Gas-Free Sundays
September 6, 2005
In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, looters aren't the only ones making out like bandits. Oil companies are soaking Americans at the pump while raking in unconscionable profits. As one example, ExxonMobil will earn about $30 billion this year, and pays its CEO Lee Raymond $38 million. But where does that leave ordinary Americans who need gas to get to their jobs and schools?

This week the average price of a gallon of gasoline reached a record $3.07 - that's a 45 cent increase in just one week! The Factor is calling on the major oil companies to reduce their profits by 20%, which will enable the rest of us to buy gas without taking out a second mortgage.

And to show Big Oil that we mean business, The Factor is asking all of you not to buy gas on Sundays. Gas-free Sundays will send a clear message: American drivers are mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore. Drive right by the gas station on this Sunday and every Sunday until the oil companies agree to sacrifice a small portion of their profits for the sake of the common good.

Posted by Staff at 9:01 PM
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