O'Reilly on Healthcare Chaos, Hillary's New Book, and Progressive Attacks
July 27, 2017

O’Reilly on Healthcare Chaos, Hillary’s New Book, and Progressive Attacks


Today’s episode of the No Spin News features a wide range of stories, from Hillary’s new book to the report that nearly a million illegal immigrants have received driver’s licenses in California. 

Bill began the broadcast by stating that “there is a pattern of behavior emerging that is going to affect your life and you should know about it.” 

Bill breaks down this pattern throughout the podcast.


Healthcare chaos

Despite holding a majority in the Senate and campaigning vigorously on repealing and replacing Obamacare, Republicans in the past week have repeatedly failed to pass a new healthcare bill.

“This healthcare chaos in the Senate is simply embarrassing for the nation,” Bill said. 

Bill recognized the need for checks-and-balances and a variety of opinion. 

“But we have here is political gamesmanship,” Bill said. “And there are certain Republican senators -- like Lisa Murkowski in Alaska who the Wall Street Journal just scorches today, and I don’t think she’ll be re-elected – who are just basically hypocrites. And they’re afraid to cut back entitlement spending because they’re afraid they’re going to lose. Well, Ms. Murkowski is making a huge mistake because she’s going to lose for not cooperating on the repeal of Obamacare.” 

Bill said he’s not sure if the Republicans can ever pass the “skinny” repeal of Obamacare that just gets rid of certain mandates and taxes. 

“It is devastating to me as an American citizen, not as a journalist, to watch how dishonest this whole process is,” Bill said. “Who’s looking out for you?” 

Bill said it was obvious that Obamacare was not the long-term solution to America’s healthcare problems. 

“But because they want to buy votes with entitlements like Medicaid – they being the Democratic Party and some Republicans – nothing ever gets done.” 

“It’s disgraceful what’s happening,” Bill said.


Transgender Individuals Banned from the Military 

Yesterday President Trump announced on Twitter that transgendered individuals could no longer serve in the military. 

Bill said that there are very few people who identify as transgender currently in the military, and that “President Trump understands that his base doesn’t want transgender people fighting.” 

Bill then noted the high medical cost of transitioning from one gender to another. 

According to Bill’s analysis of the situation, President Trump made the announcement to appeal to his conservative base rather than because of any animus towards transgender individuals. 

Bill said he thinks the courts will block any transgender ban, and noted that Trump hasn’t yet actually signed an executive order on the subject, thus the Pentagon is still currently accepting transgender individual into the military.


How Progressives Attack Traditional Americans 

Bill next discussed the tactics of the progressive coalition on issues that involve minority rights. 

“Now as soon as you get into gays, transgenders, any alternative lifestyles, any minorities at all, Muslims, blacks, Hispanics, American Indians, whatever it may be, then the progressive machine cranks up because there is a coalition that the progressives have put together in America, which was a smart thing for them to do, because it brings pressure on non-progressives, who may disagree with certain programs designed to help minorities,” Bill said. 

Bill said the most important member of that coalition is the press. 

“They are, most of them, in the national media, members of the progressive coalition.” 

Other key members include African-Americans, Hispanics, homosexuals and non-Christians. 

“So it’s a minority-driven coalition and put all these people together, and you have a majority,” Bill said. “But more importantly you have a megaphone in which to attack people who disagree with the progressive philosophy as bigots, haters, whatever. That’s what this is all about.”  

Bill said that any sensible person knows that tax dollars shouldn’t be going towards gender re-assignment surgery.

“If you want to change from a man to a woman or vice versa, you’ve got to pay the freight, not me,” Bill said. 

Bill said the progressive coalition was very well funded by people like billionaire George Soros, and he recommended Sharyl Attkisson’s book Smear, which breaks down the operations of the progressive coalition.

“If you go up against that crew [progressives], you’re going to get it,” Bill said.

Bill said if you want the truth, then you have to listen to media outlets like his podcast. 

“The demonization that takes place if you are a conservative or a non-progressive is off the chart now,” Bill said. “And they’re getting away with it, because nobody is calling them out on it.”


Illegal Immigrants in California Get Licenses

In California right now, nearly a million illegal immigrants have been issued driver’s licenses due to the passage of a 2013 state law that does not require licensed drivers to be in the country legally. 

“Now the problem with this is it’s quasi-legalization of people here illegally,” Bill said.

Bill then discussed a controversial incident near the Mexican border in the San Diego area where a Hispanic American woman refused to show a Border Patrol officer her ID. The woman said it wasn’t fair she keeps getting asked by law enforcement if she’s a citizen or not. 

“Okay, it isn’t fair that you’re stopped and asked if you’re an American citizen,” Bill said. “Apparently she is. It's not fair. But for the greater good of the country because we have such an overwhelming problem with people in this country illegally, why don’t you do your part in cooperating. All you have to do is tell the Border Patrol agent at the check point, yes, I’m an American citizen and here’s my ID.”


O’Reilly on Hillary Sexism Talk: “Stop It”

Bill next noted his book Killing England, to be released on September 19, will hit stores around the same time as Hillary Clinton’s new book about her election defeat. 

“As some of you know, I have a book coming out in September called Killing England about the Revolutionary War, brutal, people don’t know how brutal it was, concentrating on Washington and Franklin and Jefferson, the war through their eyes. But it’s packed with action,” Bill said. “At the same time Hillary Clinton’s got a book that’s coming out. Alright now, we’re getting drips and drabs of what that book is going to be and she’s explaining how she lost to Donald Trump.” 

Bill said he welcomed the competition, but would not be pleased if Hillary in fact makes a sexism claim. 

“I don’t care that Hillary Clinton has a book,” Bill said. “I have competed against her before, we’ll see, you know, may the best book win. I’ll be up against her on the bestseller list. But it’s leaking out that she’s going to raise the sexist card. One of the reasons she lost was because of sexism, that she was a woman. 

“I’m going to be very offended if that happens because the truth is that Hillary Clinton received amazingly favorable press coverage, most of the time. Now when she was involved with the email scandal and these things like that, the press had to report the facts of the situation. But generally speaking, Hillary Clinton was given a total pass in that election and Trump was the guy who was hammered.”

Bill warned that Hillary would hurt her reputation if she goes forward with blaming her gender for her loss.

“So if Hillary Clinton is going to say, Ah, I lost because of sexism, you know, enough. Enough, really. Stop it,” Bill said. “And if that’s a main theme, it’s not true and it just erodes any credibility she may have had.”

Bill noted that he didn’t use to criticize Hillary often, but that he’s changed his view towards her over the last few years. 

Despite the controversies Trump has engendered, “I think we’re much better off as a country that he’s in the office and not Hillary Clinton,” Bill said. “I think she’s a corrupt woman, I really do.”


Dennis Miller on Head Injuries in the NFL and His Leisure Time

Dennis Miller then joined the program to discuss a new study that says it’s likely that individuals who play tackle football for an extended period of time will develop head injuries.

Miller said people should be able to choose to play because they know the risks.

“It seems to me that maybe something could be done to lessen the threat without ruining the game, the impact of the game, pardon the pun,” Bill said. 

Miller said he didn’t think NFL owners really cared about the issue. 

“They want to make money,” Miller said. “They’re going to act like they care about all of this. I don't think they do.” 

But he also added that he thought the players knew what they were getting themselves into.

Bill then asked Miller about his movie-viewing habit. Miller said he has watch about a movie a day for the last ten years, and recommended the film this year called Get Out.

Bill said he likes old movies like the Sherlock Holmes series from the 1940s, as well as films starring John Wayne. Miller said when he watches old movies, he goes for those starring James Cagney.


Bill Response to Premium Member Emails 

Bill ended the program by responding to Premium Member emails. Here are the highlights: 

  • Bill recommended that President Trump try to stay away from so many controversies. 
  • Bill said that many Republican voters won’t head to the polls in 2018 if President Trump doesn’t get healthcare and tax reform passed. 
  • Bill repeated his belief that Special Counsel Robert Mueller will have to have stone-cold evidence to get any indictments in the Russia collusion investigation. That’s why Bill says to just let the process play out. 
  • Bill discussed his book Old School, but reminded the audience that while things were easier for white people in the 50s and 60s, but not African-Americans.
  • Bill said he hasn’t covered the arrest of an aide for former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz because few facts are known and Bill refuses to speculate.
  • Bill said his “The Spin Stops Here” tour with Dennis Miller always features new material from him because he’s commenting on the latest headlines.
Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 4:00 PM
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O'Reilly on Healthcare Chaos, Hillary's New Book, and Progressive Attacks
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