Bill O'Reilly and Greta Van Susteren on Social Media and Recent Political Scandals
November 22, 2017

Bill then welcomed his former Fox News colleague Greta Van Susteren, who surveyed the overall political landscape.  "This is obviously a very polarized country," she began, "and we are learning new things every day about the workplace and politics.  Let me take the easy way out with Al Franken and Roy Moore – the voters in Minnesota will get to decide on Franken and the voters in Alabama will get to decide on Moore.  If the Moore case were in court, he would probably have eight separate trials, but politics is very different and most of these things are settled behind closed doors.  We're all suspicious of anyone who has eight claims against him." 

Bill pointed out that Roy Moore was a polarizing figure long before the recent allegations of sexual misbehavior.  "He is a very controversial man and extremely right-wing.  It's easy to get on the 'I hate Trump and I hate Moore' bandwagon, so I'm not surprised that there are a lot of people saying things about Roy Moore and even Bill Clinton.  There are entire organizations trying to tear famous people to pieces." 

Van Susteren also promoted her new book, which guides adults through the maze of modern social media.  "You need this book," she told Bill, "because you are over 40 and you say you don't know anything about social media.  Anyone who thinks he knows a little bit also needs the book because there is a lot more to learn, and people who are under 40 need it because they can give it to a parent or grandparent and not have to answer any more stupid questions!"


Posted by Bill O'Reilly at 4:00 PM
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Bill O'Reilly and Greta Van Susteren on Social Media and Recent Political Scandals
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