talking to today said that that never would have happened in New York City. They would have had iron barricades between the two crews that were manned by police. And you could have brought the state police in. McAuliffe should have done that -the governor - and kept them apart. And why they didn't do that is just beyond belief. 

So anyway, when this unfolds then you get the cable talking heads and the internet people and it's just on and on and on and on. If you read it it's disgusting, how the media and these phony hypocritical talking heads described what was happening as far as Mr. Trump is concerned.

I'm going to give you one example. Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City is perhaps the most incompetent mayor in the world. He isn't a Communist. But he's close. OK. 

Now he stood by and said nothing when Black Lives Matter walked over the Brooklyn Bridge chanting 'pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon', holding anti-police signs. I will submit to you that you can make a case that the police officers who were assassinated in Dallas, Louisiana, and to New York City can be tied into this radical rhetoric that the police are killing black people. I'll submit you can make a strong case for that.

Now de Blasio did not say a word of condemnation about 'pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon'. In fact his own police force wherever he goes turns their collective back on him. Not all of them but a lot of them. He's hated among the 40,000 NYPD core. Here's what de Blasio said. Keeping all that in mind about Trump's statement on Charlottesville. 

(BILL DE BLASIO: The president of the United States needs to do more. President Trump needs to speak out. He needs to say this was an act of domestic terror. He needs to condemn the white supremacist movement clearly. It’s not hard to do. He needs to recognize what a danger this right wing white supremist movement is to our country) 

He needs to recognize what a danger this right wing white supremacy movement is to our country. Mayor de Blasio.

OK how many of these people are there? How many there are? I mean do you see any in your town? None in my town. But Black Lives Matter and their sympathizers, they got to outnumber the white supremacists 10 to one. They have to. They are all over the place. Every time you turn around they're showing up. But the danger to our country is the white supremacist movement? And that you do a search on Mayor de Blasio and the jihad go ahead. See how dangerous he thinks that is. And this is just this one guy, de Blasio. He represents that far left, they're all saying this, all right.

But I'm using de Blasio because A: I think he's an incompetent fool. And B: because he's so blatant, such a hypocrite, that it's the perfect example.

All right summing up. President Trump made a mistake and again I don't know who's advising him. I don't know why his mistakes continue about this kind of stuff in not being specific about his condemnation. Today he came back out, he had to come back out, and was specific in naming the KKK, neo-Nazis, whatever. He should've done that yesterday. Because that's true. And if he wanted then, after that, to bring in the AntiFa then he could have done that. But he has to do it specifically as well. Make the same case that I made that it's very possible this anti-police rhetoric led to the deaths of the officers in Dallas, Louisiana, and Brooklyn. It's very possible because in both cases the killers had that stuff on their computers. All three cases OK. 

Let's bring in Bernie Goldberg who wrote a column on BernardGoldberg.com. It is a very fine web site. 


Bernie Goldberg. Everybody check him out on BernardGoldberg.com.

OK. Couple of other things of interest you should know about. President Trump has declared a national emergency on opioid abuse. What this does is it gives the federal government the right to funnel money into certain things to fight this. So there's a drug that will overcome an overdose. So maybe the federal government will buy that drug and distribute it to cities and towns across the country. That kind of thing. So it's not just symbolic. 

That was a good move because, you know, there are 100 Americans every day dying of drug overdoses. And our society is not condemning drug use at all. 

A study from the American Medical Association says that alcoholism - obviously on the same track as drug addiction - rose by a shocking 49 percent in the first decade of the 2000s. 

One in eight Americans are now classified as alcoholics. Thirteen percent of the population. That is amazing. 88,000 people a year die of alcohol related causes. My grandfather died of cirrhosis of the liver. OK.

So in addition to the opioid drug addiction you've got a growing alcoholism problem. 

Now we discussed on this broadcast - and we'll do more of it - why this is happening. But if you have to boil it all down it comes down to immediate gratification. You've got a problem you numb yourself. You don't like your life, you live in the zone of alcohol or drugs.

OK. Two polls out today Rasmussen and Zogby analytics, minor polls, have President Trump's approval rating at forty five percent. Much higher than CBS, CNN, and all of that. Again, I don't know how they do it. I don't know. But he's at 45 percent.

And among independents Trump's numbers have improved in these polls seven points in the last month. And disapproval fifty percent ... 50 percent disapprove, 45 approve. If that poll is true - and that's a big if - it has to do with the economy. The economy is getting better, people are getting more confident in their ability to get a job make some money as the job market gets tighter. Salaries have to go up. So that's what I think you're seeing if indeed Donald Trump's approval rating is at 45 percent job approval. 

I've always said that President Trump will rise and fall based on the economy and that's why he kicked off his remarks today with the improving economic situation because he knew he had a big audience tuning in. 

Let's get to the mail. Again, Bill at BillOReilly.com or you can post on the BillOReilly.com message boards.

This is from Judith Callahan who lives in Henderson, Nevada, outside of Vegas. 

"Bill can you please tell us what the march in Charlotte was about. I know we can depend on you. 

It is about, as we said earlier, protesting the removal of a statue of Robert E Lee, the Confederate general. But it was really about getting attention for these far-right people.

This is from Brad Alexander, Marysville, Washington. 

"Bill you rightly condemned extremism on both sides but realistically the idiot white supremacists overall are an extremely small group."

Right Brad. 

"AntiFa is in every major city and university across America crashing peaceful rallies, scheduled speakers, and college campuses and labeling every right-wing group or President Trump supporter Alt-right or Nazis and inciting violence. Mainstream media praises them." 

You know I don't know about praises them but they certainly condone it, they condone it.

Timothy Lockes, Lee, Alabama.

"Mr. O'Reilly can you find out why the Charlottesville city officials let an unregistered counter-protest happen. 

Because they didn't have any right to stop it. You know once the white supremacist got the OK from the court then basically the town of Charlottesville had to deal not only with the rally but the counter-rally. But certainly there are ways to keep the two apart. And they did not do that. 

Laura Paris, Marietta, California.

"Trump spoke eloquently about the violence Charlottesville, Va. Regardless those who hate him are going to find fault no matter what."

That's the key point Laura. The key point. There is not honest debate anymore in America. 

Alan Berling, Rio Vista, California. 

"Bill we are more than a little concerned with the direction the No Spin News podcast seems to be going. It started out with the no nonsense mostly unbiased analysis of the biggest news stories of day - something that no one else offers. Lately it seems you are drifting towards a debate show with progressive glee-loony people. A paid CNN contributor denying his network has an anti-Trump agenda. We deserve better.

Ok that was Smerconish. He didn't really deny it. He kind of dodged it. And I see your point. I could do straight commentary and not have Bernie Goldberg on or not have the other people on. But I think in certain situations a robust debate is educational. So what we're going to do is we'll do the whole show this way. Most of it is my commentary. But I think at times we want to hear an opposing opinion to see how strong the argument is. And I like to hear all your opinions on that. 

Dolores is in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 

"I'm with you on the machines. Our youth are becoming zombies in the Walking Dead. They're addicted and the machines are controlling them. It needs to stop. Great new podcast. 

See this is the upside. The podcast on the machines is the upside, Dolores. But you're right when you say it needs to stop. It's not going to stop. That addiction is out there. And parents have to control it and it's a losing battle in many cases. 

Mark Elliot, Tigard, Oregon. 

"Bill love the podcast and all your books. Here's an observation. Isn't it crazy that baby boomers basically raised the millennials into what they are today? Do you have any words of wisdom on the issue?" 

Yes baby boomers are divided into two groups. Baby boomers are the Americans born after World War II. I think it's 1945 to around 1960, in that range. Two groups. One group that bought into the sex, drugs, rock n roll, radical 60s and stayed that way. And the other group that is more traditional. The traditional people raise their kids in a traditional way. The boomers that went into the ponytails and you know they never got out of the 60s. They were much more permissive for the millennial children. I hope that resonates a little bit.


"Reading Civil War Legends and Lies. I can't believe David Fisher was able to pack so much detail about the many battles, strategies, victories, defeats, heroics, and failures on both sides. The section on Stonewall Jackson was both enlightening and sad." 

Sure. Stonewall Jackson. Excellent military commander on the wrong side of course. And how he met his demise is amazing. If you buy a copy you get a Legends and Lies T-shirt free. 

And finally Evelyn Mars, Brick, New Jersey. 

"I've read all your Killing books. Love them all. Killing the Rising Sun is my favorite. I preordered your new book Killing England but my summer was left without a Killing book. Can you publish and write faster?"

Evelyn we can't. I have a lot of product out right now. The Day the World went Nuclear is the kid's book - but adults can enjoy it too - of Killing the Rising Sun. Legends and Lies the Civil War we just mentioned. Old School: Life in the Sane Lane is out. But the killing books are very, very research heavy. We can only do one a year. We are working on the one for 2018, September 2018, now. And if you preorder Killing England you'll get it first. It's out September 19th and you get 50 percent off any of the other Killing books. A great deal. 

So tomorrow once again we will be back. You'll see my face back in the studio Wednesday. Thursday same thing. We're working on the big deal coming in September and we have a brand-new website design which you will see tomorrow. 

Thanks for being Premium Members. We'll talk again on Tuesday.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 4:00 PM
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O'Reilly on Tension in Charlottesville & Trump's Response
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