And Justice For All
June 10, 2023

Donald Trump did it. He moved classified material from the White House to Palm Beach and then did not hand it over when a formal request was made by the National Archives.

But why? What was in it for him to defy the Archival request? Besides Trump himself, no one seems to know, and that's important. Criminal intent is necessary for a conviction in federal court.

Hillary Clinton did it. As Secretary of State under Barrack Obama, she had a number of classified documents on her personal email system. Once discovered, some of Mrs. Clinton's devices were scrubbed or destroyed.

But then-Attorney General Eric Holder was never going to prosecute Hilary Clinton. So, he ordered FBI Chief James Comey to tell the public there was no "intent" to break the law by Mrs. Clinton. Ridiculous. She took the documents and then destroyed the evidence. The FBI confirmed this.

Incredibly, Donald Trump kept Comey on after he was elected. Of course, we now know Comey undermined Trump all day, every day.  Quite a guy.

Joe Biden did it. As Vice-President, he took classified material from his office and spread it around all over the place. Biden's attorneys say he didn't know about the classified material and, when alerted, "cooperated" with investigators.

But here's what the Biden people don't say: Vice-Presidents do not have the authority to take any classified material ever. Old Joe broke a very simple law that a fifth-grader could understand. Maybe he was too distracted monitoring the ten million dollars flowing to his family from overseas. Was that classified, Joe?

The dim pundits on television love the mantra "No one is above the law." We've heard that 200,000 times. There should be T-shirts.

But what about "equal justice under the law?" Is that concept honored by our federal government?

If you think so, I have some documents I'd like to sell you.

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Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 1:31 PM
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And Justice For All
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