OPEN TO ALL: Bill Opines from Ireland on Donald Trump Vs. the American Media in 2020, Mistakes Made in Helsinki, and Family History in Ireland
July 19, 2018

Hey, Premium Members, thanks for tuning in! Bill is in Ireland, so he is speaking to you on audio from County Cavan where his ancestors lived until they arrived in the United States in the 1840s. 

The headline of the day is that President Trump has decided to run against the media in 2020. Currently, there is no leader of the Democratic Party, there's nobody really in charge of their party, so it seems like Trump is far and away the favorite to win. After President Obama was in office for eight years, the American people decided to elect a guy, Donald Trump, with no political experience because they were so fed up with all the politicians who had been there forever and not delivering for the people. So you get a new guy in there, he's going to make mistakes, and boy has Trump made mistakes. The Putin one was a tactical error, but if you go back and you look at Donald Trump's trip to NATO and Europe, he swaggers into NATO and he basically tells them you've got to pay more money for your own defense and you've got to give us a better trade deal because you're taking advantage and have been for decades. Now a lot of people didn't like it, but that's Trump. Trump wants better trade deals, and he wants more fair treatment of the United States around the world and that resonates with Trump voters. 

Trump then segues on over to Finland and meets with one of the most heinous men in the world, Vladimir Putin. If you step back and look at Putin and all the places that he has harmed in the world and if you look at the opposition to Putin and Russia, it just proves that he's a gangster and everybody knows that. But Trump feels that he can manage Putin, but realistically we can't. So, that is a fundamental mistake right there. Trump is more powerful than Putin, but he's not going to be able to handle Putin because he is a devious career politician who thinks five steps ahead of where he is. As an example, the Russian military shot down a Malaysian airliner killing all aboard over Ukrainian airspace. Putin said he didn't do it, but there's nobody on earth who could have done it except Russia. They’re the only ones that have the adequate equipment in place. Putin says he didn't do it, but that shows you that Putin will never going to admit to any wrongdoing. That is exactly what he is doing to Trump. He says we didn't mess around in our election because that would be crazy. Well, the U.S. intel has come up with all kinds of fingerprints on hacking by the Russian intelligence agencies. Trump has been presented with that evidence and then he listens to Putin and he gives moral equivalency to both sides. Huge mistake, huge tactical mistake! You can't do that. You can't say ‘well Vlad says he didn't do it’ when you know when U.S. intel has pinpointed fingerprints on the hacking. But Trump did it and Trump did it because he wants a deal with Putin, he wants better relations with Russia and he wants certain things in the Middle East. 

The hatred for President Trump this week has reached a crescendo. Bill is in Ireland watching these events unfold and can't believe some of what he is seeing. Magazine covers and the so-called straight press are lying to the people. You can’t believe anything except for what you hear on 

A Gallup poll came out today, 79 percent of Republicans don't have any problem with what Trump said in Europe and in Helsinki. 79 percent of his supporters say you know what, not a big deal. But Independents and Democrats obviously feel it is because they're driven by the press reports. Now, this will subside by next week, but the press will not stop hating Trump. Bill’s advice is that Donald Trump and any of Trump's advisers shouldn’t try to defend themselves anymore and certainly stop attacking the press.

As far as the 2020 presidential election is concerned, Trump himself needs to become more efficient and cut down on mistakes, and then he's got to run against the media in 2020. And at this point, Trump most likely can beat the media. No matter who the Democrats nominate, the media will campaign for that person. So, Trump’s really running against the media at this point, he can't make too many more mistakes, there can't be too many more Helsinkis. He's got to cut those down. 

Now on Monday, Bill will be back in the New York City studio and he’ll read some letters and answer any questions for the viewers. Those of you who are Concierge Members, that will also start back up again on Monday. So if you have questions, please send them. Thank you for being Premium Members, I hope you have a terrific weekend.

Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 4:00 PM
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OPEN TO ALL: Bill Opines from Ireland on Donald Trump Vs. the American Media in 2020, Mistakes Made in Helsinki, and Family History in Ireland
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