White Privilege and Barack Obama
August 5, 2020
On a mission to stop college kids from becoming insane. Last night, I talked with a college senior who is distressed about “white privilege” and the “racist” intent of America.

There is no point in debating history or contemporary behavior with the “woke” crew. They don’t care. But there is one person they do care about very much: Barack Obama. And he is my ticket to ride in the skin color discussions.

President Obama served eight years as our nation’s leader. He received 135 million votes in his two campaigns. Tens of millions of white people cast their votes for a black man.

So how racist is that?

And then I follow up. My skin color is white. I paid for my education with the help of my father. I received no grants, no financial assistance at all. I came, I paid, I graduated.

White privilege?

Barack Obama graduated from Columbia University and Harvard Law School without paying a dime. The American system paid. And he deserved that generosity. Despite having an absent father and inattentive mother, he excelled academically.  

Was Mr. Obama more privileged than Mr. O’Reilly? Of course not. He had far more difficult challenges than I did.

But a racist society never would have provided what is called “a free ride” to Barack Obama. It would be impossible for a “systemic racist” environment to do that. So that’s what I told the young college student who had no answer.

Did I change her opinion? Probably not. But she’ll remember the chat.

Tonight on the No Spin News, the police are very annoyed in America. We’ll talk about it. See you at six eastern.
Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 6:40 AM
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