The Slandering of America
June 25, 2015
Been following the news lately? If you have, you've no doubt heard, time after sickening time, that America is a nation steeped in "white supremacy." That accusation is being tossed about liberally, pardon the expression, by people who desperately want to denigrate the USA and our history.

To them, Dylann Roof is far more than an evil psycho who slaughtered innocents in a Charleston church.

He is, to America-bashers, a natural consequence of our "white supremacist" culture - driven to kill by his hatred of blacks and his love of the Confederate flag.

The misguided people using Charleston to denounce America should answer a simple question. Why are so many "people of color," to use that trendy phrase, clamoring to move to the USA? Are they ignorant, masochistic, or blind? Perhaps all of the above?

Never mind the tens of millions of Mexicans who have found their way north. What about the immigrants from Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, and other black nations in sub-Saharan Africa?

According to a report put out by the pro-immigration Migration Policy Institute, "Black Africans are among the fastest-growing groups of US immigrants." In fact, the number of blacks moving from Africa to the USA doubled over the past decade.

Again, why are they so eager to come to a country where "white supremacy" rules? It would be akin to black Americans migrating to South Africa in the heyday of apartheid.

These black immigrants are living proof that many on the left are flat-out lying about America. Lying on a nightly basis, lying with impunity, lying without any fear of being challenged by our sniveling, cowardly media.

Our opinion-shapers deserve credit for accomplishing something truly astounding. Thanks to them, it is now considered racially insensitive to describe the USA as a "land of opportunity." If you want respect and tenure at a prestigious university, forget that "opportunity" stuff and start talking about "white supremacy." Yeah, that's the ticket!

Consider a few of the ridiculous statements put out by academic types on national TV over the past week: "We are a society that values white people more than people of color" ... "We are mired in prejudice and racism" ... "The source of the problem is white supremacy."

The hosts and anchors tend to nod in passive agreement, terrified of challenging the slander and thus being accused of racism themselves. Yes, we have reached a very strange point where running down your own country is considered a badge of honor, a sign of intelligence and sophistication.

This shameful episode is more proof of the adage put forth by ol' Mark Twain: "A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." Well, right now the truth is standing in its bare feet while a bare-faced lie is being spread around the globe.

The truth is evident to most clear-thinking Americans. Our nation, like all others, is flawed. Many of our forefathers condoned slavery, brutalized American Indians, and looked the other way when racial discrimination was codified by law.

More truth: There are still anti-black bigots in the USA, but it is a grotesque lie to claim the country is defined by them. They wield little power or influence, they are generally dismissed as solitary losers. Except when one of them, namely Dylann Roof, takes out his handgun and becomes a terrorist.

Roof's carnage inspired the very best in many precincts. There was the immediate and incredible willingness of Christians, particularly black Christians, to offer forgiveness. But the act of terror also brought out America's worst - the politicians and pundits who seem almost gleeful now that they have another opportunity to diminish this country.

When it comes to race and America, not only do many on the left see the glass as half-empty, they're certain it's about to fall and smash into thousands of shards that will injure people. And most of the victims will of course be minorities.

Sadly, the race hustlers and liars are winning the war of words right now. They will continue to win unless and until truth tellers fight back. Yes, we may get labeled "bigots" or worse, but the truth is on our side: This is the greatest, most welcoming, and most diverse country in the history of the planet Earth.

The USA remains a land of opportunity. But don't ask an Ivy League humanities professor about that. Ask a Nigerian cab driver or a Kenyan scientist. They know the real truth about the United States of America.
Posted by Staff at 12:00 AM
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The Slandering of America
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