O'Reilly on White House Shakeups, Sanctuary City Chaos, and Drugs in America
August 1, 2017

O’Reilly on White House Shakeups, Sanctuary City Chaos, and Drugs in America

On today’s No Spin News, Bill O’Reilly talked with Monica Crowley about the shake-ups in the White House staff, interviewed radio talk show host Lars Larson about sanctuary city chaos in Portland, and discussed Chris Christie’s call for a state of emergency over the opioid epidemic, among other hot topics.


White House Reorganization

Bill began with a discussion of the reorganization of the White House after President Trump on Monday installed Gen. John Kelly as his new chief-of-staff.

Today’s episode builds on Bill’s conversation with Bernie Goldberg yesterday, which is available to watch or listen on BillOreilly.com. 

Bill believes Gen. Kelly is President Trump’s last chance to restore order to the White House. 

“I say that this move to appoint General John Kelly as White House chief-of-staff is basically a lifesaver for the president,” Bill said. “You’ve got to give Mr. Trump some credit for doing it because Kelly is not the kind of guy who you can push around. So he’s going to right the ship, even if the president doesn’t want the ship righted in that direction.” 

Bill argued that President Trump was in danger of losing Republicans in Congress, and if that were to happen, the Trump administration would have little ability to advance its agenda. 

“If you listen to what the Senate in particular is saying, they’re basically sending the president a warning,” Bill said. “You’ve got to calm things down, you can’t have chaos every day. And that’s what we’re experiencing here.”


Monica Crowley Interview

Bill then brought on Trump supporter Monica Crowley, who agreed there was chaos in the White House. 

Monica said the president hates to look foolish and to lose, and the White House staff up to this point was failing on those fronts.

“The make up of the White House staff from the beginning was not protecting him looking foolish or losing, politically, legislatively, in terms of poll numbers, in terms of image,” Monica said.

Bill pointed out that President Trump had hired his staff. 

“You’re absolutely right, this doesn’t excuse some of the presidents actions, including choosing a lot of these people that have fed into this situation,” Crowley said. “But he also was not supported by his senior staff.” 

Monica said the transition period was so chaotic that Mr. Trump “didn’t quite have a grip on what the presidency was really going to take.” 

Monica noted that no one is completely prepared to be president, but that previous presidents at least had some major political experience before taking the job. Mr. Trump, of course, was a political novice before becoming commander-in-chief. 

Bill noted other presidents have also had to fire their chiefs of staff early in their tenures. 

“Surely at this point in time he has to understand that he can’t make too many more mistakes, he can’t Tweet stuff that’s irresponsible and not true, he can’t alienate the legislature, either at the House or the Senate, he’s got to work with these people, and he’s got to have somebody in the White House that’s basically going to be a sounding board for him,” Bill said. “And I think, and I have him, gave Trump credit yesterday, for picking Kelly, a no nonsense guy.” 

Bill asked Monica if she agreed with his assertion that the hiring of Gen. Kelly was a make or break moment for the Trump presidency. 

“If General Kelly cannot superimpose structure on what had been a free-flowing environment in the White House, sort of like the Google campus or something, everbody was just sort of wondering into the oval office with all kinds of different agendas,” Crowley said. “If Kelly can’t or won’t do it, Bill, I think you’re right.”

Bill said it was important for President Trump to regain control of the process of government.

We’ve had presidents, who couldn’t control the process, Jimmy Carter, I don't think Jimmy Carter could control the process,” Bill said. “It always leads to bad things like the Affordable Healthcare Act, Obamacare, not going down because a senator who doesn’t like Donald Trump, John McCain, walked in and said, hey, I’m not going to vote for the destruction of Obamacare because I don’t like [Trump].” 

Bill then asked if Monica was still a Trump supporter. 

“I am,” Monica said. “I wish he would change some of his approaches to things. I wish he would Tweet a little less. So there are certain things that I wish he would change. But I am still supportive of him for the overall agenda.” 

Crowley said Trump’s success will not be decided by a Tweet, but will ultimately be measured by the state of the economy. 

“I think Trump understands that, which is why he so needs tax reform and a repeal and a replacement of Obamacare,” Monica said. 

Bill agreed that Trump must get something done in regards to taxes. 

“He’s gotta get tax reform, but it’s going to be a nasty brawl,” Bill said.


Sanctuary City Chaos in Portland 

Bill next provided an update on yet another outrageous situation involving crimes committed by an illegal immigrant in a sanctuary city. 

Last week in Portland, Oregon, 20-times deported illegal immigrant Sergio Jose Martinez, a Mexican national, was arrested and charged with multiple felonies for attacking two women, one of whom is 65 years old. 

“Here’s the deal,” Bill said. “ICE had asked for the man to be detained last December because obviously he’s in the country in a criminal fashion and he shouldn’t be. Multnomah County, where Portland, Oregon is, is a sanctuary county, Portland a sanctuary city. They let him go. Let him go. So two women have been brutalized by this guy.” 

Bill then mentioned that he was once a reporter for a local station in Portland, and knows the area well. While the coastal areas are very liberal, the eastern part of Oregon is conservative. 

Bill then read a statement from Bill Currier, chairman of the Oregon Republican Party, in which Mr. Currier said Mr. Martinez “was given preferential treatment,” and stated that the governor of Oregon and the mayor of Portland have essentially “created a protected class for illegal aliens that commit serious crimes.” 

Bill noted that Mr. Martinez is in jail on $2 million bail while he awaits trial.


Lars Larson Interview 

Bill then brought on Portland radio talk show host Lars Larson to discuss Mr. Martinez’s alleged crimes. 

Bill asked if the local media was covering the story.  

Lars said they were, and TV stations were actually mentioning that Mr. Martinez was an illegal immigrant, something the local media rarely does, according to Lars. 

Bill noted many liberals don’t like to point out crimes committed by illegal immigrants because, in their view, it demonizes all immigrants.

Larson noted that he thought the media should be tougher on law enforcement leaders for letting Mr. Martinez out of jail despite the ICE detainer request. 

“It would be like going to a lifeguard at a public pool and say, you saw the kid drowning and you sat there sipping your Coke while the kid drowned,” Lars said. 

Bill noted that if he were still a reporter in Portland, he’d aggressively be trying to hold local officials accountable. 

Lars said part of the problem is that the city of Portland is so liberal, there’s no outrage at the situation. 

“Are you going to see marches and protests? No you’re not,” Lars said. “Are you going to see these people voted out of office? You will not.”


An Update on Kate’s Law 

Bill O’Reilly has been a fierce advocate for Kate’s Law, legislation that would increase the penalties for criminal aliens who repeatedly defy deportation. In June, the House passed Kate’s Law, and today Bill provided an update on where it stands in the Senate.  

“So far, there's been no action taken on Kate's Law[in the Senate], none,” Bill said. “So that's because of the Affordable Healthcare Act and all of the other things, they can't chew gum and walk at the same time. 

“All they have to do is put it into committee in the Senate, take the House, what was passed in the House, revise it a little or say no we like this, and then put it to the floor vote.” 

Kate’s Law is named after Kate Steinle, who was allegedly killed by a five-times illegal immigrant in San Francisco in 2015. 

Bill predicted there will be no Republican defections in the Senate on Kate’s Law, but says it’s possible someone like Susan Collins will vote against it. 

Bill said that Kate’s Law would stop illegal immigrants from returning from multiple deportations and committing crimes in America, like the 20-times deported Sergio Jose Martinez allegedly did in Portland last week. 

“The reason this is so important is because if there were a law that said an illegal alien three times deported then goes to jail if we catch you again, then guys like Martinez would be in jail for up to 10 years,” Bill said.  

Bill also noted he successfully advocated for the passage of Jessica’s Law – which creates mandatory minimums for sexual predators who attack children – in 45 states.

“Have you heard a lot about child crimes? That law blunted what was an epidemic,” Bill said. “You'll remember the reporting I did where judges were letting predators out of jail with no... sometimes with no prison time, so we stopped that. And Kate's law wouldn't stop the criminal aliens, but it would really give the authorities a heads up, a leg up I should say, I'm getting my anatomy mixed up here, to put them in prison if they just find them here.”


Chris Christie Calls For State of Emergency on Opioid Crisis

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is calling for President Trump to declare a national health emergency over the opioid crisis in America. 

Bill said the crisis, which has lead to a staggering number of overdose deaths, is happening for two reasons: hopelessness and compulsiveness. 

“This epidemic is being fueled by personal weakness,” Bill said. “That's what it's being fueled by.” 

The way to solve the problem, according to Bill, is to increase the penalties for opioid drug dealers and force addicts to go into rehabilitation.


Colorado Marijuana Problems 

Bill next reported on the growing problem of legal marijuana being sent to neighboring states where it is illegal. 

“Sixty-five million Americans live in states right now we're pot is legal,” Bill said. “You know some of them are going to send that out and make money from it, and whether it gets in the hands of 12-year-olds, they don't care. They don't care.”  

Bill also stated that marijuana is a gateway drug that often leads to more serious drug use. 

“You start in that drug world, not everybody progresses, but many do, particularly the younger you get them, the more liable they are to progress into the hard drugs,” Bill said. 

There’s also a big difference between marijuana and alcohol, according to Bill. 

“You drink a beer, you're not drunk,” Bill said. “You drink a glass of wine, you're not drunk. You smoke a marijuana cigarette with THC in it, powerful, you're stoned. Got it? Got the difference?”


Premium Member Mail 

Bill ended the show by responding to emails from Premium Members. Here are the highlights.

  • Bill reiterated that the hiring of General John Kelly as white house chief of staff is President Trump’s last chance to turn around his White House and end all the un-necessary chaos. 
  • Bill said Gen. Kelly will even help with repealing and replacing Obamacare because he’ll make sure the White House has a disciplined message. In the end, though, it’s up to Congress. 
  • Bill also reiterated that he believes John McCain’s “no” vote on the healthcare bill was motivated by his animus towards President Trump. 
  • Bill reminded the audience that if you re-up your Premium Membership, you get his latest book Killing England for free. Killing England becomes available September 19.
Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 4:00 PM
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O'Reilly on White House Shakeups, Sanctuary City Chaos, and Drugs in America
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